Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
jdDateEffectiveRates | EFT | JDEDATE | REQ | INPUT |
The date that identifies when a date is first valid. The effective date is used generically. It can be a lease effective date, a price or cost
effective date, a currency effective date, a tax rate effective date, or whatever is appropriate.
mnAddressNumber | AN8 | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | INPUT |
A number that identifies an entry in the Address Book system, such as employee, applicant, participant, customer, supplier, tenant, or
szPlanId | PLAN | char | REQ | INPUT |
An abbreviation or number that identifies a specific employee benefit. Examples are:
o Employee Health Insurance
o Accidental Death
and Dismemberment
o Health Club Expense Reimbursement
o Employee Stock Appreciation Rights
A benefit plan typically is associated
with a deduction, benefit, or accrual. For example, a medical plan is a benefit that might also require a deduction to withhold premiums from
an employee's pay.
szPlanAdditionalOption | AOPT | char | NONE | NONE |
A code that identifies any additional options available for a benefit plan that have been defined in the Plan Additional Options table
Note: Additional options must have the same provider, policy number, and enrollment and eligibility rules as the benefit plan to which they
are associated.
jdCurrentEligibleDate | DELG | JDEDATE | NONE | NONE |
The date on which the employee is eligible to enroll in the benefit plan. This date is not necessarily the date that the employee begins
participating in the plan. For example:
The XYZ Company requires that employees work for the company for six months before they are eligible to
participate in the 401(k) plan. Employees can enroll in 401(k) two times per year, on January 1 and July 1. Therefore, an employee who
begins working for XYZ Company on 03/01/05 has an eligibility date of 01/01/06.
The eligibility date is the date on which the employee becomes
eligible, provided that eligibility continues. If the employee changes to a non-eligible status, the eligibility date on the new record is set to
blank. |
jdCurrentEnrollmentDate | EFT | JDEDATE | NONE | NONE |
The date that identifies when a date is first valid. The effective date is used generically. It can be a lease effective date, a price or cost
effective date, a currency effective date, a tax rate effective date, or whatever is appropriate.
szCurrentEnrollmentStatus | XDFS | char | NONE | NONE |
A code that indicates the status of an employee's enrollment in a plan. It is a user defined code (08/ES), and you must use the following
restrictions for the definitions:
o All statuses indicating active participation in a plan must begin with the letter A.
o All statuses indicating an
ending status that does not result in a new enrollment (such as a termination) must have the letter X in the first position of Description 2 (data item
DL02), General User Defined Codes form.
o A status beginning with the letter X, when used as an ending status, represents a mistaken
enrollment. No employee DBA instructions are written.
o An asterisk (*) indicates all statuses not otherwise specified.
jdCurrentParticipationDate | DPTC | JDEDATE | NONE | NONE |
The date on which the employee begins participating in the plan for the specified enrollment period. For example:
The XYZ Company
requires that employees work for the company for six months before they are eligible to participate in the 401(k) plan. Employees can enroll in
401(k) two times per year, on January 1 and July 1. An employee who begins working for XYZ Company on 03/01/05 is eligible to participate in
the plan on 01/01/06. However, if the employee does not enroll in the plan until 07/01/06, the employee's participation date is 07/01/06.
participation date is the first date on which the employee begins participating in the plan, provided that the employee continues to participate.
When participation stops, the participation date on the new record is set to blank. If the employee has a break in eligibility, the participation
date is the date that participation began for the latest enrollment period. |
szCurrentEnrollmentEndStatus | XEST | char | NONE | NONE |
A code that indicates the ending status of an employee's enrollment in a plan. This status represents the reason for ending the old
enrollment and is used as the beginning status of any resulting new enrollment.
You can define this code using user defined code table 08/ES. See
data item XDFS (Status - Enrollment) for restrictions on the allowed values.
