Functional Description
The purpose of this function is to edit and create a performance appraisal and if required employee
self-appraisal. The function must be passed the type of review, employee's direct supervisor's address,
employee's address, review from and thru dates, due dates for the performance appraisal and the
employee self-appraisal. The function will return an error flag for any error found during the creation
The function will edit for a duplicate appraisal based on the type of review, supervisor address,
employee address and review from and thru dates. It will also edit if there is an active appraisal with
the review dates that overlap the dates of the appraisal to be created, this will cause a warning error
that a interactive user can override.
The function will create the F087711 Appraisal Header record, call the function to create the gap
snap shot for competency based appraisal or call the function to determine the template for traditional
based appraisals. If a template is to be created a record is written to F087711B.
Setup Notes and Prerequisites
TINCcTypeIncreaseNextRevwIRType of Performance Appraisal to be created.
ANPAszSuperviorAddressNumberIRThe address book number of the supervisor.
AN8szEmployeeAddressNumberIRThe address book number of the employee.
FRVWjdDteFromReviewIRThe From Review Date indicates the begining
date of the range of time under which the employee's performance is considered for the current review.
TRVWjdDteThruReviewIRThe Thru Review Date indicates the ending date
of the range of time under which the employee's performance is considered for the current review.
PADDjdDatePerformanceAppraisalIRThe date by which the performance appraisal
must be completed, including the appropriate approvals.
ESADDjdDateSelfAppraisalDueIRThe date by which the employee must complete
his or her self appraisal and notify his or her manager that it is completed.
EV01cFunctionCalledInterOrBatch IRFlag to indicate how function is called. (0 -
Interactive, 1 - Batch)
EV02cBypassWarning IRFlag to indicate if function should bypass
warning error edit. (0 - Perform warning error edit, 1 - Bypass warning errors)
EV04cDefaultCompetencyWeights IRFlag if the job competency weights to should be
default used in function N0800156 Create Gap Snap Shot. Value should be supplied by a Processing
PIDszProgramId ONApplication ID or UBE ID that is calling the
named ER. This value will be output to the PID field in the Appraisal Header table F087711.
EV03cErrorStatus ONFlag to indicate an error has been found.
0 - No Errors
1 - Warning of a possible duplicate appraisal
2 - Hard Error duplicate appraisal found
3 - Hard Error appraisal header not created
4 - Hard Error gap snap shot not created
5 - Hard Error Employee Master error
6 - Hard Error one or more required parms not passed
7 - Hard Error Job Desc. or Job Group error, job type/step are probably not valid
8 - Hard Error failed to retrieve HR constants
9 - Hard Error failed to create Template Record
A - Hard Error One or more of the following fields are Blank OTPS, ORMCU or JBCD
DEFjdDateEffective ONThe effective date of the created appraisal
SERKmnKeyValueSerialNumber ONThe assigned serial number of the created
PACMcManagementAppraisalMethod ONManager appraisal method
ESARQcEmployeeSelfappraisalReqONEmployee self-appraisal required 1/0 1-Yes 0-No
PABMcEmployeeSelfappraisalMethodONEmployee self-appraisal method
Special Logic
Technical Specification
of the fields are not passed in set DS EV03 - 6 return function failed.
found set DS EV03 = 2 return function failed.
review dates
Use data structure fields TINC, ANPA, AN8 and GAPS = active select from F087711. Read
through the selected records and compare the review from and thru dates to the data
structure dates if the dates overlap set DS EV03 to 1 warning return function failed.
EV03 - 5 return function failed.
Check returned ERRC If NE to 0 set DS EV03 - 3 return function failed.
fails set EV03 - 3 return function failed.
EQ to SERK + 1
- 3 return function failed.
Build Competency Based Appraisal
Appraisal Level. If Employee Self Appraisal Method is competency based calculate Employee
Self Appraisal Level.
Total Job Competency Percentage achieved. Loop through the Gap Snap Shot Table
F0800609 and retrieve the Job Competency Level Rule Weight and the Job Competency Percent
Achieved. Divide each by 100 and load the answer into a variables associated with data item
BFAC. BFAC will hold eight decimal places.
Calculate the managers performance appraisal level by multiplying Job Competency
Percentage achieved and Required Performance Appraisal Level. VA PerfAppLevel_BFAC = VA
TotJobCompAch_BFAC*VA ReqPerfLevel_REQLS
Call N0800212 Check Scale for Valid Value in order to round the Performance Appraisal
Level correctly and to return a description.
