Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
szFileName | DL01 | char | REQ | INPUT |
A user defined name or remark. |
cGenerationTypeService | GTYP | char | REQ | INPUT |
A code that determines the batch types and markup rules for invoice, revenue, and component amounts. The system assigns the batch
type when the batch is created. Depending on how you define the billing constants, different markup rules can apply to different amounts. Valid
values are:
Apply the markup rule to invoice, revenue, and component amounts. If the billing constants specify that invoice and revenue
amounts are always the same, the markup rule applies to revenue, invoice, and component amounts. If the billing constants specify that the
invoice and revenue amounts can be different, the markup rule still applies to revenue, invoice, and component amounts if no type 2 rule
Apply the markup rule to revenue and component amounts. If the billing constants specify that the invoice and revenue amounts can be
different, the markup rule applies to revenue and component amounts only.
Apply the markup rule to component amounts only. This rule is not
dependent on billing constants settings. |
cTypeOfKey | TYKY | char | REQ | INPUT |
A code that the system uses in combination with the table key to locate and validate the source and workfile transactions against the
various tables and user defined codes in the Service Billing and Contract Billing systems.
Valid key type codes and their related tables or user
defined codes are:
Work order number - Work Order Master File (F4801)
JDE Consulting Service Type - User Defined Code (00/W7)
number - Contract Master (F5201)
Parent contract number - Contract Master (F5201)
Customer - Address Book Master (F0101)
Job or
business unit - Business Unit Master (F0006)
Job class - User Defined Code (00/11)
Company - Company Constants (F0010)
When you
choose a key type, observe the following guidelines:
o You cannot use the key types for contract number (3) or parent contract number (4)
with the Tax Derivation and G/L Offset & Retainage tables.
o You cannot use the key type for company (8) with the G/L Offset and Retainage
o You can use the default key type (9) with the Billing AAI Information table (F48S95) and the Billing Rate / Mark up Table (F48096)
szTableKey | TKEY | char | REQ | INPUT |
A value that the system uses in combination with the key type to locate and validate workfile transactions against the various tables in the
Service Billing and Contract Billing systems. The value that you enter in the Key Type field determines the valid values for the Table Key field.
For example, if you specify the key type for work order number (1), you must enter a valid work order number from the Work Order Master File
table (F4801) in the Table Key field. The key type that you specify also controls the search window that you access from the Table Key field
when you use the search button. For example, when you select Key Type 1, you can use the search button for the Table Key field to access
the Work Order Search window. With Key Type 2, you access the User Defined Codes window for work order class.
szCurrencyCodeFrom | CRCD | char | REQ | INPUT |
A code that identifies the currency of a transaction.
szDocumentType | DCT | char | REQ | INPUT |
A user defined code (00/DT) that identifies the origin and purpose of the transaction. PeopleSoft reserves several prefixes for document
types, such as, vouchers, invoices, receipts, and timesheets. The reserved document type prefixes for codes are:
Accounts payable
Accounts receivable documents
Time and Pay documents
Inventory documents
Purchase order documents
Sales order
jdDateBeginningEffective | EFTB | JDEDATE | REQ | INPUT |
The date that an address, item, transaction, or table record becomes active. The meaning of this field differs, depending on the program.
For example, the effective date could represent the following:
o When a change of address becomes effective.
o When a lease becomes
o When a price becomes effective.
o When the currency exchange rate becomes effective.
o When a tax rate becomes effective.
jdDateEndingEffective | EFTE | JDEDATE | REQ | INPUT |
The date on which the item, transaction, or table becomes inactive, or through which you want transactions to appear. This field is used
generically throughout the system. It could be a lease effective date, a price or cost effective date, a currency effective date, a tax rate effective
date, or whatever is appropriate.
szJobType | JBCD | char | OPT | INPUT |
A user defined code (07/G) that defines the jobs within your organization. You can associate pay and benefit information with a job type and
apply that information to the employees who are linked to that job type. |
szJobStep | JBST | char | OPT | INPUT |
A user defined code (07/GS) that designates a specific level within a particular job type. The system uses this code in conjunction with job
type to determine pay rates by job in the Pay Rates table. |
A code that defines the type of pay, deduction, benefit, or accrual.
Pay types are numbered from 1 to 999. Deductions and benefits are
numbered from 1000 to 9999. |
mnEmployeeNumber | AN8 | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | INPUT |
A number that identifies an entry in the Address Book system, such as employee, applicant, participant, customer, supplier, tenant, or
szHomeBU | HMCU | char | OPT | INPUT |
The number of the business unit in which the employee generally resides. |
szCostPool | RP12 | char | OPT | INPUT |
Category code 12 associated with the Business Unit Master file (F0006). This is a user defined code (00/12) for use in flex account mapping
and in printing selected information on reports.
szRateGroup | ACL0 | char | OPT | INPUT |
A user defined code (12/CO) that groups similar items for billing. If you are an Equipment Management client and you use Equipment
Billing, you must use this category code for rate group purposes only.
mnEquipmentNumber | NUMB | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | INPUT |
An 8-digit number that uniquely identifies an asset.
szEquipmentRateCode | ERC | char | OPT | INPUT |
A user defined code (00/RC) that indicates a billing rate, such as DY for daily, MO for monthly, and WK for weekly. You can set up multiple
billing rates for a piece of equipment.
