Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
szBranchPlant_MCU | MCU | char | REQ | INPUT |
An alphanumeric code that identifies a separate entity within a business for which you want to track costs. For example, a business unit
might be a warehouse location, job, project, work center, branch, or plant.
You can assign a business unit to a document, entity, or person for
purposes of responsibility reporting. For example, the system provides reports of open accounts payable and accounts receivable by
business unit to track equipment by responsible department.
Business unit security might prevent you from viewing information about business units
for which you have no authority.
mnInventoryNumber_ITM | ITM | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | INPUT |
An inventory item number. The system provides three separate item numbers plus an extensive cross-reference capability to other item
numbers (see data item XRT) to accommodate substitute item numbers, replacements, bar codes, customer numbers, supplier numbers, and
so forth. The item numbers are as follows:
o Item Number (short) - An eight-digit, computer-assigned item number
o 2nd Item Number - The
25-digit, free-form, user defined alphanumeric item number
o 3rd Item Number - Another 25-digit, free-form, user defined alphanumeric item
number |
szLotSerialNumber_LOTN | LOTN | char | REQ | INPUT |
A number that identifies a lot or a serial number. A lot is a group of items with similar characteristics. |
szPONumber_OORN | OORN | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
The original document number. This can be a voucher, an invoice, unapplied cash, a journal entry number, and so on Matching document
numbers are also used to identify related documents in the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable systems. The document number
(DOC) is always the original document number. The matching document number (DOCM) is the check, adjustment, or credit to be applied
against the original document. |
szPOType_OCTO | OCTO | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
This code defines the order type. It is verified in user defined codes (40/OT). Reserved document types have been defined for voucher
entry, invoice entry, receipts entry, and time sheet entry. Because the offsetting entries for document types are created automatically during the
post program, they will not be self-balancing on original entry. The reserved document types are:
PR Purchase Requisition Orders
Purchase Quote
PO Purchase Order
PD Purchase Order - Direct Ship
PB Purchase Order - Blanket
SQ Sales Quote
SO Sales Order
SD Sales Order - Direct Ship
SB Sales Order - Blanket |
szPOCompany_OKCO | OKCO | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
A number that is used in conjunction with the values in the ODOC and ODCT fields to identify a transaction. |
szPOSuffix_SFXO | SFXO | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
In the A/R and A/P systems, a code that corresponds to the pay item. In the Sales Order and Procurement systems, this code identifies
multiple transactions for an original order.
For purchase orders, the code is always 000.
For sales orders with multiple partial receipts against an
order, the first receiver used to record receipt has a suffix of 000, the next has a suffix of 001, the next 002, and so on. |
A number identifying which line on the original order that the current line matches. |
The address book number of the preferred provider of this item. |
cSuccessful_ERRC | ERRC | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
This error code indicates if any errors occurred during the creation of the Trip Document Detail (F4914) records by the Delivery Document
Set Server program (XT4914). |