D41B0050B - F41500 Get Current Tank
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
szCostCenter | MCU | char | NONE | NONE |
An alphanumeric code that identifies a separate entity within a business for which you want to track costs. For example, a business unit
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mnCurrentItemShort | ITM | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
An inventory item number. The system provides three separate item numbers plus an extensive cross-reference capability to other item
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szCurrentItemUnknown | UITM | char | NONE | NONE |
A number that the system assigns to an item. It can be in short, long, or third item number format. | ||||
cCurrentTank | CUTK | char | NONE | NONE |
Identifies whether this tank is the current tank used for product sales. Only one tank per product can be the current tank.
Valid values for
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szTankID | TKID | char | NONE | NONE |
An 8-character field identifying the tank as defined on the Branch/Plant Constants form. | ||||
szDescription001 | DL01 | char | NONE | NONE |
A user defined name or remark. | ||||
mnLoSlipTubeConstant | LOSC | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
The amount to add to the LPG volume when the slip tube reading indicates it is low. This field is for future use. | ||||
mnHiSlipTubeConstant | HISC | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
Indicates the amount that will be added to the LPG volume when a high slip tube reading is taken. This field is for future use. | ||||
mnItemNumberLast | ITML | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
The item number of the product that previously occupied this area or location. | ||||
szItemNumberLastUnknown | UITM | char | NONE | NONE |
A number that the system assigns to an item. It can be in short, long, or third item number format. | ||||
szProcessControlSystemID | PCSD | char | NONE | NONE |
Identifies the process control system. You can identify one or more process control systems associated by depot, tank, or mode of
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cReconcileTOB | RTOB | char | NONE | NONE |
This code indicates whether the Item or Tank should be included in the reconciliation process as follows:
T Include this item in the
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szTankLocation | TKLO | char | NONE | NONE |
A user defined code (system 39/type TL) that indicates the tank's location, for example, Tank Farm 1, Tank Farm 2, and so forth. | ||||
szTankUsage | TUSE | char | NONE | NONE |
A user defined code (system 39/type TU) that identifies how the tank is used.
A blending tank should be identified with a code that begins
| ||||
szTankType | TKTY | char | NONE | NONE |
A user defined code (system 39/type TY) that indicates the physical shape of the tank and whether the tank is on scale. | ||||
mnTankCapacity | TKCP | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
The total volumetric storage capacity of a tank. Tank Capacity consists of two fields. The first is the total storage capacity of the tank. The
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szTankCapacityUOM | BUM1 | char | NONE | NONE |
A user defined code (system 00, type UM) that identifies the unit of measurement for pressure, volume, weight, diameter, or height.
Note that
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cHeatedTank | HTTK | char | NONE | NONE |
Identifies whether the tank is heated and if an expansion correction is needed.
Valid values for World are as follows:
Y Tank is heated.
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cPressurized | PREZ | char | NONE | NONE |
Indicates if the tank is pressurized or open to the atmosphere. If a tank is pressurized, the density of the product within will be density in
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jdDateTankinstalled | IDTE | JDEDATE | NONE | NONE |
The date the tank was installed. This field is for reference purposes only. | ||||
jdDateCleaned | DTCL | JDEDATE | NONE | NONE |
The date when the tank was last cleaned. This field is for reference purposes only. | ||||
szStrappingUnits | STRP | char | NONE | NONE |
A user defined code that identifies strapping table increments (for example,centimeters, millimeters, half inches, or quarter inches). If the
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cDipType | DIPT | char | NONE | NONE |
A user defined code (system 39/type DP) that identifies the method of measurement that the system uses to calculate the volume from tank
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cGaugingMethod | GAMT | char | NONE | NONE |
A user defined code that identifies the measuring method that the system uses to determine the quantity of liquid in the tank. Valid values
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cFloatingRoof | FLTR | char | NONE | NONE |
For PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne: In Dip Volume Calculator, a value in the detail column Floating Roof (FR) that specifies whether a floating
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mnTemperatureExpirationPer | TEXP | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
The number of hours the tank temperature remains valid. This number is used to calculate the next expiration date/time on the Default Tank
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cTankStatus | TSTU | char | NONE | NONE |
A value or option that indicates whether the tank is active or inactive. A tank must have a status of active to assign product to it. A tank that
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cStockCommingled | SCOM | char | NONE | NONE |
A stock value that identifies the type of commingled stock. If any tank for a product contains commingled stock, you must set up all tanks for
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mnDiameter | TDIA | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
The diameter of the tank equivalent to the length of a straight line through the center of the tank. The information in this field is for reference
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szDiameterUOM | BUM2 | char | NONE | NONE |
A user defined code (system 00, type UM) that identifies the unit of measurement for pressure, volume, weight, diameter, or height.
