Functional Description
The purpose of this NER is to determine the COBRA coverage period for a particular qualifying event.
Setup Notes and Prerequisites
Constants must be set up in the COBRA General Constants table F08990
A record must exist in the F08910 file for the employee or related dependant that is passed into this
Technical Specification
Data Item Data Structure DescriptionI/OReqNotes
PAN8mnParticipantAddressInThe address number of the COBRA Participant
QE1szQualifyingEvent1InEvent that qualified a participant for COBRA
QD1jdQualifyingEventDate1InThe date that qualifying event took place
CVPmnCoveragePeriodOnThe number of months that the qualified
beneficiary is entitled to COBRA coverage.
ERRCcErrorCodeOnThe flag that indicated if the participant is
an employee or dependent. (0=Employee, 1=Dependent)
1.0Fetch from the F08910 based on the participant, QE, and QED. Retrieve the related employee, the
business unit, the company, and the tax area.
2.0If the participant is in the F08910 and person is an employee, set a flag to 0; otherwise set to
3.0If you did not find a record in the F08910, participant is not in the F08910 but they are a
5.2Retrieve the coverage periods from N0800281
5.3Set the type of participant depending if disabled in F08901 or if a child or stepchild in
F08336. Depending on the type of participant, set the coverage period and code
D0800296 - Determine Coverage Period
Data Item Data Structure DescriptionI/OReqNotes
PAN8mnParticipantAddressInThe address number of the COBRA Participant
QE1szQualifyingEvent1InEvent that qualified a participant for COBRA
QD1jdQualifyingEventDate1InThe date that qualifying event took place
CVPmnCoveragePeriodOnThe number of months that the qualified
beneficiary is entitled to COBRA coverage.
ERRCcErrorCodeOnThe flag that indicated if the participant is
an employee or dependent. (0=Employee, 1=Dependent)
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
mnParticipantAddress | PAN8 | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | INPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionabab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
szQualifyingEvent1 | QE1 | char | OPT | INPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionabab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
jdQualifyingEventDate1 | QD1 | JDEDATE | OPT | INPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionabab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
mnCoveragePeriod | CVP | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | OUTPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionabab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cErrorCode | ERRC | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionabab I/Oab Reqab Notes |
None |
None |