Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
szSubledger | SBL | char | REQ | INPUT |
A code that identifies a detailed, auxiliary account within a general ledger account. A subledger can be an equipment item number or an
address book number. If you enter a subledger, you must also specify the subledger type. |
cSubledgerType | SBLT | char | REQ | INPUT |
A user defined code (00/ST) that is used with the Subledger field to identify the subledger type and how the system performs subledger
editing. On the User Defined Codes form, the second line of the description controls how the system performs editing. This is either hard-coded
or user defined. Valid values include:
Alphanumeric field, do not edit
Numeric field, right justify and zero fill
Alphanumeric field, right
justify and blank fill
mnSequenceNoOperations | OPSQ | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | INPUT |
A number used to indicate an order of succession.
In routing instructions, a number that sequences the fabrication or assembly steps in the
manufacture of an item. You can track costs and charge time by operation.
In bills of material, a number that designates the routing step in the
fabrication or assembly process that requires a specified component part. You define the operation sequence after you create the routing
instructions for the item. The Shop Floor Management system uses this number in the backflush/preflush by operation process.
In engineering
change orders, a number that sequences the assembly steps for the engineering change.
For repetitive manufacturing, a number that
identifies the sequence in which an item is scheduled to be produced.
Skip To fields allow you to enter an operation sequence that you want to begin
the display of information.
You can use decimals to add steps between existing steps. For example, use 12.5 to add a step between steps
12 and 13. |
The number of hours associated with each transaction. |
cIsFetchSucessful | EV01 | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event.
mnAmountActual | AMTA | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | OUTPUT |
The actual dollars accumulated for the work order. |
cMode_EV01 | EV01 | char | OPT | INPUT |
Use this parameter to specify what records are selected from the F0618 table.
Valid values are:
Blank = Select using subledger, subledger type, and operation sequence.
1 = Select using subledger and subledger type.