Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
szCodePath | PATHCD | char | OPT | NONE |
The path code is a pointer to a set of OneWorld objects, and is used to keep track of sets of objects and their locations within OneWorld. |
szDatabasePath | DATP | char | OPT | NONE |
The name that identifies the data source. |
cPOTEXT | POTEXT | char | OPT | NONE |
On this form, check one or more individual specification files to be built into the package. You should only use this feature if your package
build failed and the package error log indicates that an individual specification file needs to be rebuilt. This will save you time to build any one
or more individual specification files rather than rebuilding the entire package. |
On this form, check one or more individual specification files to build in the package. You should use this feature only if your package build
failed and the package error log indicates that an individual specification file needs to be rebuilt. This will save you time when you want to
build only one or more individual specification files rather than rebuilding the entire package. |
On this form, check one or more individual specification files to build in the package. You should use this feature only if your package build
failed and the package error log indicates that an individual specification file needs to be rebuilt. This will save you time when you want to
build only one or more individual specification files rather than rebuilding the entire package. |
On this form, check one or more individual specification files to build in the package. You should use this feature only if your package build
failed and the package error log indicates that an individual specification file needs to be rebuilt. This will save you time when you want to
build only one or more individual specification files rather than rebuilding the entire package. |
cDDCLMN | DDCLMN | char | OPT | NONE |
On this form, check one or more individual specification files to build in the package. You should use this feature only if your package build
failed and the package error log indicates that an individual specification file needs to be rebuilt. This will save you time when you want to
build only one or more individual specification files rather than rebuilding the entire package. |
On this form, check one or more individual specification files to build in the package. You should use this feature only if your package build
failed and the package error log indicates that an individual specification file needs to be rebuilt. This will save you time when you want to
build only one or more individual specification files rather than rebuilding the entire package. |
On this form, check one or more individual specification files to build in the package. You should use this feature only if your package build
failed and the package error log indicates that an individual specification file needs to be rebuilt. This will save you time when you want to
build only one or more individual specification files rather than rebuilding the entire package. |
cDDTABL | DDTABL | char | OPT | NONE |
On this form, check one or more individual specification files to build in the package. You should use this feature only if your package build
failed and the package error log indicates that an individual specification file needs to be rebuilt. This will save you time when you want to
build only one or more individual specification files rather than rebuilding the entire package. |
cDSTMPL | DSTMPL | char | OPT | NONE |
On this form, check one or more individual specification files to be built into the package. You should use this feature only if your package
build failed and the package error log indicates that an individual specification file needs to be rebuilt. Building one or more individual
specification files rather than rebuilding the entire package will save you time. |
On this form, check one or more individual specification files to build in the package. You should use this feature only if your package build
failed and the package error log indicates that an individual specification file needs to be rebuilt. Building one or more individual
specification files rather than rebuilding the entire package will save you time. |
On this form, check one or more individual specification files to build in the package. You should use this feature only if your package build
failed and the package error log indicates that an individual specification file needs to be rebuilt. Building one or more individual
specification files rather than rebuilding the entire package will save you time. |
On this form, check one or more individual specification files to build in the package. You should use this feature only if your package build
failed and the package error log indicates that an individual specification file needs to be rebuilt. Building one or more individual
specification files rather than rebuilding the entire package will save you time. |
On this form, check one or more individual specification files to build in the package. You should use this feature only if your package build
failed and the package error log indicates that an individual specification file needs to be rebuilt. Building one or more individual
specification files rather than rebuilding the entire package will save you time. |
cJDEBLC | JDEBLC | char | OPT | NONE |
Check one or more individual specification files to build into the package.
You should use this feature only if your package build failed and
the package error log indicates that an individual specification file needs to be rebuilt.
Building only one or more individual specification files,
rather than rebuilding the entire package will save you time. |
Check one or more individual specification files to build in the package. You should use this feature only if your package build failed and
the package error log indicates that an individual specification file needs to be rebuilt.
