Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
cMode | EV01 | char | OPT | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event.
szSalesAnalysisSumCode | SASC | char | OPT | NONE |
This field is used to identify the manner in which Sales History information is grouped together and summarized when Sales Analysis
records are generated.
Each Summary Code defines a group of key fields in the Sales Analysis Summary Control file. For a given Summary
Code, every Sales History record with identical information in each of the key fields which make up the Summary Code, will be combined into
one Sales Analysis record. |
szDescription001 | DL01 | char | OPT | NONE |
A user defined name or remark. |
mnPurgedThruMonth | DPTM | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
This is the last month for which the Sales Analysis File was purged. Sales Analysis information is available begining with the following
month. |
mnPurgedThruYear | DPTY | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
This is the last year for which the Sales Analysis File was purged. The purge through month further defines, within this year, which is the
latest information that has has been purged. |
mnCreatedThruMonth | CTMD | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
This period represents the last month for which Sales Analysis information has been generated. |
mnCreateThruYear | CTYD | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
This is the last year for which Sales Analyis information has been created.
The created through month further defines what is the latest
information for the created through year. |
cCostCenterFlag | MCFL | char | OPT | NONE |
More than one key field can be selected as count fields. In this case, for each sales analysis record, the count total is the total of all of the
unique combinations of values that these selected fields could have. Valid values are:
Blank Do not include Building in the key field structure.
S Include Building in the key field structure on which sales analysis record generation is based.
C Designate Building as the key field to
be counted when generating sales analysis records. For example, if Building is selected as the count field, the total number of buildings
included in each sales analysis record is counted. |
cAddressNoFlag | ANFL | char | OPT | NONE |
More than one key field can be selected as count fields. In this case, for each sales analysis record, the count total is the total of all of the
unique combinations of values that these selected fields could have. Valid values are:
Blank Do not include Address Number in the key field
S Include Address Number in the key field structure on which sales analysis record generation is based.
C Designate
Address Number as the key field to be counted when generating sales analysis records. For example, if Address Number is selected as the
count field, the total number of tenants included in each sales analysis record is counted. |
cUnitNumberFlag | UNIF | char | OPT | NONE |
More than one key field can be selected as count fields. In this case, for each sales analysis record, the count total is the total of all of the
unique combinations of values that these selected fields could have. Valid values are:
Blank Do not include Unit Number in the key field
S Include Unit Number in the key field structure on which sales analysis record generation is based.
C Designate Unit Number as the
key field to be counted when generating sales analysis records. For example, if Unit Number is selected as the count field, the total number
of units included in each sales analysis record is counted. |
cDoingBusinessAsFlag | DBAF | char | OPT | NONE |
More than one key field can be selected as count fields. In this case, for each sales analysis record, the count total is the total of all of the
unique combinations of values that these selected fields could have. Valid values are:
Blank Do not include DBA (Doing Business As) in the
key field structure.
S Include DBA in the key field structure on which sales analysis record generation is based.
C Designate DBA
as the key field to be counted when generating sales analysis records. For example, if DBA is selected as the count field, the total number of
DBA codes included in each sales analysis record is counted. |
cProductCodeFlag | PRDF | char | OPT | NONE |
More than one key field can be selected as count fields. In this case, for each sales analysis record, the count total is the total of all of the
unique combinations of values that these selected fields could have. Valid values are:
Blank Do not include Product Code in the key field
S Include Product Code in the key field structure on which sales analysis record generation is based.
C Designate Product Code as
the key field to be counted when generating sales analysis records. For example, if Product Code is selected as the count field, the total
number of product codes included in each sales analysis record is counted. |
cProjectNumberFlag | CUSF | char | OPT | NONE |
More than one key field can be selected as count fields. In this case, for each sales analysis record, the count total is the total of all of the
unique combinations of values that these selected fields could have. Valid values are:
Blank Do not include Project Number in the key field
S Include Project Number in the key field structure on which sales analysis record generation is based.