Note that
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mnTankHeight | THGT | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
Identifies the distance from the bottom to the top of a tank and the unit of measure. These fields are display only fields. | ||||
szTankHeightUOM | BUM3 | char | NONE | NONE |
A user defined code (system 00, type UM) that identifies the unit of measurement for pressure, volume, weight, diameter, or height.
Note that
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mnStrappingTemperature | STEM | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
The ambient temperature when the tank strapping was taken. This field is for information purposes only. | ||||
cStrappingTemperatureUnit | STPU | char | NONE | NONE |
A code used to identify the type of temperature. Valid values are: F Fahrenheit C Celsius | ||||
mnReferenceHeight | REFH | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
Identifies the maximum dip height of the product within the tank, or the point from which ullages are to be converted to height of liquid. The
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szReferenceHeightUOM | BUM4 | char | NONE | NONE |
A user defined code (system 00, type UM) that identifies the unit of measurement for pressure, volume, weight, diameter, or height.
Note that
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mnRoofWeight | RWGH | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
Identifies the unit of measure for the roof weight. If you use a unit of measure that is not equal to kilograms, you must set up a conversion
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szRoofWeightUOM | BUM5 | char | NONE | NONE |
A user defined code (system 00, type UM) that identifies the unit of measurement for pressure, volume, weight, diameter, or height.
Note that
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mnFloatingHeight | FLHT | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
The minimum roof displacement height. Used to calculate the roof displacement correction. An entry is required if Floating Roof field
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szFloatingHeightUOM | BUM6 | char | NONE | NONE |
A user defined code (system 00, type UM) that identifies the unit of measurement for pressure, volume, weight, diameter, or height.
Note that
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mnUnpumpableVolume | UNPV | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
This field displays the volume in the tank that is below the level of the discharge pipeline and, therefore, cannot be removed by the normal
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szUnpumpableVolumeUOM | BUM7 | char | NONE | NONE |
A user defined code (system 00, type UM) that identifies the unit of measurement for pressure, volume, weight, diameter, or height.
Note that
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mnPipelineVol | PIPV | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
Identifies the volume of product held in the pipeline that is connected to the subject tank. The tank's content capacity includes the volume
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szPipelineVolUOM | BUM8 | char | NONE | NONE |
A user defined code (system 00, type UM) that identifies the unit of measurement for pressure, volume, weight, diameter, or height.
Note that
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mnDischargeVolume | DISV | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
Identifies the volume of the product in a tank's discharge pipeline. The system adds this value to obtain the total ambient volume. | ||||
szDischargeVolumeUOM | BUM9 | char | NONE | NONE |
A user defined code (system 00, type UM) that identifies the unit of measurement for pressure, volume, weight, diameter, or height.
Note that
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mnDischargeHours | DIHR | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
The rate per hour at which product can be discharged from the tank. This rate is used in the blending/filling process to calculate lead time. | ||||
szDischargeHourUnitofMeasu | DHRU | char | NONE | NONE |
The unit of measure for the discharge rate per hour. | ||||
mnFillRateperHour | FIRH | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
The maximum rate at which the tank can be filled. | ||||
szFillRateHourUnitofMeasuR | FRHU | char | NONE | NONE |
Unit of Measure for fill rate per hour. | ||||
mnLowStockWarning | LSWN | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
Identifies the volume of product below which a low stock warning is issued. A low stock warning indicates that the volume is close to the
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szLowStockWarningUOM | BUM0 | char | NONE | NONE |
A user defined code (system 00, type UM) that identifies the unit of measurement for pressure, volume, weight, diameter, or height. | ||||
cErrorCode | ERRC | char | NONE | NONE |
This error code indicates if any errors occurred during the creation of the Trip Document Detail (F4914) records by the Delivery Document
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cProcessingMode | EV01 | char | NONE | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. | ||||
CSuppressErrorMessages | EV01 | char | NONE | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. | ||||
szErrorMessageID | DTAI | char | NONE | NONE |
A code that identifies and defines a unit of information. It is an alphanumeric code up to 8 characters long that does not allow blanks or
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mnOwner | AN8 | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
A number that identifies an entry in the Address Book system, such as employee, applicant, participant, customer, supplier, tenant, or
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szLocation | LOCN | char | NONE | NONE |
The storage location from which goods will be moved. |
None |
None |