Functional Description
This function takes the Qualifying Event and gets the constant Information. It first searches the F08991 (Qualifying Event Constants) table for the
record. If the record is found, it will pull data from the table and then searches the F08990 (General Constants) and F089901 (General Constants
Additional Info) tables for overriding data. If no record is found in the F08991, it will pull all data from the F08990 and F089901 tables.
The last fetch from a table should be for the default company 00000. If there is no data from CO 00000, it will send an error message.
Setup Notes and Prerequisites
'b7Constants must be set up in the COBRA General Constants table F08990
Special Logic
Search on company, business unit, and in date range for QE
Search on tax area, company, and in date range for QE
Search on company and in date range for QE
Search on default company and in date range for QE
Technical Specification
Data Item Data Structure DescriptionI/OReqNotes
COszCompanyInA code that identifies a specific organization, fund,
entity, and so on
HMCUszBusinessUnitHomeInThe number of the business unit in which the employee
generally resides.
TARRszTaxAreaResidenceInA code that identifies both the geographical location
and the tax authorities for the employee's residence
QE1szQualifyingEvent1InEvent that qualified a participant for COBRA coverage
QD1jdQualifyingEventDate1InThe date that qualifying event took place
EFTBjdDateBeginningEffective I/OnThe date on which the COBRA Coverage starts
EFTEjdDateEndingEffectiveI/O nThe date on which the COBRA Coverage ends
AFRAmnAdminFeeAmountRegI/OnA number that indicates the flat amount or percentage
that a company can charge for administering COBRA benefits.
AFRcAdminFeeCodeRegI/OnA code that indicates whether the administrative fee
is expressed in dollars ($) or is a percentage (%). The default value is dollars.
AFSAmnAdminFeeAmountDepI/OnA number that indicates the amount of the dependent
coverage administrative fee.
AFScAdminFeeCodeDepI/OnA code that indicates whether the dependent
administrative fee is in dollars ($) or is a percentage (%). The default value is dollars ($).
AFDAmnAdminFeeAmountDisI/OnA number that indicates the amount of the disabled
employee coverage administrative fee.
AFDcAdminFeeCodeDisI/OnA code that indicates whether the disabled coverage
administrative fee is in dollars ($) or is a percentage (%). The default value is dollars ($).
RCCPmnRegCoveragePeriodI/OnA number that indicates the length, in months, of the
continuation coverage period for regular participants.
RCFcContPeriodRegI/OnThe length of the COBRA regular continuation period.
The length is expressed in months (M).
SCCPmnDepCoveragePeriodI/OnA number that indicates the length, in months, of the
dependent continuation coverage period.
SCFcContPeriodDepI/OnThe length of the COBRA dependent continuation
period. The length is
expressed in months (M).
DCCPmnDisCoveragePeriodI/OnA number that indicates the length, in months, the
continuation coverage period for the disabled participant.
DCFcContPeriodDisI/OnThe length of the COBRA disabled continuation period.
The length is expressed in months (M).
FLDRszFolderCOBRALettersI/OnThe name of the OfficeVision folder where COBRA
notice documents are stored.
CBRNszDocumentInitialNoticeI/OnThe document name of the initial COBRA notice. This
notice is to inform
eligible employees of their rights under COBRA.
CTNDszDocumentTerminationNotice I/O nThe document name of the COBRA Termination Notice to
be sent to an employee who has failed to pay the COBRA premium and fees.
ELCPmnCobraElectionPeriodI/OnA number that indicates the time frame (expressed in
number of days) during which the participant may choose to elect COBRA continuation coverage.
ELPFcElectionPeriodCodeI/OnThe method used to calculate the length of the
election period. The method is expressed in days (D).
GRCImnGracePeriodInitialI/OnThe number of days that the qualified beneficiary has
to make the initial COBRA payment and remain qualified for coverage.
INPFcInitialPaymentCodeI/OnThe method used to calculate the length of the
initial payment period. The method is expressed in days (D).
GRCPmnGracePeriodCOBRAPayment I/OnA number that indicates the grace period, measured in
days, that the participant has to make the COBRA payments and remain qualified for coverage.
APPFcAddtPaymentCodeI/OnThe method used to calculate the length of the
additional payment period. The method is expressed in days (D).
RCCNszDocumentRightToConvert I/O nThe document name of the COBRA notice designed to
explain an employee's right to convert to an individual policy from a group policy.
