This NER is used to take a Knowledge Base Code and its Knowledge Type as input and return the Knowledge Base Code ID and language
appropriate Code Description as output.
1.2Setup Notes and Prerequisites.
Data Item Data Structure DescriptionI/ORequiredNotes
KNLTKnowledge TypeIY
KBCOKnowledge Base CodeIY
UK01Knowledge Base Code IDON
DS40Code DescriptionON
URDAT01Start DateON
1.3Special Logic
The logic for retrieving the Knowledge Base Code ID depends on the value of the Knowledge Type. For Knowledge Types 1, 2 and 3 (Symptoms,
Analysis and Resolution), the first retrieval uses the value for Knowledge Type. If a record is found, return that value of Knowledge Base Code ID. If a
record is not found, then blank the Knowledge Type and perform another retrieval. If a record is found, then return value of the Knowledge Base Code
ID. If a record is not found, return a value of zero for Knowledge Base Code ID.
If the Knowledge Type is blank, then perform retrievals in the following sequence:
1.Knowledge Type = blank
2.Knowledge Type = 1
3.Knowledge Type = 2
4.Knowledge Type = 3
For all the retievals, use the Primary, Unique Index, and set Language = blank.
D1700640 - Get Failure Analysis Code ID
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
cKnowledgeType | KNLT | char | REQ | INPUT |
A code that associates a type of action with the Failure Analysis record. Valid values are: Failure Analysis Resolution All | ||||
szKnowledgeBaseCode | KBCO | char | REQ | INPUT |
A code that identifies the failure analysis, from the Failure Analysis Codes table (F48161). | ||||
This field is a unique number used to identify a record in a file. | ||||
szDescript40Characters | DS40 | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
A 40-character description. | ||||
jdStartDate | URDAT01 | JDEDATE | OPT | OUTPUT |
User Defined Date used in Issue Management System. | ||||
jdEndDate | URDAT02 | JDEDATE | OPT | OUTPUT |
User Defined Date used in Issue Management System. |
None |
None |