Get Specific Employee Master History Data
Minor Business Rule
Object Name: N0800103
Parent DLL: CHRM
Location: Client/Server
Language: NER
Functional Description
This function will return the values of certain employee master fields. If the Salary Point in Time
Date is passed, it will attempt to get the SAL, LSAL, and FSAL from history as of that date; otherwise
the default from the employee master is used. If an Age Point in Time Date is passed, it will
calculate the Fixed Age as of the Age Point In Time Date and return that value to the calling program.
Setup Notes and Prerequisites
Special Logic
Technical Specification
Fetch values from F060116
If there is not a Salary Point In Time Date, then use the default from
F060116. Otherwise, look in history for the SAL, LSAL, and FSAL.
If there is not an Age Point In Time Date, then use the default from
F060116. Otherwise, calculate the Fixed Age of the employee.
Data Structure
D0800103 - Get Specific Employee History Data
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
mnAddressNumber | AN8 | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | INPUT |
A number that identifies an entry in the Address Book system, such as employee, applicant, participant, customer, supplier, tenant, or
jdSalaryPointInTimeDate | EFTO | JDEDATE | REQ | INPUT |
This is the date that SAL, LSAL, and FSAL are returned as of. If a record is not found in history as
of this date, then the default from the employee master is returned.
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The amount that an employee is paid in one year, assuming that the employee is paid every pay period of the year.
For WorldSoftware:
the employee's primary job, the system stores the annual salary in the Employee Master Information table (F060116) and the Employee
Jobs table (F060118). For secondary jobs, the system stores the annual salary only in the Employee Jobs table (F060118).
Depending on how
the value that is entered in the Display Salary (Annual/Effective) field in the HR History Constants table (F08040), this field displays one of the
o Annual salary. For salaried employees who are not linked with a contract calendar, the user enters the amount or the system
retrieves the amount from the Pay Grade/Salary Range Table (F082001). For employees who are linked with a contract calendar, the system
calculates this amount using the following formula: (((current salary minus salary paid before change) divided by number of periods to pay)
multiplied by pay frequency).
o Effective salary. For employees whose jobs are linked with a contract calendar, the system recalculates the
effective salary when you enter a mid-calendar salary adjustment. After you enter a mid-calendar adjustment, the effective salary equals the
salary that is paid to the employee from the time of the adjustment through the end of the contract. The system calculates this amount using
the following formula: ((annual salary divided by pay frequency) times periods to pay).
mnWorkHoursPerYear | IH | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | OUTPUT |
The number of work hours in the year. When you do not set your payroll company constants to use the Pay Grade Step table as the
pay-rate source, the system uses this number to compute the hourly rate when you supply the annual salary (or to compute the annual salary when
you supply the hourly rate).
When you set your constants to use the Pay Grade Step table as the pay rate source, the system uses the
following sequence to search for the standard number of hours that it uses to calculate the salary or hourly rate per pay period:
o Employee entry
forms (this field)
o Pay Grade Step table (hours per day multiplied by days per year)
o Payroll company constants for the employee's
o Payroll company constants for the default company (company 00000)
o Data dictionary
o System default value of 2080
standard hours per year |
cPayFrequency | PFRQ | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
A user defined code (07/PF) that indicates how often an employee is paid. Valid codes are:
European Annualized
The system uses the value in the Description-2 field on user defined codes to calculate the amount per
pay period for a salaried employee. |
mnRtDistributionOrBill | PBRT | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | OUTPUT |
A number that specifies the rate that the system uses to bill for labor services. This rate is often referred to as the billing or recharge rate.
The system charges the resulting amount, based on this rate, to the primary distribution account for the timecard. The system also enters an
offset to an account that is derived from automatic accounting instructions. This rate does not affect employee payroll.
To allow billing rates in
time entry, the employee record type must be set to 2 (payroll and recharge processing) or 3 (recharge processing only) with the Employee
Payroll program (P0801PRL).
The employee's hourly rate, which is retrieved during time entry. If you enter a rate in this field on any other form, that rate can override the
value in the Employee Master table.
In the Employee Master table, this number is the employee's base hourly rate.
In the Union Rates table, it
is the straight time rate.
NOTE: If you change the number of the data display decimal digits for this field, you must also change fields Rate -
Base Hourly (BHRT) and Rate - Hourly (SHRT) so that they have exactly the same number of data display decimal digits. |
mnRtPiecework | PPRT | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | OUTPUT |
The rate paid for the type of component (piece) produced. If you enter a rate in this field, this rate overrides the rate in the Employee Master
file. |
jdDateBirth | DOB | JDEDATE | OPT | OUTPUT |
The employee's date of birth. |
jdDateOriginalEmployment | DSI | JDEDATE | OPT | OUTPUT |
The date on which the employee was originally hired by the company. If the employee was terminated and subsequently rehired, the new
start date will be represented by the data in the Date Started (DST) field. |
jdDateEmploymentStart | DST | JDEDATE | OPT | OUTPUT |
The date on which the employee actually reported to work for the most recent period of hire. When an employee initially begins working,
the default is the original hire date. If no original hire date exists, the system uses the current date. This field can be updated multiple times if, for
example, an employee is a seasonal worker.
For the calculation tables in the Payroll system and the eligibility tables and date codes in the
Human Resources system, the system also uses this date as a start date when it calculates deductions, benefits, and accruals. |
jdDateLoaStarts | LSDT | JDEDATE | OPT | OUTPUT |
The date on which an employee's paid or unpaid leave of absence begins. Use this date to indicate the leave for the Family and Medical
Leave Act. |
jdDateParticipation | PADT | JDEDATE | OPT | OUTPUT |
The date the employee began participating in the company deferred income or stock option plan. This date must be later than the Date
Started date. |
mnAnnualSalaryLife | LSAL | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | OUTPUT |
You can use this field to calculate deductions, benefits, and accruals (DBAs) for an employee's life insurance premium. Any table method
that begins with an I (Insurance) uses this field. |
For World:
The age of the employee as of a certain date (for example, January 1st) for a given year. You can manually update this field or
update it each year using the future data facility.
For One World:
The age of the employee as of a certain date (for example, January 1st) for a
given year. You can manually update this field or the system can update this field when you run the Update Employee Master Age report
(R083495). |
mnSalaryFixed | FSAL | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | OUTPUT |
You can use this field to calculate deductions, benefits, and accruals (DBAs) for a spouse's life insurance premium. Any table method that
begins with an F uses this field. |
cErrorCode | ERRC | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
cErrorCode Values are as follows:
0 = No Errors
1 = Invalid Employee Address Number
2 = No Date Of Birth in the Employee Master Record
3 = Employee was not born as of the Age Point In Time Date
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jdAgePointInTimeDate | EFTO | JDEDATE | OPT | BOTH |
This is the date that age is calculated as of.
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