PBCNszDocumentPlanBenefitChange I/O nThe document name of the COBRA notice designed to
notify the qualified
beneficiary of changes in plan coverage.
DSCNszDocumentDivorceStatusChg I/O nThe document name of the COBRA Status Change notice.
In the event that
qualified beneficiaries are divorced, this notice is to be sent to both individuals in order to
inform them of the change of COBRA status.
STFLcStatementFlag I/O nThis rate, in cost per hour, is the rate used to
calculate the standard labor cost as of the last simulation and update.
CRHPmnHoursWorked I/O nThe total number of hours required to qualify for a
COBRA Qualifying Event.
SMFQcStatementFrequency I/O nThis identifies the frequency in which COBRA Premium
Statements are sent to the participants.
PTABszPayTypeTable I/O nThe name of the table you defined on user defined
code table 08/TT.
CPA8mnAddressNumberPlanAdmn I/O nA number that indicates the Address Book number of
the plan administrator.
CFCmnCobraFinanceCharge I/O nThis is the flat amount or interest rate charged for
late payment of the COBRA Premiums
CFCMcFinanceChargeMethod I/O nThe method used to calculate the finance charge.
MRScMailRemittanceSchedule I/O nEnter "Y" if a Remittance Schedule (S06880) is to be
mailed to the Responsible Party. This flag is changed to an "N" when the schedule is printed.
CRPFcCodeCOBRAPaymentFreq I/O n
CPPDmnCOBRAPaymentDay I/O n
CCBFcConstructCOBRACoverage I/O n A code that determines where the system is to
retrieve information in order to construct the COBRA coverage. ( 1=Use benefits administration information
only, 2=Use payroll group plans only, 3=Use both benefits administration and group plan records )
QETcQualifyingEventType I/O nThe type number that the system uses to edit and
identify the event that qualifies a participant for COBRA coverage
CPTYcParticipantType I/O nA code which identifies the type of participant being
processed. (C=Child
D=Dependent, B=Beneficiary)
FCPRcCodeFullPremiumReq I/O nTo indicate if the full premium is required.
CVcConcurrentCoverage I/O n
DTERjdDateEventReported I/O nThe date that the COBRA qualifying event is first
reported to the employer.
DMCNmnDaysToMailConvertNotice I/O nThe number of days prior to COBRA coverage ending
that the COBRA administrator has to mail the Notice to Convert to all qualified beneficiaries.
DTNLjdNoticeToConvertDate I/O nThe date plan administrators are required to notify
all qualified
beneficiaries of their right to convert to the current carrier providing coverage. This date is
within 180 days of COBRA expiration.
DCLSjdDateCoverageLost I/O nThe date the participant lost regular coverage.
DCSTjdDateCobraStarts I/O nThe date COBRA coverage begins
DCXjdDateCobraExpiration I/O nThe date COBRA coverage expires.
DTETjdDateElectionTerm I/O nThe last date that the participant can elect COBRA
QDM1jdDateNoticeMailed I/O nThe date the election notice was mailed to the
qualified beneficiary for the first qualifying event.
CVPmnCoveragePeriod I/O nThe number of months that the qualified beneficiary
is entitled to COBRA coverage.
COBRAszCOBRADocumentName I/O nThe name of the COBRA letter
HIPAAszHIPAADocumentName I/O nThe name of the HIPAA letter
COBRATNszCOBRATelephoneNumber I/O nThe telephone number of the government agency, such
as the U. S. Department of Labor, that regulates COBRA.
COBRAURLszCOBRAURL I/O nThe Internet address of the government agency, such
as the U. S. department of Labor, that regulates COBRA.
CADDcAddToCOBRA I/O nAdd new employee to COBRA Dependent/Beneficiary file.
PCOBRALcPromptCOBRALerrer I/O nPrompt the user to print the COBRA letter.
APCLcAlwaysPrintCOBRALetter I/O nIf a qualifying event has been triggered, always
print COBRA letter.
CUFLGcCOBRAUpdateFlag I/O nA flag that determines whether or not OneWorld will
automatically update the COBRA Qualified Beneficiary File (F08910) and/or the Subsequent Qualified
Event Info table (F089101) after a qualifying event has occurred
SNDLTRcSendCobraLetterFlag I/O nThis flag indicates if a COBRA or HIPAA letter should
be sent to an employee.