C Designate
Project Number as the key field to be counted when generating sales analysis records. For example, if Project Number is selected as the count
field, the total number of projects included in each sales analysis record is counted. |
cCompanyFlag | COFL | char | OPT | NONE |
More than one key field can be selected as count fields. In this case, for each sales analysis record, the count total is the total of all of the
unique combinations of values that these selected fields could have. Valid values are:
Blank Do not include Company Number in the key
field structure.
S Include Company Number in the key field structure on which sales analysis record generation is based.
C Designate
Company Number as the key field to be counted when generating sales analysis records. For example, if Company Number is selected as
the count field, the total number of companies included in each sales analysis record is counted. |
cOrderNumberFlag | DOFL | char | OPT | NONE |
More than one key field can be selected as count fields. In this case, for each sales analysis record, the count total is the total of all the
unique combinations of values that these selected fields could have. Valid values are:
Blank Do not include Lease Number in the key field
S Include Lease Number in the key field structure on which sales analysis record generation is based.
C Designate the Lease
Number as the key field to be counted when generating sales analysis records. For example, if Lease Number is selected as the count
field, the total number of leases included in each sales analysis record is counted. |
cUliCodeFlag | ULIF | char | OPT | NONE |
More than one key field can be selected as count fields. In this case, for each sales analysis record, the count total is the total of all of the
unique combinations of values that these selected fields could have. Valid values are:
Blank Do not include the ULI Code in the key field
S Include the ULI Code in the key field structure on which sales analysis record generation is based.
C Designate the ULI Code as
the key field to be counted when generating sales analysis records. For example, if the ULI Code is selected as the count field, the total
number of ULI codes included in each sales analysis record is counted. |
cFloorNoFlag | FLOF | char | OPT | NONE |
More than one key field can be selected as count fields. In this case, for each sales analysis record, the count total is the total of all of the
unique combinations of values that these selected fields could have. Valid values are:
Blank Do not include Floor Number in the key field
S Include Floor Number in the key field structure on which sales analysis record generation is based.
C Designate Floor Number as
the key field to be counted when generating sales analysis records. For example, if Floor Number is selected as the count field, the total
number of floors included in each sales analysis record is counted. |
cReportingCode11Flag | M11F | char | OPT | NONE |
More than one key field can be selected as count fields. In this case, for each sales analysis record, the count total is the total of all of the
unique combinations of values that these selected fields could have. Valid values are:
Blank Do not include Reporting Code 11 (RC 11) in the
key field structure.
S Include RC 11 in the key field structure on which sales analysis record generation is based.
C Designate the RC 11
as the key field to be counted when generating sales analysis records. For example, if the RC 11 is selected as the count field, the total
number of RC 11 codes included in each sales analysis record is counted. |
cReportingCode12Flag | M12F | char | OPT | NONE |
S Include Reporting Code 12 (RC 12) in the key field structure on which sales analysis record generation is based.
C Designate the RC
12 Flag as the key field to be counted when generating sales analysis records. For example, if RC 12 codes is selected as the count field, the
total number of RC 12s included in each sales analysis record will be counted.
Blank Do not include Reporting Code 12 in the key field
More than one key field can be selected as count fields. In this case, for each sales analysis record, the count total will be the total of
all the unique combinations of values these selected fields could have. |
cReportingCode13Flag | M13F | char | OPT | NONE |
S Include Reporting Code 13 (RC 13) in the key field structure on which sales analysis record generation is based.
C Designate the RC
13 Flag as the key field to be counted when generating sales analysis records. For example, if RC 13 is selected as the count field, the total
number of RC 13 codes included in each sales analysis record will be counted.
Blank Do not include Reporting Code 13 in the key field
More than one key field can be selected as count fields. In this case, for each sales analysis record, the count total will be the total of all
the unique combinations of values these selected fields could have. |
cReportingCode14Flag | M14F | char | OPT | NONE |
S Include Reporting Code 14 (RC14) in the key field structure on which sales analysis record generation is based.
C Designate the RC
14 Flag as the key field to be counted when generating sales analysis records. For example, if RC 14 is selected as the count field, the total
number of RC 14 codes included in each sales analysis record will be counted.