Note: An ending status that begins with the letter X represents a
mistaken enrollment. |
jdCurrentEnrollmentEndDate | EFTE | JDEDATE | NONE | NONE |
The date on which the item, transaction, or table becomes inactive, or through which you want transactions to appear. This field is used
generically throughout the system. It could be a lease effective date, a price or cost effective date, a currency effective date, a tax rate effective
date, or whatever is appropriate.
jdCurrentDBAEndDate | DTDE | JDEDATE | NONE | NONE |
The ending date on the employee's DBA instruction record (F06106) for this enrollment. In most cases, this is the same as the ending
effective date of the enrollment. However, it can be later than the ending effective date if the enrollment is changed retroactively.
Only active
enrollment records have a value in this field since they are the only enrollment records that result in payroll deductions, benefits, or accruals. Active
records have a beginning status that starts with A. |
jdNewEligibleDate | DELG | JDEDATE | NONE | NONE |
The date on which the employee is eligible to enroll in the benefit plan. This date is not necessarily the date that the employee begins
participating in the plan. For example:
The XYZ Company requires that employees work for the company for six months before they are eligible to
participate in the 401(k) plan. Employees can enroll in 401(k) two times per year, on January 1 and July 1. Therefore, an employee who
begins working for XYZ Company on 03/01/05 has an eligibility date of 01/01/06.
The eligibility date is the date on which the employee becomes
eligible, provided that eligibility continues. If the employee changes to a non-eligible status, the eligibility date on the new record is set to
blank. |
jdNewEnrollmentDate | EFT | JDEDATE | NONE | NONE |
The date that identifies when a date is first valid. The effective date is used generically. It can be a lease effective date, a price or cost
effective date, a currency effective date, a tax rate effective date, or whatever is appropriate.
szNewEnrollmentStatus | XDFS | char | NONE | NONE |
A code that indicates the status of an employee's enrollment in a plan. It is a user defined code (08/ES), and you must use the following
restrictions for the definitions:
o All statuses indicating active participation in a plan must begin with the letter A.
o All statuses indicating an
ending status that does not result in a new enrollment (such as a termination) must have the letter X in the first position of Description 2 (data item
DL02), General User Defined Codes form.
o A status beginning with the letter X, when used as an ending status, represents a mistaken
enrollment. No employee DBA instructions are written.
o An asterisk (*) indicates all statuses not otherwise specified.
jdNewParticipationDate | DPTC | JDEDATE | NONE | NONE |
The date on which the employee begins participating in the plan for the specified enrollment period. For example:
The XYZ Company
requires that employees work for the company for six months before they are eligible to participate in the 401(k) plan. Employees can enroll in
401(k) two times per year, on January 1 and July 1. An employee who begins working for XYZ Company on 03/01/05 is eligible to participate in
the plan on 01/01/06. However, if the employee does not enroll in the plan until 07/01/06, the employee's participation date is 07/01/06.
participation date is the first date on which the employee begins participating in the plan, provided that the employee continues to participate.
When participation stops, the participation date on the new record is set to blank. If the employee has a break in eligibility, the participation
date is the date that participation began for the latest enrollment period. |
jdNewDBABeginDate | DTDB | JDEDATE | NONE | NONE |
The beginning date on the employee's DBA instruction record (F06106) for this enrollment. In most cases, this is the same as the beginning
effective date of the enrollment. However, it can be later than the beginning effective date if the enrollment is changed retroactively.
active enrollment records have a value in this field since they are the only enrollment records that result in payroll deductions, benefits, or
accruals. Active records have a beginning status that starts with A. |
cAgeRequirementFlag | EV02 | char | NONE | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event.
cServiceRequirementFlag | EV03 | char | NONE | NONE |
A radio button that specifies the level at which trace/track result is to be displayed. Select the Detail to display all transactions except IB, IX,
and IZ types. Or, select Derivative Lots Only to display only those transactions that may have created new derivative lot.
cHoursRequirementFlag | EV04 | char | NONE | NONE |
PeopleSoft event point processing flag 04.
cManualReviewFlag | EV05 | char | NONE | NONE |
A flag that indicates whether automatic spell check is turned on. |
cPreRequisiteRequirementFlag | EV06 | char | NONE | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event.
szErrorCode | VC04A | char | NONE | NONE |
This is a generic field used as a work field in Everest. |
jdPlanCategoryEndingDate | EFTE | JDEDATE | REQ | INPUT |
The date on which the item, transaction, or table becomes inactive, or through which you want transactions to appear. This field is used
generically throughout the system. It could be a lease effective date, a price or cost effective date, a currency effective date, a tax rate effective
date, or whatever is appropriate.
szDefaultEndingStatus | XEST | char | REQ | INPUT |
A code that indicates the ending status of an employee's enrollment in a plan. This status represents the reason for ending the old
enrollment and is used as the beginning status of any resulting new enrollment.