USERszUserId I/O nthe code that identifies a user profile.
EAPszApplicationID I/O nThe ID that the system uses to call an application.
MACHszMachine I/O nThe workstation ID
UPMJjdDateUpdated I/O nThe date that specifies the last update to the file
UPMTmnTimeLastUpdated I/O nThe time at which the program executed the last
update to this record.
EV01cReturnErrorCode I/O nThe flag that indcates if there is an error.(
1=Failed Fetch F08991, 2=Failed Fetch F08990, 3=Failed Fetch F089901)
Related Tables
Table Table Description
F08990COBRA General Constants
F089901COBRA General Constants Additional Information
F08991COBRA Qualifying
Event Constants
Related Business Functions
c.VA evt_szDefaultCompany_CO = "00000"
d.VA evt_VarNullDate_DTET = ""
c.VA evt_mnStateGeoCode_TARR = substr([VA evt_mnCityGeoCode_TARR],0,2)
D0800281 - Retrieve COBRA Constants
Data Item Data Structure DescriptionI/OReqNotes
COszCompanyInA code that identifies a specific organization, fund,
entity, and so on
HMCUszBusinessUnitHomeInThe number of the business unit in which the employee
generally resides.
TARRszTaxAreaResidenceInA code that identifies both the geographical location
and the tax authorities for the employee's residence
QE1szQualifyingEvent1InEvent that qualified a participant for COBRA coverage
QD1jdQualifyingEventDate1InThe date that qualifying event took place
EFTBjdDateBeginningEffective I/OnThe date on which the COBRA Coverage starts
EFTEjdDateEndingEffectiveI/O nThe date on which the COBRA Coverage ends
AFRAmnAdminFeeAmountRegI/OnA number that indicates the flat amount or percentage
that a company can charge for administering COBRA benefits.
AFRcAdminFeeCodeRegI/OnA code that indicates whether the administrative fee
is expressed in dollars ($) or is a percentage (%). The default value is dollars.
AFSAmnAdminFeeAmountDepI/OnA number that indicates the amount of the dependent
coverage administrative fee.
AFScAdminFeeCodeDepI/OnA code that indicates whether the dependent
administrative fee is in dollars ($) or is a percentage (%). The default value is dollars ($).
AFDAmnAdminFeeAmountDisI/OnA number that indicates the amount of the disabled
employee coverage administrative fee.
AFDcAdminFeeCodeDisI/OnA code that indicates whether the disabled coverage
administrative fee is in dollars ($) or is a percentage (%). The default value is dollars ($).
RCCPmnRegCoveragePeriodI/OnA number that indicates the length, in months, of the
continuation coverage period for regular participants.
RCFcContPeriodRegI/OnThe length of the COBRA regular continuation period.
The length is expressed in months (M).
SCCPmnDepCoveragePeriodI/OnA number that indicates the length, in months, of the
dependent continuation coverage period.
SCFcContPeriodDepI/OnThe length of the COBRA dependent continuation
period. The length is
expressed in months (M).
DCCPmnDisCoveragePeriodI/OnA number that indicates the length, in months, the
continuation coverage period for the disabled participant.
DCFcContPeriodDisI/OnThe length of the COBRA disabled continuation period.
The length is expressed in months (M).
FLDRszFolderCOBRALettersI/OnThe name of the OfficeVision folder where COBRA
notice documents are stored.
CBRNszDocumentInitialNoticeI/OnThe document name of the initial COBRA notice. This
notice is to inform
eligible employees of their rights under COBRA.
CTNDszDocumentTerminationNotice I/O nThe document name of the COBRA Termination Notice to
be sent to an employee who has failed to pay the COBRA premium and fees.
ELCPmnCobraElectionPeriodI/OnA number that indicates the time frame (expressed in
number of days) during which the participant may choose to elect COBRA continuation coverage.
ELPFcElectionPeriodCodeI/OnThe method used to calculate the length of the
election period. The method is expressed in days (D).
GRCImnGracePeriodInitialI/OnThe number of days that the qualified beneficiary has
to make the initial COBRA payment and remain qualified for coverage.
INPFcInitialPaymentCodeI/OnThe method used to calculate the length of the
initial payment period. The method is expressed in days (D).
GRCPmnGracePeriodCOBRAPayment I/OnA number that indicates the grace period, measured in
days, that the participant has to make the COBRA payments and remain qualified for coverage.
