Functional Description
This function will check for any unpaid deduction-type DBA's (DISO = "D") in F06146, Employee
Transaction History Summary, and, if desired, will write the amount due in F0709, Deduction/Benefit/Accrual
Ledger File, as a one-time override. Records are based on the calendar year.
Setup Notes and Prerequisites
If the generation of records in F0709 is desired, it is recommended that this function be called
twice: once with the flag cGenerateEntryInLedgerFile01 = 0, and if warnings and errors are not detected
(mnWarningCodeReturned and mnErrorCodeReturned = 0), then call it again with the flag = 1. Warnings may
require manual processing. Errors always require manual processing.
Special Logic
Only declining balance and number of periods deduction setup at the employee level are considered. No
DBA instructions will be included that are defaulted as a result of the union/group plans or required
at the DBA level. Wage attachments (F06107) also are not included at this time (see note at bottom.)
Only records with amount due not equal zero are written to F0709.
AN8mnAddressNumberIYAddress number of employee
DTjdDateTerminatedIYDate of termination
EV01cGenerateEntryInLedgerFile01IY0 = Do not generate entries
1 = Generate entries in F0709
PIDszProgramIDofCallingProgramIYProgram ID of calling program. If
not entered, then "N0800071" is used. This value
is used when F0709 is updated.
MATH06mnNoOfUnpaidDBAsOYNumber of unpaid DBA's found (
records with arrearage, amount due, or no. of
periods not = 0). One DBA may have multiple records
in F06146 Notes: A value of zero may mean: 1.
records have not been rolled over, or 2.there are
no unpaid DBA's
MATH06mnNoOfRecsWrToF0709OYNumber of records successfully
written to F0709
MATH06mnWarningCodeReturnedOYWarning codes: 0 = no warnings
1 = a record in F06146 does not
have an active record in F06106
2 = a record in F0709 with DWK =
DT already exists 4 = record(s) in F0709 with DWK
< DT exist 8 = at least one record was not
successfully written to F0709 Notes: 1. A
warning requires manual processing 2. The
reported warning code is the sum of the
above-mentioned codes. For example, a code of 13 means
codes 1, 4, & 8 were set
MATH06mnErrorCodeReturnedOYError codes: 0 = no errors
1 = Date of termination
was not entered
2 = no record found in
F060116. This may be caused by a wrong
Address Number
3 = Pay Status
(PAST) in F060116
should be 0 - 9 (active employee)
because when this function is called,
it is assumed that the employee is
still active
4 = Record locked out in
F060116; can not modify F0709. If
F0709 is not to be modified, then
this error may be ignored
11 = a DBA in F06146 has no record in
F069116 12 = DISO for one of the DBA's
in F069116 does not =
"D" 13 = a DBA has an invalid
combination with DBAL = "Y" and
NP not = 0 14 = a DBA has an invalid
combination with NPER = "Y" and AD not
= 0 101 - 199 = error
codes 1 - 99 from N0700025, which
verifies the employee Tax Area code
(TARA) in F060116 Note:
function will return when the first
error is detected
Related Tables
Related Tables
Table Table Description
F0709Deduction/Benefit/Accrual Ledger File
F06106Employee Pay Instructions
F06146Employee Transaction History Summary
F069116Payroll Transaction Constants
1.3Related Business Functions
Source NameFunction Name
N0700025TARA Extract of State, Count, City
1.Verify that a date is entered in DT.
2.Get the two-digit year from termination date. This will become the DTEY key to F06146
3.Fetch and verify employee information in F060116 (see error codes for what is verified).
4.Search F06146 based on AN8, DISO = "D", and DTEY for records with values not equal to zero in ARRA
(arrearage amount), AD (amount due), or NP (number of periods). Read records with PDBA code starting
with code 1000.
5.If a record is found, then read F069116 for DBA found in step 4 and verify information (see error
codes for what is verified).