If you leave this field blank, the system searches for a valid billing rate in the following sequence:
Account Ledger Master (F0901)
This table contains the most detailed rate information. You can assign multiple rates for a job. For example, you
can set up separate rates for different equipment working conditions.
2. Job or Business Unit Master (F0006)
This table contains less detailed
rate information than the Account Ledger Master. You can only set up a single rate for a job based on this table.
3. Rental Rules (F1302)
table contains the least detailed rate code information. The system searches this table according to the criteria you establish when setting up
the table. |
szObjectAccount | OBJ | char | OPT | INPUT |
The portion of a general ledger account that refers to the division of the Cost Code (for example, labor, materials, and equipment) into
subcategories. For example, you can divide the Cost Code for labor into regular time, premium time, and burden.
Note: If you use a flexible chart of
accounts and the object account is set to 6 digits, J.D. Edwards recommends that you use all 6 digits. For example, entering 000456 is not
the same as entering 456 because if you enter 456 the system enters three blank spaces to fill a 6-digit object. |
szSubsidiary | SUB | char | OPT | INPUT |
A subset of an object account. Subsidiary accounts include detailed records of the accounting activity for an object account.
cCapFlag | CAP | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
This flag indicates whether the associated amount is the override rate or the cap of the rate.
Values are:
blank Override Rate.
1 Cap of
the Rate. If the cost rate is less than the cap rate, the cost rate will be used; if the cost rate is greater than the cap rate, the Cap Rate will be
used. |
mnDistributionRate | BRT | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | OUTPUT |
A rate that the system uses to mark up the revenue amount reflected in the billing of professional services such as draftsmen, engineers, or
consultants. This rate does not affect the employee's paycheck. You can use the markup rate as an override rate or as a maximum rate.
calculation of the rate override for the total revenue markup is as follows:
(Rate Override * Unit) * (1 + Markup Percent) + Markup
When you specify a maximum or cap rate, the system compares the rate override with the rate from the cost transaction. The system then uses
the lower rate as the override rate.
You set up the override or maximum unit rate using the Billing Rate / Markup Table program (P48096).
the Service Billing and Contract Billing systems, you can mark up the revenue amount at a different rate from the invoice amount. The
Independent Revenue/Invoice Amounts option in the Billing System Constants table (F48091) controls this function. Use generation type 1 to
specify a table for invoice, revenue, and component markup rates and use generation type 2 to specify a table for revenue and component
markup rates.
Use generation type 1 to specify the invoice, revenue, and component markup rates only when the Independent Revenue/Invoice
Amounts are set to not equal in the Billing Constants.
mnPercentage | PERT | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | OUTPUT |
The percentage that you use to mark up the revenue amount reflected in the billing of professional services workers, such as draftsmen,
engineers, or consultants fees. This percentage rate does not affect the employee's paycheck. This percentage rate is set up in the Billing
Rate/Markup Table program (P48096) using generation type 1 to specify a table for revenue/invoice markup percentage rates.
percentages as whole numbers. For example, 50.275% would be entered as 50.275.
szComponentCostRate | CCR | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
A code that identifies a component cost rate table to use for this entry in the Billing Rate / Mark up Table (F48096). The component table
identifies the components and their calculation rules. These component amounts are applied as overhead to the original cost. You set up
component tables on the Component Table Revisions form.
szComponentRevenueRate | CRVR | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
A code that identifies a component invoice or revenue table to use for this entry in the Billing Rate / Mark up Table (F48096). The
component table identifies the components and their calculation rules. These component amounts are recognized as invoice or revenue in addition to
any invoice or revenue markups.
The generation type of the Billing Rate / Mark up Table, in conjunction with the Independent
Revenue/Invoice Amounts option in the Billing Constants program (P48091), determines whether this is a component table for invoice amounts,or revenue
amounts, or both. You set up component tables on the Component Table Revisions form.
cRecordFoundFlag | FLAG | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
Contains an indicator for the operation. |
mnAmountField | AA | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | OUTPUT |
A number that identifies the amount that the system will add to the account balance of the associated account number. Enter credits with a
minus sign (-) either before or after the amount.
szNameRemarkExplanation | EXR | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
A name or remark that describes the purpose for using an account or conveys any other information that the user wants about the
transaction. |