APPFcAddtPaymentCodeI/OnThe method used to calculate the length of the
additional payment period. The method is expressed in days (D).
RCCNszDocumentRightToConvert I/O nThe document name of the COBRA notice designed to
explain an employee's right to convert to an individual policy from a group policy.
PBCNszDocumentPlanBenefitChange I/O nThe document name of the COBRA notice designed to
notify the qualified
beneficiary of changes in plan coverage.
DSCNszDocumentDivorceStatusChg I/O nThe document name of the COBRA Status Change notice.
In the event that
qualified beneficiaries are divorced, this notice is to be sent to both individuals in order to
inform them of the change of COBRA status.
STFLcStatementFlag I/O nThis rate, in cost per hour, is the rate used to
calculate the standard labor cost as of the last simulation and update.
CRHPmnHoursWorked I/O nThe total number of hours required to qualify for a
COBRA Qualifying Event.
SMFQcStatementFrequency I/O nThis identifies the frequency in which COBRA Premium
Statements are sent to the participants.
PTABszPayTypeTable I/O nThe name of the table you defined on user defined
code table 08/TT.
CPA8mnAddressNumberPlanAdmn I/O nA number that indicates the Address Book number of
the plan administrator.
CFCmnCobraFinanceCharge I/O nThis is the flat amount or interest rate charged for
late payment of the COBRA Premiums
CFCMcFinanceChargeMethod I/O nThe method used to calculate the finance charge.
MRScMailRemittanceSchedule I/O nEnter "Y" if a Remittance Schedule (S06880) is to be
mailed to the Responsible Party. This flag is changed to an "N" when the schedule is printed.
CRPFcCodeCOBRAPaymentFreq I/O n
CPPDmnCOBRAPaymentDay I/O n
CCBFcConstructCOBRACoverage I/O n A code that determines where the system is to
retrieve information in order to construct the COBRA coverage. ( 1=Use benefits administration information
only, 2=Use payroll group plans only, 3=Use both benefits administration and group plan records )
QETcQualifyingEventType I/O nThe type number that the system uses to edit and
identify the event that qualifies a participant for COBRA coverage
CPTYcParticipantType I/O nA code which identifies the type of participant being
processed. (C=Child
D=Dependent, B=Beneficiary)
FCPRcCodeFullPremiumReq I/O nTo indicate if the full premium is required.
CVcConcurrentCoverage I/O n
DTERjdDateEventReported I/O nThe date that the COBRA qualifying event is first
reported to the employer.
DMCNmnDaysToMailConvertNotice I/O nThe number of days prior to COBRA coverage ending
that the COBRA administrator has to mail the Notice to Convert to all qualified beneficiaries.
DTNLjdNoticeToConvertDate I/O nThe date plan administrators are required to notify
all qualified
beneficiaries of their right to convert to the current carrier providing coverage. This date is
within 180 days of COBRA expiration.
DCLSjdDateCoverageLost I/O nThe date the participant lost regular coverage.
DCSTjdDateCobraStarts I/O nThe date COBRA coverage begins
DCXjdDateCobraExpiration I/O nThe date COBRA coverage expires.
DTETjdDateElectionTerm I/O nThe last date that the participant can elect COBRA
QDM1jdDateNoticeMailed I/O nThe date the election notice was mailed to the
qualified beneficiary for the first qualifying event.
CVPmnCoveragePeriod I/O nThe number of months that the qualified beneficiary
is entitled to COBRA coverage.
COBRAszCOBRADocumentName I/O nThe name of the COBRA letter
HIPAAszHIPAADocumentName I/O nThe name of the HIPAA letter
COBRATNszCOBRATelephoneNumber I/O nThe telephone number of the government agency, such
as the U. S. Department of Labor, that regulates COBRA.
COBRAURLszCOBRAURL I/O nThe Internet address of the government agency, such
as the U. S. department of Labor, that regulates COBRA.
CADDcAddToCOBRA I/O nAdd new employee to COBRA Dependent/Beneficiary file.
PCOBRALcPromptCOBRALerrer I/O nPrompt the user to print the COBRA letter.
APCLcAlwaysPrintCOBRALetter I/O nIf a qualifying event has been triggered, always
print COBRA letter.
