Functional Description
The purpose of this NER is to delete all Employee Lockout records (F07300) for a given Payroll ID.
This NER will primarily be used with the Payroll Cycle. Currently it is called from the Pre-Payroll
UBE (R07200) to delete all lockout records before a Pre-Payroll is run.
Setup Notes and Prerequisites
Special Logic
Technical Specification
Data Item Data Structure Description I/O Required Notes
PAYD szPayrollID IY This is the Payroll ID that will be used in
selecting the
appropriate records.
Related Tables
Table Table Description
F07300 Employee Lockout Code file
Related Business Functions
Source Name Function Name
1. Deletes all Payroll Lockout records for the Payroll ID that is passed into the NER. This will
"free" these records so that they can be processed in the Pre-Payroll.
D0700028 - DS for Delete Lockout Records
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
szPayrollIDOW | PAYD | char | OPT | NONE |
A code that identifies a group of employees for whom you are processing payroll. Use this ID to process each step of the payroll
None |
None |