Building only one or more individual specification files
rather than rebuilding the entire package will save you time. |
Check one or more individual specification files to build into the package.
You should use this feature only if your package build failed and
the package error log indicates that an individual specification file needs to be rebuilt.
Building one or more individual specification files
rather than rebuilding the entire package will save you time. |
Check one or more individual specification files to build into the package.
You should use this feature only if your package build failed and
the package error log indicates that an individual specification file needs to be rebuilt.
Building one or more individual specification files
rather than rebuilding the entire package will save you time. |
szPackageBuildOperation | PKGOPER | char | OPT | NONE |
This field indicates the type of item that is in the the Package Option Name field. |
cCompressHelps | CMPHLP | char | OPT | NONE |
Indicate whether to compress the help files in a package after the package is created. |
cCompressFoundation | CMPFND | char | OPT | NONE |
Indicate whether to compress the foundation files in the package after the package is created. |
cCompressData | CMPDTA | char | OPT | NONE |
Indicate whether to compress the data in a package after the package is created. |
cBIN32 | BIN32 | char | OPT | NONE |
On this form, check one or more individual directories to compress. You may use this if you have previously compressed the package, and
then need to add files to a directory and recompress. This compression option does not update the package INF file. It is simply used to
save time by compressing one or more package directories rather than the entire package. |
Check one or more individual directories to compress. Use this feature if you have previously compressed the package and need to add
files to a directory and recompress. This compression option does not update the package INF file,and is used to save time when you need
to compress only one or more package directories, rather than the entire package. |
cLIB32 | LIB32 | char | OPT | NONE |
Check one or more individual directories to compress. Use this feature if you have previously compressed the package and need to add
files to a directory and recompress. This compression option does not update the package INF file,and is used to save time by
compressing one or more package directories instead of the entire package. |
Check one or more individual directories to compress. Use this feature if you have previously compressed the package and need to add
files to a directory and recompress. This compression option does not update the package INF file,and is used to save time by
compressing one or more package directories instead of the entire package. |
cOBJDIR | OBJDIR | char | OPT | NONE |
Check one or more individual directories to compress. Use this feature if you have previously compressed the package and need to add
files to a directory and recompress. This compression option does not update the package INF file,and is used to save time by
compressing one or more package directories instead of the entire package. |
cSPEC | SPEC | char | OPT | NONE |
Check one or more individual directories to compress. Use this feature if you have previously compressed the package and need to add
files to a directory and recompress. This compression option does not update the package INF file,and is used to save time by
compressing one or more package directories rather than the entire package. |
cWORK | WORK | char | OPT | NONE |
Check one or more individual directories to compress. Use this feature if you have previously compressed the package and need to add
files to a directory and recompress. This compression option does not update the package INF file,and is used to save time by
compressing one or more package directories rather than the entire package. |
cSOURCE | SOURCE | char | OPT | NONE |
On this form, check one or more individual directories to compress. Use this feature if you have previously compressed the package and
need to add files to a directory and recompress. This compression option does not update the package INF file, and is used to save time by
compressing one or more package directories rather than the entire package. |
cRESDIR | RESDIR | char | OPT | NONE |
Check one or more individual directories to compress. Use this feature if you have previously compressed the package and need to add
files to a directory and recompress. This compression option does not update the package INF file,and is used to save time by
compressing one or more package directories instead of the entire package. |
szPackageName | PKGNAME | char | OPT | NONE |
A package describes where on the server to find the components you want to deploy to workstations. There are three package types:
Contains the full suite of system applications (all specifications).
Partial: A minimum configuration of the system. This package type allows
users to load the desired applications at run-time rather than initially installing all applications.
Update: System objects contained in this type of
package are loaded after the workstation receives the package and the user signs on to the system. If the update package includes objects
without the corresponding specifications, old versions of the application are deleted from the workstation and replaced by the current
version the next time the user accesses that application. Update packages are always deployed on the date and time specified by the system
cMobileSpec | EV01 | char | OPT | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event.
cMobileDB | EV01 | char | OPT | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event.