Functional Description
The purpose of this function is to automatically calculate employee competencies based on the Job
Competency level. Typically, the Job Competency Percent Achieved is calculated based on the Employee
Competency Levels. This function will reverse this process and back into the Employee Competency Levels
based on an entered Job Competency Percent Achieved.
Setup Notes and Prerequisites
Special Logic
Technical Specification
Call Determine Auto Calc Ee Competencies Is Valid to perform error checking and to retrieve any
parameters that were not passed.
Calculate the new percent achieved for the job competency code by dividing the level by the
Call Set Cache Sort Number, which will set the number to sort the cache by.
For each option that is to be calculated, do the following:
achieved for the locked employee competencies. This function will also return the percent achieved
needed by the remaining employee competencies in the option to get the desired job competency level.
If the percent achieved for the locked employee competencies is greater than the job competency
percent achieved, then no calculation can return the desired results. Stop processing and return an
error message ID.
Do while there are unlocked employee competencies to calculate: call Calculate Next Unlocked
Employee Competency Level
Determine the remaining job competency percent to achieve.
D0800212 - Auto Calculate Employee Competencies
Cache Job Number the unique number that identifies the Gap Analysis - B0800213 - cache that is
returned with the calculated employee competencies
Job Competency Code this is the job competency for which the employee competencies are to be
Option Number this is the option that the user requested to be calculated
Blank is allowed if the calculation is to be done for all options.
Performance Appraisal or Self Appraisal flag this flag denotes to the program whether the
calculation is for the Performance Appraisal or the Employee Self appraisal levels.
1 = Performance Appraisal
2 = Self Appraisal
Type Review - The review type being calculated
Supervisor - The supervisor id that is part of the cache key
Address Number - The employee being appraised. This is part of the cache key.
Date Effective - The effective date of the appraisal. This is part of the cache key.
Organization Type - The organization type that was in effect when the gap for the performance
appraisal was created.
Employee Self Appraisal Level if the program is to calculate for the employee self appraisal, this
is the level entered.
Required if the cPerfApprOrSelfApprFlag is '2'
Required Employee Self-Appraisal Level if the program is to calculate for the employee self
appraisal, this is the required level for employee appraisals. If this is left blank, the program will fetch
it from the appraisal header (F087711)
Performance Appraisal Level if the program is to calculate for the performance appraisal, this is
the level entered
Required if the cPerfApprOrSelfApprFlag is '1'
Required Performance Appraisal Level if the program is to calculate for the performance appraisal,
this is the required level. If this is left blank, the program will fetch it from the appraisal header
Job Competency Percent Required returns the new Job Competency Percent required calculated by the
Suppress Error - If this is set to 1, then the errors will not be set on the fields. If this is not
set to 1, then errors will be set on the fields in error.
Error Code Values:
0 = No Errors
1 = Job Number not passed
2 = Job Competency Code not passed
3 = Review Type not passed
4 = Supervisor not passed
5 = Address Number not passed
6 = Effective Date not passed
7 = Organization Type not passed
8 = Performance Appraisal Required level not passed
9 = Self Appraisal Required level not passed
10 = Performance Appraisal or Self Appraisal flag not valid value
11 = At least one employee competency scale is invalid
Cache Name - Convert Job Number from the B0800213 to a string and pass it in this parameter. This is
a way to uniquely identify the cache using a string parameter.
Option Cache Name - This is the string cache name for the B0800222 - Option Cache
Overall Level - The overall level for the appraisal. Input what the level is before the new job
competency level, the function will return the new overall level based on the calculated employee
competency levels.
Overall Level Description - Returns the associated description for the newly calculated overall
Overall Percent Achieved - Returns the percent achieved for the newly calculated overall level.
Overall Required Level - The required overall level for this performance or self appraisal. This is
necessary to calculate the overall percent achieved.
Overall Scale - The scale used to determine valid values for this overall performance or self
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
mnJobnumberA | JOBS | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | INPUT |
Cache Job Number the unique number that identifies the Gap Analysis - B0800213 - cache that is
| ||||
szJobCompetencyCode | JCC | char | REQ | INPUT |
Job Competency Code this is the job competency for which the employee competencies are to be
| ||||
szOptionNumber | COPTN | char | REQ | INPUT |
Option Number this is the option that the user requested to be calculated
| ||||
cPerfApprOrSelfApprFlag | EV01 | char | REQ | INPUT |
Performance Appraisal or Self Appraisal flag this flag denotes to the program whether the
| ||||
cTypeIncreaseNextRevw | TINC | char | REQ | INPUT |
Type Review - The review type being calculated.
| ||||
mnSupervisor | ANPA | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | INPUT |
Supervisor - The supervisor id that is part of the cache key
| ||||
mnAddressNumber | AN8 | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | INPUT |
Address Number - The employee being appraised. This is part of the cache key.
| ||||
jdDateEffective | DEF | JDEDATE | REQ | INPUT |
Date Effective - The effective date of the appraisal. This is part of the cache key.
| ||||
szOrganizationType | OTPS | char | REQ | INPUT |
Organization Type - The organization type that was in effect when the gap for the performance
| ||||
mnEmployeeSelfAppraisalLev | SAPL | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | BOTH |
Employee Self Appraisal Level if the program is to calculate for the employee self appraisal, this
| ||||
mnRequiredSelfAppraisalLev | REQLE | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | BOTH |
Required Employee Self-Appraisal Level if the program is to calculate for the employee self
| ||||
mnPerformanceAppraisalLevel | PAPL | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | BOTH |
Performance Appraisal Level if the program is to calculate for the performance appraisal, this is
| ||||
mnRequiredPerformanceLevel | REQLS | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | BOTH |
Required Performance Appraisal Level if the program is to calculate for the performance appraisal,
| ||||
mnJobCompetencyPercentAchi | JCPCTRQD | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | BOTH |
Job Competency Percent Required returns the new Job Competency Percent required calculated by the
| ||||
cSuppressErrorMessage | SUPPS | char | OPT | INPUT |
Suppress Error - If this is set to 1, then the errors will not be set on the fields. If this is not
| ||||
cErrorCode | ERRC | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
Error Code Values:
| ||||
szCacheName | PID | char | REQ | INPUT |
Convert Job Number from the B0800213 to a string and pass it in this parameter. This is a way to
| ||||
szOptionCacheName | PID | char | REQ | INPUT |
Option Cache Name - This is the string cache name for the B0800222 - Option Cache
| ||||
mnOverallLevel | CMPV | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | BOTH |
Overall Level - The overall level for the appraisal. Input what the level is before the new job
| ||||
szOverallLevelDescription | CCMPDS | char | OPT | BOTH |
Overall Level Description - Returns the associated description for the newly calculated overall
| ||||
mnOverallPercentAchieved | JCPCTRQD | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | BOTH |
Overall Percent Achieved - Returns the percent achieved for the newly calculated overall level.
| ||||
mnOverallRequiredLevel | REQL | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | INPUT |
Overall Required Level - The required overall level for this performance or self appraisal. This is
| ||||
szOverallScale | SCLE | char | REQ | INPUT |
Overall Scale - The scale used to determine valid values for this overall performance or self
None |
None |