Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
szEquipmentDataAlias_R01PEQ | R01PEQ | char | OPT | INPUT |
Each piece of information within the Asset Master table (F1201) is associated with a unique field name. A one to eight character Data Alias
identifies the field name. Enter the Data Alias (in upper case characters) which is associated with the information you want to retrieve from the
table. Select Data Aliases from the group associated with the Smart Field you are using.
(Only use Alpha fields if using an Alpha Smart Field,
Character fields if using a Character Smart Field, etc.) The following Data Aliases are available in this table:
Alpha Fields
CO (Company)
APID (Unit Number)
ASID (Serial Number)
ACL1 (Major Accounting Class)
ACL2 (Major Equipment Class)
ACL4 (Model Year)
ACL5 (Usage Miles or Hours)
MCU (Business Unit)
DL01 (Description 01)
DL02 (Description 02)
DL03 (Description 03)
DSCC (Description - Compressed)
EQST (Equipment Status)
(Asset Cost Account - Business Unit)
AOBJ (Asset Cost Account - Object)
ASUB (Asset Cost Account - Subsidiary)
DMCU (Accum
Depreciation Account - Business Unit)
DOBJ (Accum Depreciation Account - Object)
DSUB (Accum Depreciation Account - Subsidiary)
(Depreciation Expense Account - Business Unit)
XOBJ (Depreciation Expense Account - Object)
XSUB (Depreciation Expense Account -
RMCU (Asset Revenue Account - Business Unit)
ROBJ (Asset Revenue Account - Object)
RSUB (Asset Revenue Account -
RMK (Remark)
RMK2 (Remark - Line 2)
INSP (Policy Number)
INSC (Insurance Company)
USER (User ID)
ADDS (State)
PID (Program ID)
EX (Explanation)
EXR (Explanation - Remark)
ACL6 (Category Code 6)
(Category Code 7)
ACL8 (Category Code 8)
ACL9 (Category Code 9)
ACL0 (Rate Group)
DADC (Disp
Accum Depreciation - Business Unit)
DADO (Disp Accum Depreciation - Object)
DADS (Disp Accum Depreciation - Subsidiary)
(Unit Number)
KITL (2nd Item Number)
AFE (AFE Number)
JBCD (Job Type)
JBST (Job Step)
UN (Union Code)
JOBN (Work Station ID)
FA0 (Category Code 20)
FA1 (Category Code 11)
FA2 (Category Code 12)
FA3 (Category
Code 13)
FA4 (Category Code 14)
FA5 (Category Code 15)
FA6 (Category Code 16)
(Category Code 17)
FA8 (Category Code 18)
FA9 (Category Code 19)
FA21 (Category Code 21)
(Category Code 22)
FA23 (Category Code 23)
Character Fields
NORU (New or Used on Acquisition)
FINC (Financing
ITCO (ITC Owned - (Y/N)
PURO (Purchase Option)
MSGA (Cleared (Y))
SBLI (Subledger Inactive Code)
WOYN (Allow Work
WRFL (Warranty Flag)
Date Fields
DAJ (Date Acquired)
DSP (Date Disposed or Retired)
JCD (Contract Date)
DEXJ (Date Expired)
LCT (Date Last Changed)
EFTB (Start Effective Date)
DER (Expected Return Date)
UPMJ (Date Updated)
WARJ (Warranty Expiration
Numeric Fields
NUMB (Asset Number)
AAID (Parent Number)
SEQ (Sequence Number)
ASEV (Estimated Salvage Value)
ARPC (Replacement Cost)
ALRC (Last Year's Replacement Cost)
ARCQ (Current Item Quantity)
AROQ (Original Item Quantity)
AITP (Investment Tax Credit P |
cEquipNumbControl_R17P | R17P | char | OPT | INPUT |
A code that specifies which equipment information is retrieved. You can associate two different equipment numbers with a transaction.
"Equipment worked" refers to a piece of equipment used as a tool or vehicle to perform the work. "Equipment worked on" refers to a piece of
equipment that is being maintained or otherwise the subject of the work. Valid values are:
Blank Retrieve information from the Asset Master
table for the equipment worked.
1 Retrieve information from the Asset Master table for the equipment worked on. |
szEquipmentWorkedPayroll_EQCG | EQCG | char | OPT | INPUT |
The ID number of the equipment an employee used to perform a job. For example, an employee might drive a company dump truck or
operate a printing press. Use this field to distribute the cost of using the equipment to the proper account in the general ledger. |
szEquipmentWorkedOn_EQWO | EQWO | char | OPT | INPUT |
The ID number for the equipment that an employee maintained or repaired, but did not use. For example, an employee might change the
oil in the company dump truck. Use this field to direct labor expenses to this piece of equipment. |
mnNumericField_MATH01 | MATH01 | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | OUTPUT |
- - - Good Performance Low Value.
cCharacterField_A101 | A101 | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
A code that identifies whether a document originates in the Engineering Project Management system.
jdDateField_DTE | DTE | JDEDATE | OPT | OUTPUT |
You can enter a date with or without slashes (/) or dashes (-) as separators.
If you leave a date entry field blank, the system supplies the
current date. |
szAlphaField_DS01 | DS01 | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
A free-form, 80-character text field. |
szErrorCode_ERNO | ERNO | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
The error number assigned by the JDE edit/update programs designating the exact error that occured. |
mnAccumRegisterNumb_R25P | R25P | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | INPUT |
A value used to identify a register for storing retrieval code information.
You can set up to 99 user defined registers. You can define
additional retrieval references to print, or calculate and print, the contents of the register. For example, you could use this field to calculate grand
Valid values are:
1-99 |
cFooterSection_FTSC | FTSC | char | OPT | INPUT |
A hidden flag, embedded in the Invoice Print with Smart Fields program (R48507), that indicates whether a section is a footer or non-footer
section. These values are passed into the smart fields when you design a version of the Invoice Print with Smart Fields program to determine
whether the logic should use the Business View field or Previous Business View field. Valid values are:
Non-footer section.
szPrevEquipWorkedPayroll_EQCG | EQCG | char | OPT | INPUT |
The ID number of the equipment an employee used to perform a job. For example, an employee might drive a company dump truck or
operate a printing press. Use this field to distribute the cost of using the equipment to the proper account in the general ledger. |
szPrevEquipmentWorkedOn_EQWO | EQWO | char | OPT | INPUT |
The ID number for the equipment that an employee maintained or repaired, but did not use. For example, an employee might change the
oil in the company dump truck. Use this field to direct labor expenses to this piece of equipment. |