1 Functional Description
2.1 Purpose
Depending on the mode this function will:
Mode 1: Read the Driver Balance Cache and Update the F1632.
Mode 2: Read the Driver Balance Cache and Update the F16UI002 for the report.
Mode 3: Read the Driver Balance Cache and Update the F1632, and F16UI002.
Mode 4: Delete the F16UI002 Work File
2.2 Setup Notes and Prerequisites
2.3 Special Logic
2 Technical Specifications
1) Process driver cache until the end of cache if the mode is not 4.
2) If not the end of cache and the mode is 1 or 3, fetch Driver Balance record and update it.
3) If F1632 record is not found, add it.
4) If not the end of cache and the mode is 2 or 3, add record to work file.
5) If mode is 4, delete all records for job in work file F16UI002.
D1600070 - F1632 Update Driver Balances
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
The job number (work station ID) which executed the particular job. | ||||
cAction | EV01 | char | NONE | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. | ||||
cSuppressErrMsg | EV01 | char | NONE | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. | ||||
szErrorMessageID | DTAI | char | NONE | NONE |
A code that identifies and defines a unit of information. It is an alphanumeric code up to 8 characters long that does not allow blanks or
| ||||
szUserId | USER | char | NONE | NONE |
The code that identifies a user profile. | ||||
szProgramId | PID | char | NONE | NONE |
The number that identifies the batch or interactive program (batch or interactive object). For example, the number of the Sales Order Entry
| ||||
szWorkStationId | JOBN | char | NONE | NONE |
The code that identifies the work station ID that executed a particular job. | ||||
jdDateUpdated | UPMJ | JDEDATE | NONE | NONE |
The date that specifies the last update to the file record. | ||||
The computer clock in hours:minutes:seconds. | ||||
szLedgerType | LT | char | OPT | NONE |
A user defined code (09/LT) that specifies the type of ledger, such as AA (Actual Amounts), BA (Budget Amount), or AU (Actual Units). You
| ||||
szActivityCode | ACTB | char | OPT | NONE |
The aggregation of actions performed within an organization that are useful for purposes of activity-based costing. |
None |
None |