Edit Date Range
Minor Business Rule
Object Name: N48S0030
Location: Client/Server
Language: NER
This NER will edit the Date Range for overlapping date and invalid date range.
The function will edit for overlap against the following files requiring the following input:
FILEORIGINKey Fields to Pass
F48096P48096szTableKey, cTypeOfKey, cGenerationTypeService,
F48127P48127szTableKey, cTypeOfKey
F4860P4860szComponentTable, szurrencyCodeFrom
F48S95P48S95mnAaiTableNumber, cTypeOfKey, szTableKey
Required Parameters For All Files
szOriginAccepted values are "P48096", "P48127", "P4860", and "P48S95".
Returned Values for szErrorMsg
"Invalid"-- The Date From is after the Date To. Takes precedence over overlapping
"Both"-- Both fields are inside or on each side of an existing range.
"Begin"-- The Begin Date lies within an existing range.
"End"-- The End Date lies within an existing range.
Data Structure
D48S0030 - EditDateRange
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
szOrigin | DL01 | char | REQ | INPUT |
A user defined name or remark. |
jdDateBeginningEffective | EFTB | JDEDATE | REQ | INPUT |
The date that an address, item, transaction, or table record becomes active. The meaning of this field differs, depending on the program.
For example, the effective date could represent the following:
o When a change of address becomes effective.
o When a lease becomes
o When a price becomes effective.
o When the currency exchange rate becomes effective.
o When a tax rate becomes effective.
jdDateEndingEffective | EFTE | JDEDATE | REQ | INPUT |
The date on which the item, transaction, or table becomes inactive, or through which you want transactions to appear. This field is used
generically throughout the system. It could be a lease effective date, a price or cost effective date, a currency effective date, a tax rate effective
date, or whatever is appropriate.
cTypeOfKey | TYKY | char | OPT | INPUT |
A code that the system uses in combination with the table key to locate and validate the source and workfile transactions against the
various tables and user defined codes in the Service Billing and Contract Billing systems.
Valid key type codes and their related tables or user
defined codes are:
Work order number - Work Order Master File (F4801)
JDE Consulting Service Type - User Defined Code (00/W7)
number - Contract Master (F5201)
Parent contract number - Contract Master (F5201)
Customer - Address Book Master (F0101)
Job or
business unit - Business Unit Master (F0006)
Job class - User Defined Code (00/11)
Company - Company Constants (F0010)
When you
choose a key type, observe the following guidelines:
o You cannot use the key types for contract number (3) or parent contract number (4)
with the Tax Derivation and G/L Offset & Retainage tables.
o You cannot use the key type for company (8) with the G/L Offset and Retainage
o You can use the default key type (9) with the Billing AAI Information table (F48S95) and the Billing Rate / Mark up Table (F48096)
szTableKey | TKEY | char | OPT | INPUT |
A value that the system uses in combination with the key type to locate and validate workfile transactions against the various tables in the
Service Billing and Contract Billing systems. The value that you enter in the Key Type field determines the valid values for the Table Key field.
For example, if you specify the key type for work order number (1), you must enter a valid work order number from the Work Order Master File
table (F4801) in the Table Key field. The key type that you specify also controls the search window that you access from the Table Key field
when you use the search button. For example, when you select Key Type 1, you can use the search button for the Table Key field to access
the Work Order Search window. With Key Type 2, you access the User Defined Codes window for work order class.
cGenerationTypeService | GTYP | char | OPT | INPUT |
A code that determines the batch types and markup rules for invoice, revenue, and component amounts. The system assigns the batch
type when the batch is created. Depending on how you define the billing constants, different markup rules can apply to different amounts. Valid
values are:
Apply the markup rule to invoice, revenue, and component amounts. If the billing constants specify that invoice and revenue
amounts are always the same, the markup rule applies to revenue, invoice, and component amounts. If the billing constants specify that the
invoice and revenue amounts can be different, the markup rule still applies to revenue, invoice, and component amounts if no type 2 rule
Apply the markup rule to revenue and component amounts. If the billing constants specify that the invoice and revenue amounts can be
different, the markup rule applies to revenue and component amounts only.
Apply the markup rule to component amounts only. This rule is not
dependent on billing constants settings. |
szCurrencyCodeFrom | CRCD | char | OPT | INPUT |
A code that identifies the currency of a transaction.
szComponentTable | CTBL | char | OPT | INPUT |
Component tables allow you to set up provisional burdens which are attached at the billing detail transaction level. You can base the
component calculations on the cost, invoice (including taxes), and/or revenue amounts of the base billing detail transaction.
For example,
components based on the cost amount would allow you to apply additional overhead to costs incurred by the organization. Components based on
the invoice amount would allow you to apply charges in addition to the markup amount for billing.
You control the amount basis for this
calculation in the fold area of the Cost Plus Markup table. When you enter the name of the component table in the Cost Table field, the system bases
all calculations on the cost amount. Similarly,when you enter the name of the component table in the Inv/Rev Tbl field, the system bases all
calculations on the invoice and/or revenue amounts, depending on the generation type of the Cost Plus Markup table and the Journal
Generation Control flag setting in the system constants. |
szErrorMsg | DL01 | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
A user defined name or remark. |
mnAaiTableNumber | ANUM | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | INPUT |
A number used to specify sequence and retrieve accounting information.