Functional Description
The Named ER performs tax id edit specific to CANADA. This Named ER is called by "HRM Tax ID Edit"(N0800015) if
the employee's country of employment is 'CA'.
Setup Notes
Technical Specifications
Data ItemData Structure Description I/ORequired TableNotes
SSNszSocialSecurityNumber I/ORInput could be unscrub tax id Output is scrub tax id
(no special char)
EV01cErrorFlag O'1' = fails 9 digit length tax id req.
Related Tables
Table Table Description
Call Named ER "Scrub Tax ID" (N0800014), passing in szSocial Security and returning back
the scrub tax id and the length of the tax id
If the length of the tax id <> 9
cErrorFlag = '1'
//Else the tax id passes the length requirement of 9//
Perform Modulus 10 Self-Check digit (see Named ER for logic details)
If the scub tax id fails the Modulus 10 Self-Check digit requirement
cErrorFlag = '2'
End If
End If
szSocialSecurityNumber = scrub tax id
DN0800017 - HRM Tax ID Edit - CA
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
szSocialSecurityNumber | SSN | char | NONE | NONE |
A number that indicates the tax ID. In the United States, the tax ID is the social security number. In Canada, it is the social insurance number.
| ||||
cErrorFlag | EV01 | char | NONE | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. |
None |
None |