You can define this code using user defined code table 08/ES. See
data item XDFS (Status - Enrollment) for restrictions on the allowed values.
Note: An ending status that begins with the letter X represents a
mistaken enrollment. |
jdNewEnrollmentEndDate | EFTE | JDEDATE | NONE | NONE |
The date on which the item, transaction, or table becomes inactive, or through which you want transactions to appear. This field is used
generically throughout the system. It could be a lease effective date, a price or cost effective date, a currency effective date, a tax rate effective
date, or whatever is appropriate.
The ending date on the employee's DBA instruction record (F06106) for this enrollment. In most cases, this is the same as the ending
effective date of the enrollment. However, it can be later than the ending effective date if the enrollment is changed retroactively.
Only active
enrollment records have a value in this field since they are the only enrollment records that result in payroll deductions, benefits, or accruals. Active
records have a beginning status that starts with A. |
szNewEnrollmentEndStatus | XEST | char | NONE | NONE |
A code that indicates the ending status of an employee's enrollment in a plan. This status represents the reason for ending the old
enrollment and is used as the beginning status of any resulting new enrollment.
You can define this code using user defined code table 08/ES. See
data item XDFS (Status - Enrollment) for restrictions on the allowed values.
Note: An ending status that begins with the letter X represents a
mistaken enrollment. |
cActionCode | EV01 | char | NONE | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event.
szDftEndStatusFromPlanEndDate | XEST | char | REQ | INPUT |
A code that indicates the ending status of an employee's enrollment in a plan. This status represents the reason for ending the old
enrollment and is used as the beginning status of any resulting new enrollment.
You can define this code using user defined code table 08/ES. See
data item XDFS (Status - Enrollment) for restrictions on the allowed values.
Note: An ending status that begins with the letter X represents a
mistaken enrollment. |
F08330EditLineCacheJobN | MATH01 | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | INPUT |
- - - Good Performance Low Value.
cErrorFlag | VC01A | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
This is a generic field used for video constants display. |
cResultPrevEligbility | ENRP | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
A code that indicates whether the employee was previously eligible for the plan. Valid values are:
Do not check for previous
Yes, the employee was previously eligible.
No, the employee was not previously eligible.
If the system finds a code in this field, it then
searches the detail area for further information.
cResultEligibilityBasis | ELGB | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
This field works in conjunction with the Number of Days, Months, Years field and the Date to Follow field to define an enrollment date that is
a certain number of days, months, or years after a particular date.
For example, if you want the effective date of enrollment to be one year
after the employee's original hire date, define these fields as follows:
1. Enter 1 in the Number of Days, Months, Years field.
2. Specify Year for
the basis.
3. Enter the user defined code (system 08, type D2) that indicates original hire in the Date to Follow field.
When you run an eligibility
test, the system searches the Employee Master table for employees who are eligible to enroll in the plan because they meet these
requirements. |
szResultEligibilityTable | XET | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
A code that identifies the specific table of eligibility rules. The rules determine whether the employee is eligible for enrollment in a plan.
jdDateDeterminedbyDateCode | EFT | JDEDATE | OPT | OUTPUT |
The date that identifies when a date is first valid. The effective date is used generically. It can be a lease effective date, a price or cost
effective date, a currency effective date, a tax rate effective date, or whatever is appropriate.
cAdjustDateByDateCodeFlag | EV01 | char | OPT | INPUT |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event.
cUserDefinedRequired | EV01 | char | OPT | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event.