The employee's unique account number at the financial institution. The number is obtained from the MICR line of a voided check or a
deposit slip from the employee's account. You must include dash cue symbols in the field.
However, they are recorded in a translated mode as a
hyphen (-). Account numbers can also be obtained from other sources, such as passbooks or debit cards. When transcribing information, left
justify and enter only numbers (0 through 9), alphabetic (A through Z), and hyphens (-). If less than 17 characters are required, leave the
unused spaces blank. Spaces left within the depositor's account number will be ignored when the paperless entry is prepared. For example,
0123 4 56789 will appear as 0123456789 in the entry record, and 0123-4 56789 will appear as 0123-456789.
If you change this number, the system
automatically prenotes the employee's auto deposit record again.
NOTE: The Financial Organization Account Number (FOA#) is used as
the company's unique bank account number rather than the employee's unique bank account number in the following files:
F06560 - Bank
Reconciliation - Issue Table
F06561 - Bank Reconciliation - Paid Table |