Blank Do not include Reporting Code 14 in the key field
More than one key field can be selected as count fields. In this case, for each sales analysis record, the count total will be the total of all
the unique combinations of values these selected fields could have. |
cReportingCode15Flag | M15F | char | OPT | NONE |
S Include Reporting Code 15 (RC 15) in the key field structure on which sales analysis record generation is based.
C Designate the RC
15 Flag as the key field to be counted when generating sales analysis records. For example, if RC 15 is selected as the count field, the total
number of RC 15 codes included in each sales analysis record will be counted.
Blank Do not include Reporting Code 15 in the key field
More than one key field can be selected as count fields. In this case, for each sales analysis record, the count total will be the total of all
the unique combinations of values these selected fields could have. |
cReportingCode21Flag | M21F | char | OPT | NONE |
A value that specifies whether the system includes the Reporting Code 21 (RC 21) in the key field structure when generating sales analysis
records. Valid values are:
Blank Do not include the RC 21 code in the key field structure.
C Include the RC 21 code as a count field when
generating sales analysis records. For example, if the RC 21 code is included as a count field, the system counts the total number of RC 21
codes included in each sales analysis record. You can select more than one key field as count fields. Therefore, for each sales analysis
record, the count total is the total of all the unique combinations of values in the selected key fields.
S Include the RC 21 code in the key field
structure. |
cReportingCode22Flag | M22F | char | OPT | NONE |
A value that specifies whether the system includes the Reporting Code 22 (RC 22) in the key field structure when generating sales analysis
records. Valid values are:
Blank Do not include the RC 22 code in the key field structure.
C Include the RC 22 code as a count field when
generating sales analysis records. For example, if the RC 22 code is included as a count field, the system counts the total number of RC 22
codes included in each sales analysis record. You can include more than one key field as count fields. Therefore, for each sales analysis
record, the count total is the total of all the unique combinations of values in the selected key fields.
S Include the RC 22 code in the key field
structure. |
cReportingCode23Flag | M23F | char | OPT | NONE |
A value that specifies whether the system includes the Reporting Code 23 (RC 23) in the key field structure when generating sales analysis
records. Valid values are:
Blank Do not include the RC 23 code in the key field structure.
C Include the RC 23 code as a count field when
generating sales analysis records. For example, if the RC 23 code is included as a count field, the system counts the total number of RC 23
codes included in each sales analysis record. You can select more than one key field as count fields. Therefore, for each sales analysis record,
the count total is the total of all the unique combinations of values in the selected key fields.
S Include the RC 23 code in the key field
structure. |
cReportingCode24Flag | M24F | char | OPT | NONE |
A value that specifies whether the system includes the Reporting Code 24 (RC 24) in the key field structure when generating sales analysis
records. Valid values are:
Blank Do not include the RC 24 code in the key field structure.
C Include the RC 24 code as a count field when
generating sales analysis records. For example, if the RC 24 code is included as a count field, the system counts the total number of RC 24
codes included in each sales analysis record. You can select more than one key field as count fields. Therefore, for each sales analysis record,
the count total is the total of all the unique combinations of values in the selected key fields.
S Include the RC 24 code in the key field
structure. |
cReportingCode25Flag | M25F | char | OPT | NONE |
A value that specifies whether the system includes the Reporting Code 25 (RC 25) in the key field structure when generating sales analysis
records. Valid values are:
Blank Do not include the RC 25 code in the key field structure.
C Include the RC 25 code as a count field when
generating sales analysis records. For example, if the RC 25 code is included as a count field, the system counts the total number of RC 25
codes included in each sales analysis record. You can select more than one key field as count fields. Therefore, for each sales analysis record,
the count total is the total of all the unique combinations of values in the selected key fields.
S Include the RC 25 code in the key field
structure. |
cUliCode2Flag | LI2F | char | OPT | NONE |
More than one key field can be selected as count fields. In this case, for each sales analysis record, the count total is the total of all of the
unique combinations of values that these selected fields could have. Valid values are:
Blank Do not include the ULI2 Code in the key field
S Include the ULI2 Code in the key field structure on which sales analysis record generation is based.
