Functional Description
The purpose of this Named ER is to determine whether an employee is eligible for an increase type. It tests for service requirement and
age requirement, hours requirement and user defined requirement.
Setup Notes
Technical Specifications
Data Item Data Structure DescriptionI/ORequiredNotes
AN8 mnAddressNumber IR
EFT jdDateEffectiveRates IR This is the video effective date or system date
EV02 cServiceRequirement O '1' = Fails Service
Requirement EV03 cAgeRequirement
O '1' = Fails Age Requirement EV04
cHoursRequirement O '1' = Fails Hours Requirement
EV5 cUserDefinedRequirement O Not set as of release B732
Related Tables
Table Table Description
Initialize the following fields:
cUserDefinedRequirement = ' '
cHoursRequirement = ' '
cAgeRequirement = ' '
cServiceRequirement = ' '
cInEligibleFlagVariable = ' '
// Retrieve date of birth from employee master//
FetchSingle F060116 with key, mnAddressNumber, retrieving the date of birth
If the F060116 fetch is successful
//Check the conditions defined for the EligibilityTableVariable//
Select F08390 by key, EligibilityTableVariable
Set StopProcessingVariable = '0'
While the file operation is succesful and StopProcessingVariable = '0'
FetchNext F08390, retrieving the EligibilityMethod, EligibilityMinimumAmount,
BasedFromDataItem, EligibilityComputationPeriod, NumberOfPeriods, PayTypeTable
and the Operand
If the FetchNext Operation is successful
//If operand = 'OR' and already eligible, no need to continue with test. If operand = 'OR' and
ineligible, reset ineligibleFlag and continue testing. If operand = 'AND', nothing is done to the
If Operand = 'OR'
If IneligibleFlag = ' '
StopProcessingVaraible = '1'
IneligibleFlag = ' '
End If //End of if IneligbleFlag= ' '//
End If //End of if Operand = 'OR'//
//Test Eligibility according to method if continue with testing and EligibilityMinimumAmount <> 0//
If StopProcessingVariable = '0'
Set PassInEligibleFlag = ' '
//Eligibility Method Service Days, Months and Years//
If EligibilityMethod = 'D' or 'M' or 'Y'
Call Function "Get Employee Master Specific Data Item" to determine which employee date
to use as the based from date, passing in all the employee dates retrieved above, the
BasedFromDataItem (F08390), and returning back the FromDate
Call Function "Determine Eligibility Service Dys, Mths, Yrs", passing in the
MinimumAmount (F08390), jdDateEffectiveRates, the FromDate,
EligibilityMethod (F08390), and returning a flag to the PassInEligibleFlag.
If PassInElgibleFlag = ' 1'
Set IneligibleFlag = '1'
Set cServiceRequirement = '1'
End If //End of if PassInEligibleFlag = '1'//
End If //End of if EligibilityMethod = 'D','M' or 'Y'//
//Eligibility Method Age Minimum or Age Maximum//
If EligibilityMethod = 'AM' or 'AX'
Call Function "Determine Eligibility Age", passing in the Date of Birth,
MinimumAmount (F08390), EligibilityMethod (F08390), jdDateEffectiveRates and
returning a flag to the PassInEligibleFlag.
If PassInElgibleFlag = ' 1'
Set IneligibleFlag = '1'
Set cAgeRequirement = '1'
End If //End of if PassInEligibleFlag = '1'//
End If //End of if EligibilityMethod = 'AM' or 'AX'//
//Eligibility Method HOURS//
If EligibilityMethod = 'H'
If BasedFromDataItem <> *Blank
Call Function "Get Employee Master Specific Data Item" to determine which employee
date to use as the based from date, passing in all the employee dates retrieved above,
the BasedFromDataItem (F08390), and returning back the FromDate
End If //End of If BasedFromDataItem <> *Blank//
Call Function "Determine Eligibility Hours", passing in the MinimumAmount (F08390),
the FromDate, EligibilityMethod (F08390), jdDateEffectiveRates,
NumberOfPeriod(F08390), PayTypeTable(F08390), BasedFromDataItem(F08390),
mnAddressNumber, ComputationPeriod(F08390), and returning a
flag to the PassInEligibleFlag.
If PassInElgibleFlag = ' 1'
Set IneligibleFlag = '1'
Set cHoursRequirement = '1'
End If //End of if PassInEligibleFlag = '1'//
End If //End of if EligibilityMethod = 'H'//
End If //End of if StopProccessingVariable = '0'//
End If //End of if the FetchNext Operation is successful//
// After all eligibility records have been processed, if the IneligibleFlag = ' ', just reset all the requirement
If IneligibleFlag = ' '
Set cUserDefineRequirement = ' '
Set cHoursRequirement = ' '
Set cAgeRequirement = ' '
Set cServiceRequirement = ' '
End If //End of if IneligibleFlag = ' '//
End If //End of if fetch F08320 is successful//
End If //End of if fetch F060116 is successful//
D0800189 - Determine Employee Eligibility for Increase Type
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
mnAddressNumber | AN8 | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | INPUT |
A number that identifies an entry in the Address Book system, such as employee, applicant, participant, customer, supplier, tenant, or
| ||||
jdDateEffectiveRates | EFT | JDEDATE | REQ | INPUT |
The date that identifies when a date is first valid. The effective date is used generically. It can be a lease effective date, a price or cost
| ||||
cServiceRequirement | EV02 | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. | ||||
cAgeRequirement | EV03 | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
A radio button that specifies the level at which trace/track result is to be displayed. Select the Detail to display all transactions except IB, IX,
| ||||
cHoursRequirement | EV04 | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
PeopleSoft event point processing flag 04. | ||||
cUserDefinedRequirement | EV05 | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
A flag that indicates whether automatic spell check is turned on. | ||||
szEligibilityTable | XET | char | REQ | INPUT |
A code that identifies the specific table of eligibility rules. The rules determine whether the employee is eligible for enrollment in a plan. |
None |
None |