Functional Description
The purpose of the Named ER is to calculated the Filled HeadCount for a given requisition in the F08105 table.
Technical Specifications
Data Item Data Structure Descriptio I/O Required Table Notes
REQN Requisition Nu I Y F08102 Pass in Requisition Number
HDCT Headcount O Y Filled Headcount is returned
Related Tables
Table Table Description
F08105Requisition Activity
1.Filled Headcount is initialized to zero.
2.Maximum length of Data Dictionary item for "CRST" is retrieved.
3.Pointer is set to beginning of the F08105 for Requisition Number that is passed in.
4.While the Requisition Number is found:
If the length of the code is less than the maximum length allowed by the Data Dictionary
the Special Handling Code for the Candidate Status.)
Goto the UDCs (08/CN) with the Candidate Status code to get the associated Special Handling Code.
If the associated Special Handling Code equals "FIL"
DN0800026 - Determine Filled HeadCount for a Given Requisition
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
mnRequisitionNumber | REQN | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
The number that identifies the position requisition. This number must be unique. The next number program assigns this number if no other
| ||||
mnFilledHeadcount | HDCT | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
The number of employees requested, budgeted, or approved for a position or requisition. |
None |
None |