6.Read F06106 for corresponding record based on AN8 and PDBA with jdDateTerminated between PSDT and
PTDT. Date fields left blank are considered to be in effect (open-ended). Check if RTAM, ANN8, and
GVCH have been overridden by values in F069116. If a record is not found in F06106, then a warning code
is set.
7.Fetch all records in F06146 for PDBA and add ARRA, AD and NP from all records.
8.Calculate Gross Pay (GPA) to be reported in F0709: If declining-balance DBA, then amount due = sum
from all records in F06146 (AD + ARRA). If number of periods DBA, then amount due = sum from all
records in F06146 (NP x RTAM + ARRA). Calculate ARRA to be inserted in F0709 = -(sum of all ARRA in
9.Search F0709 for records with Work Date (DWK) equal to or less than jdDateTerminated. If either is
found, set warning flag.
10. If GPA or ARRA are not equal to zero and cGenEntryInLedgFile01 = 1, then insert a record write
GPA in F0709 as a one-time override. Fields written to F0709 are:
*AN8AN8 of employee
*PDBAPDBA from F06146
*UKIDassigned through function F00022
CPECPE from F069116
DISODISO from F06146
DEDMDEDM from F069116
HMCOHMCO from F060116
GPAGross Pay as calculated above
ARRAnegative value of ARRA as calculated above
MCUGblank (this field is associated only with a time card)
UNUNfrom F060116
ANN8ANN8 from F06106/F069116
WCMPWCMP from F060116
WETWET from F060116
MVMV from F069116
PCKPCK from F069116
PALFALPH from F060116 (first 12 characters only)
GVCHGVCH from F06106/F069116
CALCCALC from F069116
ARRRARRR from F069116
UPMTTime updated, from function Get Audit Info
PIDProgram ID, from function Get Audit Info
JOBNWorkstation ID, from function Get Audit Info
USERUser ID, from function Get Audit Info
1.UKID for F0709 is generated through function X00022, F00022 Get Next Unique Key ID, with Object
Name = "F0709".
2.The current World and OneWorld Employee DBA setup programs allow the deletion of an amount-due or
a number of periods DBA record without having to zero ARRA, AD, or NP (a warning is given; however,
the user is not forced to zero these fields). The record will be deleted from F06106; however, the
corresponding record in F06146 is not deleted. If ARRA and/or NP are not zeroed, then different amounts
will be calculated when using the World or OneWorld Employee DBA Setup programs versus this function,
because this function will add all records with values other than zero in F06146.
3.Currently, Wage Attachments (WA) are not considered because the WA system is not yet set-up in
OneWorld. The WA system is scheduled to be added after B7.3. The only type the employer needs to be
collected upon termination is DEDM = "K" (employee loan). Employers are not legally obligated to collect
the other types of WA's [DEDM= "C" (child support), "L" (levies), and "G" (garnishments)]. To retrieve
the amount due, search F06107 for DBA's with DEDM in F069116 = "K" and from and to dates within DT.
Retrieve AD (amount d
D0800071A - Process Unpaid DBAs upon termination
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
mnAddressNumber | AN8 | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | INPUT |
A number that identifies an entry in the Address Book system, such as employee, applicant, participant, customer, supplier, tenant, or
| ||||
jdDateTerminated | DT | JDEDATE | REQ | INPUT |
The date that the employee was terminated, if applicable. | ||||
cGenerateEntryInLedgerFile01 | EV01 | char | REQ | INPUT |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. | ||||
szProgramIDofCallingProgram | PID | char | REQ | INPUT |
The number that identifies the batch or interactive program (batch or interactive object). For example, the number of the Sales Order Entry
| ||||
Event point for Math Numeric. | ||||
mnNoOfRecsWrToF0709 | MATH06 | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | OUTPUT |
Event point for Math Numeric. | ||||
mnWarningCodeReturned | MATH06 | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | OUTPUT |
Event point for Math Numeric. | ||||
mnErrorCodeReturned | MATH06 | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | OUTPUT |
Event point for Math Numeric. |
None |
None |