Functional Description
This function is used to either update records in the F08920 or delete records in the F08920 based on a flag that is passed into this NER. If the
UpdateOrDelete flag is set to U, the Date Election Terminated is updated for all beneficiaries in F08920 linked with the Qualified Event in the F08910. If the
UpdateOrDelete flag is set to D, all beneficiary records are deleted from the F08920 for the corresponding Qualified Event in the F08910. If the
UpdateOrDelete flag is set to S, it will Update all of the F08920 records for the Participant passed with Subsequent QE information.
Setup Notes and Prerequisites
A record must exist in the F08920 file for the employee or related dependant that is passed into this
Special Logic
Technical Specification
Data Item Data Structure DescriptionI/OReqNotes
PAN8mnParticipantAddressThe address number of the COBRA Participant
QE1szQualifyingEvent1Event that qualified a participant for COBRA coverage
QD1jdQualifyingEventDate1The date that qualifying event took place
EV01cUpdateOrDeleteThe flag that indicates if F08920 will be updated or
AN82mnRelatedEmployeeThe dependent of the qualified beneficiary
COszCompanyA code that identifies a specific organization, fund,
entity, and so on
HMCUszCostCenterHomeThe number of the business unit in which the employee
generally resides.
TARRszTaxAreaResidenceA code that identifies both the geographical location
and the tax authorities for the employee's residence
CVPmnSubsequentCoveragePeriodThe coverage period for the subsequent qualifying
ERRCcErrorCodeThe flag that indicates if there is an error or not
1.0Read the delete or update flag passed into the NER.
2.0If update,
payments remaining from the F08920 and calculate the new number of payments remaining to update the
2.2If the subsequent coverage period is greater than the original coverage period, the
subsequent coverage period and the number of payments remaining is equal to the number of months of new
coverage minus the number of payments already made. Date COBRA expires will be the date the
original coverage was lost plus the number of months of subsequent coverage.
2.3If the subsequent coverage period is not greater than the original coverage period, the
original coverage period is still the coverage period and the number of payments remaining will not
change nor will the date that COBRA expires.
2.4Fetch the date coverage was lost and the date the notice was mailed from the F08910
2.5Calculate the date COBRA coverage starts; date regular coverage was lost plus one day. Get
the date the notice was mailed to calculate the last date to elect coverage.
2.6If the participant is in the F08910 and he or she is an employee, set a flag to 0.
Otherwise, set a flag to 1 (participant not equal to related employee)
2.7If flag = 0,
2.7.2While you find them, update the F08920
2.7.3Fetch next
update the records searching on a different participant and related employee for a QE and
2.8.2While you find them, update the F08920
2.8.3Fetch next
3.1.2Select and Fetch Next
3.1.3While you find records
and related employee for a QE and QED.
3.2.2While you find them, delete the F08920
3.2.3Fetch next
D0800376 - Delete/Update F08920 Record
Data Item Data Structure DescriptionI/OReqNotes
PAN8mnParticipantAddressThe address number of the COBRA Participant
QE1szQualifyingEvent1Event that qualified a participant for COBRA
QD1jdQualifyingEventDate1The date that qualifying event took place
EV01cUpdateOrDeleteThe flag that indicates if F08920 will be
updated or deleted.
AN82mnRelatedEmployeeThe dependent of the qualified beneficiary
COszCompany A code that identifies a specific organization,
fund, entity, and so on
HMCUszCostCenterHomeThe number of the business unit in which the
employee generally resides.
TARRszTaxAreaResidenceA code that identifies both the geographical
location and the tax authorities for the employee's residence
CVPmnSubsequentCoveragePeriodThe coverage period for the subsequent
qualifying event
ERRCcErrorCodeThe flag that indicates if there is an error or
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
mnParticipantAddress | PAN8 | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionabab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
szQualifyingEvent1 | QE1 | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionabab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
jdQualifyingEventDate1 | QD1 | JDEDATE | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionabab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cUpdateOrDelete | EV01 | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionabab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
szCompany | CO | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
szCostCenterHome | HMCU | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
szTaxAreaResidence | TARR | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
mnSubsequentCoveragePeriod | CVP | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab ab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cErrorCode | ERRC | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
mnRelatedEmployee | AN82 | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionabab I/Oab Reqab Notes |
None |
None |