Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
szCountry | CTR | char | OPT | NONE |
A user defined code (00/CN) that identifies a country. The country code has no effect on currency conversion.
The Address Book system
uses the country code for data selection and address formatting. |
szProgramId | PID | char | OPT | NONE |
The number that identifies the batch or interactive program (batch or interactive object). For example, the number of the Sales Order Entry
interactive program is P4210, and the number of the Print Invoices batch process report is R42565.
The program ID is a variable length value.
It is assigned according to a structured syntax in the form TSSXXX, where:
The first character of the number is alphabetic and identifies the
type, such as P for Program, R for Report, and so on. For example, the value P in the number P4210 indicates that the object is a
The second and third characters of the number are numeric and identify the system code. For example, the value 42 in the number P4210
indicates that this program belongs to system 42, which is the Sales Order Processing system.
The remaining characters of the numer are
numeric and identify a unique program or report. For example, the value 10 in the number P4210 indicates that this is the Sales Order Entry
szFormId | FID | char | OPT | NONE |
The Form ID refers to the report (R), form (V), or table number (F). |
szFormAction | FATN | char | OPT | NONE |
Form Action for Localization Exits UDC 00/FA
1 ADD Add
2 CHG Change
3 DEL Delete
4 XIT Hypercontrol Exit |
szVersion | VERS | char | OPT | NONE |
A user-defined set of specifications that control how applications and reports run. You use versions to group and save a set of user-defined
processing option values and data selection and sequencing options. Interactive versions are associated with applications (usually as a
menu selection). Batch versions are associated with batch jobs or reports. To run a batch process, you must choose a version. |
mnAddressNumber | AN8 | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
A number that identifies an entry in the Address Book system, such as employee, applicant, participant, customer, supplier, tenant, or
szAlternateAddressKey | ALKY | char | OPT | NONE |
A user-defined name or number that identifies an address book record. You can use this number to locate and enter information about the
address book record. If you enter a value other than the address book number (AN8), such as the long address or tax ID, you must precede
it with the special character that is defined in the Address Book constants. When the system locates the record, it returns the address book
number to the field.
For example, if address book number 4100 (Total Solutions) has a long address TOTAL and an * distinguishes it from
other entries (as defined in the Address Book constants), you could type *TOTAL into the field, and the system would return 4100.
szTaxId | TAX | char | OPT | NONE |
The identification code required by various tax authorities. This can be a social security number, federal or state corporate tax ID, sales tax
number, and so on. The system verifies the number and prints the separators in their correct format, according to the value of TAXC
(Person/Corporation Code). If no value exists for TAXC, the system uses the Corporate Entity.
Attention Accounts Payable users: The Supplier Master
record supplies the default value for the tax ID for 1099 processing. |
cInputSelection | EV01 | char | OPT | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event.
cError | EV01 | char | OPT | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event.
szNameAlpha | ALPH | char | OPT | NONE |
The text that names or describes an address. This 40-character alphabetic field appears on a number of forms and reports. You can enter
dashes, commas, and other special characters, but the system cannot search on them when you use this field to search for a name. |