C Designate the ULI2 Code
as the key field to be counted when generating sales analysis records. For example, if the ULI2 Code is selected as the count field, the total
number of ULI2 codes included in each sales analysis record is counted. |
cSalesAnalysisFlag | ANAF | char | OPT | NONE |
This field is used by the Sales Analysis system to determine which method shall be used to generate or update records. In the Sales
Analysis Summary Control file it determines whether sales analysis for a summary code will be created through the Sales Analysis Generation
program or by the Post To Sales History program. The following are valid values:
0 Sales analysis information should not be generated for
this summary code (to maintain square footage history without the sales analysis).
1 Sales analysis information should be updated only
by the Sales Analysis Generation program (relieves processing burden from the post, but requires the user to submit the generation
2 Sales analysis information should be maintained automatically whenever sales are posted to history.
Note: Even if 1 is chosen,
system will automatically update sales analysis when posting sales to periods that have already been generated. |
cSqFtControlFlag | SFCF | char | OPT | NONE |
This field is used by the Sales Analysis system to determine whether the system should generate and maintain square footage history
information for a summary control code or not.
1 System Control. The system should maintain square footage history information for this
summary code.
0 User Control. The system should NOT maintain square footage history information for this summary code. It is the user's
responsibility to maintain the square footage history. |
cSqFtGenerationFlag | SFGF | char | OPT | NONE |
This field is used by the Sales Analysis system to determine the status of square footage information for each summary control code. It is
intended for internal use and is not accessible to the user. This flag uses the following values:
0 Not Generated. Square footage
information has not been generated for the control code.
1 Changes Pending. Square footage information for this control code is not current and
should be updated using the Square Footage Generation program.
2 Generated. Square footage information for this control code is
generated and current. |
cSqFtBasisCode | SFBC | char | OPT | NONE |
A field that is used to provide the Sales Analysis system with the necessary information to calculate the square footage amount. Depending
on the key fields selected,the system prompts for different information.
If the prompt is "Use Rentable/Useable Sq Ft ?", the expected
answer is whether the Rentable area amount or the Useable area amount should be used in the Square Footage calculation.
szPropertyLogClass | LGCL | char | OPT | NONE |
A user defined code (15/LG) that identifies the type of information that the log contains. Examples include:
o OP - First Renewal Option
IN - Insurance
o PK - Parking Spaces
o TI - Tenant Improvements
szAmenityIdentification | AMID | char | OPT | NONE |
A four-character user defined code (15/AM) that is used to provide additional information about the class that the log belongs to. For
example, if the log class represents building features, the amenity ID can be used to further define a feature, such as atrium. Examples include:
F01 - Number of rentable units
o F02 - Seating capacity
o INS - Insurance renewal
o SEWR - Sewer hookups
cExcludeInvComparison | EXCF | char | OPT | NONE |
This flag determines whether invalid comparisons will be excluded or included in sales analysis. An invalid comparison is defined as a
period with sales compared to a period with no sales.
Valid values are:
Y Exclude sales history records that are invalid comparisons.
Include sales history records that are invalid comparisons. |
szColumn1 | COL1 | char | OPT | NONE |
Column heading text is used for field description primarily on reports. It should not be longer than the size of the data item. The text will be
centered when it appears on a report, so it should be entered left justified. |
szColumn2 | COL2 | char | OPT | NONE |
Column heading text is used for field description primarily on reports. It should not be longer than the size of the data item. The text will be
centered when it appears on a report, so it should be entered left justified. |
cAreaLevel | ARLL | char | OPT | NONE |
Specifies the Area Level for this record. Valid values are:
B Building
F Floor
U Unit
The system verifies it to UDC 15/AL. |
cReturnStatus | EV01 | char | OPT | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event.
szAreaType | ARTY | char | OPT | NONE |
Specifies the Area Type for a record. The system validates this to the UDC 15/AR. |
szCurrencyCodeFrom | CRCD | char | OPT | NONE |
A code that identifies the currency of a transaction.
szLanguagePreference | LNGP | char | OPT | NONE |
A user defined code (01/LP) that specifies the language to use on forms and printed reports. Before you specify a language, a code for that
language must exist at either the system level or in your user preferences. |