Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
mnItemNumberShort | ITM | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
An inventory item number. The system provides three separate item numbers plus an extensive cross-reference capability to other item
numbers (see data item XRT) to accommodate substitute item numbers, replacements, bar codes, customer numbers, supplier numbers, and
so forth. The item numbers are as follows:
o Item Number (short) - An eight-digit, computer-assigned item number
o 2nd Item Number - The
25-digit, free-form, user defined alphanumeric item number
o 3rd Item Number - Another 25-digit, free-form, user defined alphanumeric item
number |
sz2ndItemNumber | LITM | char | NONE | NONE |
A number that identifies the item. The system provides three separate item numbers plus an extensive cross-reference capability to
alternative item numbers. The three types of item numbers are:
Item Number (short)
An 8-digit, computer-assigned item number.
2nd Item Number
25-digit, user defined, alphanumeric item number.
3rd Item Number
Another 25-digit, user defined, alphanumeric item number.
In addition to
these three basic item numbers, the system provides an extensive cross-reference search capability. You can define numerous
cross-references to alternative part numbers. For example, you can define substitute item numbers, replacements, bar codes, customer numbers, or
supplier numbers.
sz3rdItemNumber | AITM | char | NONE | NONE |
The system provides three separate item numbers plus an extensive cross-reference capability to alternate item numbers. These item
numbers are as follows:
1. Item Number (short) - An 8-digit, computer-assigned item number.
2. 2nd Item Number - The 25-digit, free-form, user
defined alphanumeric item number.
3. 3rd Item Number - Another 25-digit, free-form, user defined alphanumeric item number.
In addition to
these three basic item numbers, an extensive cross-reference search capability has been provided (see XRT). Numerous cross references to
alternate part numbers can be user defined, such as substitute item numbers, replacements, bar codes, customer numbers, or supplier
numbers. |
szBranchPlant | MMCU | char | NONE | NONE |
A code that represents a high-level business unit. Use this code to refer to a branch or plant that might have departments or jobs, which
represent lower-level business units, subordinate to it. For example:
o Branch/Plant (MMCU)
o Dept A (MCU)
o Dept B (MCU)
o Job 123
Business unit security is based on the higher-level business unit. |
szLocation | LOCN | char | NONE | NONE |
The storage location from which goods will be moved. |
szLotNumber | LOTN | char | NONE | NONE |
A number that identifies a lot or a serial number. A lot is a group of items with similar characteristics. |
szCostType | COST | char | NONE | NONE |
A code that designates each element of cost for an item. Examples of the cost object types are:
o A1 Purchased raw material
o B1
Direct labor routing rollup
o B2 Setup labor routing rollup
o C1 Variable burden routing rollup
o C2 Fixed burden routing rollup
o Dx Outside
operation routing rollup
o Xx Extra add-ons, such as electricity and water
The optional add-on computations usually operate with the type
Xx extra add-ons. This cost structure allows you to use an unlimited number of cost components to calculate alternative cost rollups. The
system then associates these cost components with one of six user defined summary cost buckets.
szCostMethod | LEDG | char | NONE | NONE |
A user defined code (40/CM) that specifies the basis for calculating item costs. Cost methods 01 through 19 are reserved for J.D. Edwards
cPlatformflag | PLFG | char | NONE | NONE |
This flag identifies data items that are applicable to one of the development platforms only. Valid values are:
1 - The system only
2 -
AS/400 only
blank - data item is valid for both platforms
mnTimeofday | TDAY | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
The computer clock in hours:minutes:seconds. |
jdDateupdated | UPMJ | JDEDATE | NONE | NONE |
The date that specifies the last update to the file record. |
szUserID | USER | char | NONE | NONE |
The code that identifies a user profile.
szProgramID | PID | char | NONE | NONE |
The number that identifies the batch or interactive program (batch or interactive object). For example, the number of the Sales Order Entry
interactive program is P4210, and the number of the Print Invoices batch process report is R42565.
The program ID is a variable length value.
It is assigned according to a structured syntax in the form TSSXXX, where:
The first character of the number is alphabetic and identifies the
type, such as P for Program, R for Report, and so on. For example, the value P in the number P4210 indicates that the object is a
The second and third characters of the number are numeric and identify the system code. For example, the value 42 in the number P4210
indicates that this program belongs to system 42, which is the Sales Order Processing system.
The remaining characters of the numer are
numeric and identify a unique program or report. For example, the value 10 in the number P4210 indicates that this is the Sales Order Entry
szJobNumber | JOBN | char | NONE | NONE |
The code that identifies the work station ID that executed a particular job.
cSuppressErrorMessage | SUPPS | char | NONE | NONE |
A flag indicating whether or not runtime error messaging will occur when an error message is issued from a business function.
0 = allow
runtime error message handling.
1 = suppress runtime error message handling. |
szErrorMessageID | DTAI | char | NONE | NONE |
A code that identifies and defines a unit of information. It is an alphanumeric code up to 8 characters long that does not allow blanks or
special characters such as %, &, or +. You create new data items using system codes 55-59. You cannot change the alias.