If the Employee Self Appraisal Level is required and is competency based determine if
Employee Self Appraisal Scale and Required level are the same as the Management Performance
If the scales and required levels are the same set the Employee Self Appraisal Level
equal to Performance Appraisal Level and the Employee Self Appraisal Level Description equal
to Performance Appraisal Level Description.
If the scales and/or the required levels are different calculate the Employee Self
Appraisal Level in the same manner as Performance Appraisal Level. VA EmpSelfAppLvl_BFAC = VA
TotJobCompAch_BFAC*VA ReqSelfAppLevel_REQLE
Call N0800212 again for the Self appraisal Level.
completed in a traditional format call N0800216.
Load the Template parameters into F087711B.
D0800211 - Create Performance Appraisal
Data Item Data Structure DescriptionI/OReqNotes
TINCcTypeIncreaseNextRevwIRType of Performance Appraisal to be created.
ANPAszSuperviorAddressNumberIRThe address book number of the supervisor.
AN8szEmployeeAddressNumberIRThe address book number of the employee.
FRVWjdDteFromReviewIRThe From Review Date indicates the begining
date of the range of time under which the employee's performance is considered for the current review.
TRVWjdDteThruReviewIRThe Thru Review Date indicates the ending date
of the range of time under which the employee's performance is considered for the current review.
PADDjdDatePerformanceAppraisalIRThe date by which the performance appraisal
must be completed, including the appropriate approvals.
ESADDjdDateSelfAppraisalDueIRThe date by which the employee must complete
his or her self appraisal and notify his or her manager that it is completed.
EV01cFunctionCalledInterOrBatch IRFlag to indicate how function is called. (0
Interactive, 1 Batch)
EV02cBypassWarning IRFlag to indicate if function should bypass
warning error edit. (0 Perform warning error edit, 1 Bypass warning errors)
EV04cDefaultCompetencyWeights IRFlag if the job competency weights to should be
default used in function N0800156 Create Gap Snap Shot. Value should be supplied by a Processing
PIDszProgramId ONApplication ID or UBE ID that is calling the
named ER. This value will be output to the PID field in the Appraisal Header table F087711.
EV03cErrorStatus ONFlag to indicate an error has been found.
0 - No Errors
1 - Warning of a possible duplicate appraisal
2 - Hard Error duplicate appraisal found
3 - Hard Error appraisal header not created
4 - Hard Error gap snap shot not created
5 - Hard Error Employee Master error
6 - Hard Error one or more required parms not passed
7 - Hard Error Job Desc. or Job Group error, job type/step are probably not valid
8 - Hard Error failed to retrieve HR constants
9 - Hard Error failed to create Template Record
A - Hard Error One or more of the following fields are Blank OTPS, ORMCU or JBCD
DEFjdDateEffective ONThe effective date of the created appraisal
SERKmnKeyValueSerialNumber ONThe assigned serial number of the created
PACMcManagementAppraisalMethod ONManager appraisal method
ESARQcEmployeeSelfappraisalReqONEmployee self-appraisal required 1/0 1-Yes 0-No
PABMcEmployeeSelfappraisalMethodONEmployee self-appraisal method
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
cTypeIncreaseNextRevw | TINC | char | REQ | INPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab ab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
mnSupervisorAddressNumber | ANPA | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | INPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab ab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
mnEmployeeAddressNumber | AN8 | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | INPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab ab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
jdDteFromReview | FRVW | JDEDATE | REQ | INPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab ab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
jdDteThruReview | TRVW | JDEDATE | REQ | INPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab ab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
jdDatePerformanceAppraisal | PADD | JDEDATE | REQ | INPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab ab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
jdDateSelfAppraisalDue | ESADD | JDEDATE | REQ | INPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab ab I/Oab Reqab Notes
| ||||
cFunctionCalledInterOrBatch | EV01 | char | REQ | INPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab ab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
cBypassWarning | EV02 | char | REQ | INPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab ab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
cErrorStatus | EV03 | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab ab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
szProgramId | PID | char | REQ | INPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab ab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
jdDateEffective | DEF | JDEDATE | OPT | OUTPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab ab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
mnKeyValueSerialNumber | SERK | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | OUTPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab ab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
cManagementAppraisalMethod | PACM | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab ab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
cEmployeeSelfAppraisalRequ | ESARQ | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab ab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
| ||||
cEmployeeSelfAppraisalMeth | PABM | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
Data Item ab Data Structure Descriptionab ab I/Oab Reqab Notesab
None |
None |