Functional Description
This business function retrieves the GL Units of the last journal entry and compares it to the input
tolerance percentage. If the tolerance is exceeded, the Error Message ID will contain an error id of
Setup Notes and Prerequisites
Special Logic
Technical Specification
0001 VA evt_mnTolerancePct_MATH01 = [BF mnTolerancePct_MATH01]/100
0002 BF cErrorCode_ERRC = "0"
0003 BF szErrorMessageID_DTAI = " "
0004 //
0005 //
0006 //
0007 F0012 Get AAI Account Number
BF szAAI_ItemNumber_ASII -> szItemNumber
BF szCompany_CO -> szCompany
VA evt_szAccountId_AID <- szAccountId
UNDEFINED X szBusinessUnit
UNDEFINED X szSubsidiary
UNDEFINED X szCompanyAccount
UNDEFINED X szAccountLong
UNDEFINED X cAccountmodegl
UNDEFINED X szCurrencyCode
UNDEFINED X cErrorControl
UNDEFINED X cRetWarningFlag
UNDEFINED X szTaxExplanationCode
0008 //
0009 //
0010 //
0011 VA evt_szSerialTagNumber_ASID = lpad([BF mnAssetItemNumber_NUMB],0, 8)
0012 VA evt_szLedgerType_LT = "AA"
0013 VA evt_mnUnits_U = "0"
0014 VA evt_mnLargestDocNum_DOC = "0"
0015 VA evt_mnLargestJELine_JELN = "0"
0016 VA evt_mnTemp_MATH01 = "0"
0017 //
0018 //
0019 //
0020 F0911.Close
0021 F0911.Select
VA evt_szAccountId_AID = TK Account ID
VA evt_szLedgerType_LT = TK Ledger Type
VA evt_szSerialTagNumber_ASID = TK Serial Number
0022 F0911.Fetch Next
VA evt_mnCurrentDocNum_DOC <- TK Document (Voucher, Invoice, etc.)
VA evt_mnCurrentJELine_JELN <- TK Journal Entry Line Number
VA evt_mnCurrentUnits_U <- TK Units
0023 If SV File_IO_Status is equal to CO SUCCESS
0024 If VA evt_mnCurrentDocNum_DOC is greater than VA evt_mnLargestDocNum_DOC
0025 VA evt_mnLargestDocNum_DOC = VA evt_mnCurrentDocNum_DOC
0026 VA evt_mnLargestJELine_JELN = VA evt_mnCurrentJELine_JELN
0027 VA evt_mnUnits_U = VA evt_mnCurrentUnits_U
0028 Else
0029 If VA evt_mnCurrentDocNum_DOC is equal to VA evt_mnLargestDocNum_DOC
0030 If VA evt_mnCurrentJELine_JELN is greater than VA evt_mnLargestJELine_JELN
0031 VA evt_mnLargestJELine_JELN = VA evt_mnCurrentJELine_JELN
0032 VA evt_mnUnits_U = VA evt_mnCurrentUnits_U
0033 End If
0034 End If
0035 End If
0036 //
0037 While SV File_IO_Status is equal to CO SUCCESS
0038 F0911.Fetch Next
VA evt_mnCurrentDocNum_DOC <- TK Document (Voucher, Invoice, etc.)
VA evt_mnCurrentJELine_JELN <- TK Journal Entry Line Number
VA evt_mnCurrentUnits_U <- TK Units
0039 If SV File_IO_Status is equal to CO SUCCESS
0040 If VA evt_mnCurrentDocNum_DOC is greater than VA evt_mnLargestDocNum_DOC
0041 VA evt_mnLargestDocNum_DOC = VA evt_mnCurrentDocNum_DOC
0042 VA evt_mnLargestJELine_JELN = VA evt_mnCurrentJELine_JELN
0043 VA evt_mnUnits_U = VA evt_mnCurrentUnits_U
0044 Else
0045 If VA evt_mnCurrentDocNum_DOC is equal to VA evt_mnLargestDocNum_DOC
0046 If VA evt_mnCurrentJELine_JELN is greater than VA evt_mnLargestJELine_JELN
0047 VA evt_mnLargestJELine_JELN = VA evt_mnCurrentJELine_JELN
0048 VA evt_mnUnits_U = VA evt_mnCurrentUnits_U
0049 End If
0050 End If
0051 End If
0052 End If
0053 End While
0054 //
0055 If VA evt_mnUnits_U is not equal to
0056 VA evt_mnUnits_U = 0-[VA evt_mnUnits_U]
0057 VA evt_mnTemp_MATH01 = [BF mnNetChange_MATH01]-[VA evt_mnUnits_U]
0058 VA evt_mnTemp_MATH01 = [VA evt_mnTemp_MATH01]/[VA evt_mnUnits_U]
0059 If VA evt_mnTemp_MATH01 is less than
0060 VA evt_mnTemp_MATH01 = abs([VA evt_mnTemp_MATH01])
0061 End If
0062 If VA evt_mnTemp_MATH01 is greater than VA evt_mnTolerancePct_MATH01
And VA evt_mnTolerancePct_MATH01 is not equal to
0063 BF cErrorCode_ERRC = "2"
0064 BF szErrorMessageID_DTAI = "4005"
0065 End If
0066 End If
0067 End If
D1300660 - F0911 Validate Tolerance
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
mnTolerancePct_MATH01 | MATH01 | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
- - - Good Performance Low Value. | ||||
szAAI_ItemNumber_ASII | ASII | char | OPT | NONE |
An identification code that represents an asset. You enter the identification code in one of the following formats:
Asset number (a
| ||||
mnNetChange_MATH01 | MATH01 | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
- - - Good Performance Low Value. | ||||
mnAssetItemNumber_NUMB | NUMB | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
An 8-digit number that uniquely identifies an asset. | ||||
szCompany_CO | CO | char | OPT | NONE |
A code that identifies a specific organization, fund, or other reporting entity. The company code must already exist in the Company
| ||||
szErrorMessageID_DTAI | DTAI | char | OPT | NONE |
A code that identifies and defines a unit of information. It is an alphanumeric code up to 8 characters long that does not allow blanks or
| ||||
cErrorCode_ERRC | ERRC | char | OPT | NONE |
This error code indicates if any errors occurred during the creation of the Trip Document Detail (F4914) records by the Delivery Document
None |
None |