D0800216 - Return Traditional Appraisal Template Key
Data Item Data Structure DescriptionI/OReqNotes
TINCcTypeIncreaseNextRevwIRType of Performance Appraisal to be created.
HMCOszCompanyHomeIRThe employee's home company from the employee master.
ORMCUszOrganizationalBusIRThe employee's organizational business unit from the
employee master.
JGRPszJobGroupIRThe employee's job group from the employee master.
APRRszPerformanceAppraisersIRThe performance appraisers role 1- supervisor or 2-
Employee UDC 08/AL.
LNGPszLanguagePreferenceIRThe employee's language preference from the SV
EV01cReturnErrorORReturn code 0- Template found 1- template not found.
TINCszTemplateAppraisalTypeORTemplate Apprasial Type key field. Return if template
found or Blank if not found.
HMCOszTemplateCompanyHomeORTemplate Home Company key field. Return if template
found or Blank if not found.
ORMCUszTemplateOrgMCUORTemplate Organizational Business Unit key field.
Return if template found or Blank if not found.
JGRPszTemplateJobGroupORTemplate Job Group key field. Return if template
found or Blank if not found.
APRRszTemplateApprasialRoleORTemplate Appraisers Role key field. Return if
template found or Blank if not found.
LNGPszTemplateLanguagePreORTemplate Langauage Preference key field. Return if
template found or Blank if not found.
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
cTypeIncreaseNextRevw | TINC | char | REQ | INPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
szCompanyHome | HMCO | char | REQ | INPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
szOrganizationalBusinessUn | ORMCU | char | REQ | INPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
szPerformanceAppraisersRole | APRR | char | REQ | INPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
szLanguagePreference | LNGP | char | REQ | INPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
cReturnError | EV01 | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
cTemplateAppraisalType | TINC | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
szTemplateCompanyHome | HMCO | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
szTemplateOrgMCU | ORMCU | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
szTemplateJobGroup | JGRP | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
szTemplateAppraisalRole | APRR | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
szTemplateLanguagePreference | LNGP | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
szJobGroup | JGRP | char | REQ | INPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
None |
None |