CUFLGcCOBRAUpdateFlag I/O nA flag that determines whether or not OneWorld will
automatically update the COBRA Qualified Beneficiary File (F08910) and/or the Subsequent Qualified
Event Info table (F089101) after a qualifying event has occurred
SNDLTRcSendCobraLetterFlag I/O nThis flag indicates if a COBRA or HIPAA letter should
be sent to an employee.
USERszUserId I/O nthe code that identifies a user profile.
EAPszApplicationID I/O nThe ID that the system uses to call an application.
MACHszMachine I/O nThe workstation ID
UPMJjdDateUpdated I/O nThe date that specifies the last update to the file
UPMTmnTimeLastUpdated I/O nThe time at which the program executed the last
update to this record.
EV01cReturnErrorCode I/O nThe flag that indcates if there is an error.(
1=Failed Fetch F08991, 2=Failed Fetch F08990, 3=Failed Fetch F089901)
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
szBusinessUnitHome | HMCU | char | OPT | INPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
szFolderCOBRALetters | FLDR | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
szDocumentInitialNotice | CBRN | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
szDocumentTerminationNotice | CTND | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionabab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
mnGracePeriodCOBRAPayment | GRCP | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cAddtPaymentCode | APPF | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
szDocumentRightToConvert | RCCN | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
szDocumentPlanBenefitChange | PBCN | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
szDocumentDivorceStatusChg | DSCN | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionabab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cStatementFlag | STFL | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cStatementFrequency | SMFQ | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
mnAddressNumberPlanAdmn | CPA8 | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cMailRemittanceSchedule | MRS | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cCodeCOBRAPaymentFreq | CRPF | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cConstructCOBRACoverage | CCBF | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
szQualifyingEvent1 | QE1 | char | OPT | INPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cQualifyingEventType | QET | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
szTaxAreaResidence | TARR | char | OPT | INPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cParticipantType | CPTY | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cCodeFullPremiumReq | FCPR | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cConcurrentCoverage | CV | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cReturnErrorCode | EV01 | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
jdQualifyingEventDate1 | QD1 | JDEDATE | OPT | INPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
jdDateEventReported | DTER | JDEDATE | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
jdDateCoverageLost | DCLS | JDEDATE | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
jdDateCobraStarts | DCST | JDEDATE | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
jdDateCobraExpiration | DCX | JDEDATE | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
jdNoticeToConvertDate | DTNL | JDEDATE | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cCOBRAUpdateFlag | CUFLG | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
szCOBRADocumentName | COBRA | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
szCOBRATelephoneNumber | COBRATN | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cAddToCOBRA | CADD | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cPromptCOBRALetter | PCOBRAL | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cAlwaysPrintCOBRALetter | APCL | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
szHIPAADocumentName | HIPAA | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
jdDateElectionTerm | DTET | JDEDATE | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
jdDateNoticeMailed | QDM1 | JDEDATE | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
mnDaysToMailConvertNotice | DMCN | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionabab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
mnCoveragePeriod | CVP | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
szCompany | CO | char | OPT | INPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
jdDateEndingEffective | EFTE | JDEDATE | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
jdDateBeginningEffective | EFTB | JDEDATE | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
mnAdminFeeAmountReg | AFRA | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cAdminFeeCodeReg | AFR | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
mnAdminFeeAmountDep | AFSA | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cAdminFeeCodeDep | AFS | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
mnAdminFeeAmountDis | AFDA | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cAdminFeeCodeDis | AFD | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
mnCobraElectionPeriod | ELCP | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
mnGracePeriodInitial | GRCI | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cInitialPaymentCode | INPF | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
mnHoursWorked | CRHP | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
szPayTypeTable | PTAB | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
mnCobraFinanceCharge | CFC | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cFinanaceChargeMethod | CFCM | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
szUserId | USER | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
szApplicationID | EAP | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
szMachine | MACH | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
jdDateUpdated | UPMJ | JDEDATE | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
mnTimeLastUpdated | UPMT | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cElectionPeriodCode | ELPF | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
mnRegCoveragePeriod | RCCP | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cContPeriodReg | RCF | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
mnDepCoveragePeriod | SCCP | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cContPeriodDep | SCF | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
mnDisCoveragePeriod | DCCP | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cContPeriodDis | DCF | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes | ||||
cSendCobraLetterFlag | SNDLTR | char | OPT | NONE |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notes |
None |
None |