Functional Description
The purpose of this function is to calculate an employee's salary based on a variety of
circumstances. The Pay Rate Source constant, which resides in the Constants File (F08040), determines the method
for which a persons pay rate should be derived. Also, the Salary Calculations Server will behave
differently depending on which fields a user changes or omits on the screen.
Setup Notes and Prerequisites
The Pay Rate Source constant should be retrieved from the Constants Information file (F08040) and
passed to this function. If it is not, the function will get it for you. However, you will have better
performance if you pass it to the function.
Technical Specification
Data Item Data Structure DescriptionI/ORequiredNotes
cActionAction CodeINNot Used
cPayRateSourcePay Rate SourceINFrom Constants
Information File (F08040).
szBefPayGradePay Grade IN"Before Image"
szBefPayGradeStepPay Grade StepIN"Before Image"
mnAftSalarySalary I/ON"After Image"
szAftJobCodeJob Code IN"After Image"
szAftJobStep Job Step IN"After Image"
szAftPayGradePay Grade IN"After Image"
szAftPayGradeStepPay Grade Step IN"After Image"
szAftUnionCode Union Code IN"After Image"
mnAftHoursPerYearHours Per Year I/ON"After Image"
mnAftHoursPerDayHours Per DayI/ON"After Image"
mnAftDaysPeYearDays Per Standard YearI/ON"After Image"
cAftPayTypePay TypeIN"After Image"
cAftPayFrequencyPay FrequencyIN"After Image"
szAftHomeBusUnitHome Business UnitIN"After Image"
cAftShiftCodeShift CodeIN"After Image"
szAftHomeCompanyHome CompanyIN"After Image"
mnAftFullTimeEquivalentsFull Time EquivalentsI/ON"After Image"
szAftLocalityLocalityIN"After Image"
cAftSalaryFrequencySalary FrequencyIN"After Image"
mnPayPeriodSalaryPay Period SalaryON
mnBefSalarySalaryIN "Before Image"
mnBefHourlyRateHourly RateIN"Before Image"
mnBefHoursPerYearHours Per YearIN"Before Image"
cBefPayTypePay TypeIN"Before Image"
szBefLocalityLocalityIN"Before Image"
szBefUnionCodeUnion CodeIN"Before Image"
mnBefFullTimeEquivalentsFull Time EquivalentsIN"Before Image"
2.2Related Tables
Table Table Description
F08040Constants Information File
F069126Union Rates Table
F082001Pay Grades Table
F069096Payroll General Constants File
2.3Related Business Functions - Review and Copy Code
Source NameFunction Name
N0800005Pay Grade Server
N0800006Calculate Pay Period and Annual Salary from Input
N0800027Pay Rate Table Server
N0800009Retrieve Standard Hours Per Year
1.0If Salary Frequency is not equal to 'A', then Annual Salary and change Salary Frequency to 'A'.
2.0.If Pay Rate Source was not passed in, then retrieve it from the Constants File (F08040).
3.0.If Hours Per Year is blank, then default it in based on the 'Retrieve Standard Hours Per Year'
4.0.If Pay Rate Source is equal to 1:
5.0.If Pay Rate Source is equal to 2:
5.1.2.If Hours Per Year is blank
from the Pay Grade Server.
6.0.If Pay Rate Source is equal to 3;
7.0.Calculate Pay Period Salary.
DN0500025 - Salary Calculations Server
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
cAction | ACTION | char | OPT | NONE |
A code that indicates the activity you want to perform. Valid codes are:
A Add new record
C Change existing record
D Delete existing
| ||||
cPayRateSource | PRSR | char | OPT | NONE |
This constant specifies the default source for employee pay rates. When you add or change employee information, the system uses this
| ||||
szBefPayGrade | PGRD | char | OPT | NONE |
A code that designates a category for grouping employees according to pay ranges. For each pay grade, you enter a pay range that
| ||||
szBefPayGradeStep | PGRS | char | OPT | NONE |
A code that identifies a pay grade and pay step. You can use this code to determine an employee's pay rate.
If you have set up your
| ||||
mnAftSalary | SAL | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
The amount that an employee is paid in one year, assuming that the employee is paid every pay period of the year.
For WorldSoftware:
| ||||
mnAftHourlyRate | PHRT | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
The employee's hourly rate, which is retrieved during time entry. If you enter a rate in this field on any other form, that rate can override the
| ||||
szAftJobCode | JBCD | char | OPT | NONE |
A user defined code (07/G) that defines the jobs within your organization. You can associate pay and benefit information with a job type and
| ||||
szAftJobStep | JBST | char | OPT | NONE |
A user defined code (07/GS) that designates a specific level within a particular job type. The system uses this code in conjunction with job
| ||||
szAftPayGrade | PGRD | char | OPT | NONE |
A code that designates a category for grouping employees according to pay ranges. For each pay grade, you enter a pay range that
| ||||
szAftPayGradeStep | PGRS | char | OPT | NONE |
A code that identifies a pay grade and pay step. You can use this code to determine an employee's pay rate.
If you have set up your
| ||||
szAftUnionCode | UN | char | OPT | NONE |
A user defined code (06/UN) that represents the union or plan in which the employee or group of employees work or participate. | ||||
mnAftHoursPerYear | IH | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
The number of work hours in the year. When you do not set your payroll company constants to use the Pay Grade Step table as the
| ||||
mnAftHoursPerDay | STDD | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
The number of hours that the employee normally works in one day. If you leave this field blank, the default is the standard number of hours
| ||||
mnAftDaysPeYear | SDYY | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
The number of workdays in a year. The number of standard days per year multiplied by the number of hours per day equals the standard
| ||||
cAftPayType | SALY | char | OPT | NONE |
A code that specifies how an employee is paid. Valid codes are: H Hourly S Salaried P Piecework | ||||
cAftPayFrequency | PFRQ | char | OPT | NONE |
A user defined code (07/PF) that indicates how often an employee is paid. Valid codes are:
| ||||
szAftHomeBusUnit | HMCU | char | OPT | NONE |
The number of the business unit in which the employee generally resides. | ||||
cAftShiftCode | SHFT | char | OPT | NONE |
A user defined code (00/SH) that identifies daily work shifts.
In payroll systems, you can use a shift code to add a percentage or amount to
| ||||
szAftHomeCompany | HMCO | char | OPT | NONE |
The company number where the employee records generally reside. | ||||
mnAftFullTimeEquivalents | FTE | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
The full-time equivalent (FTE) amount. This figure is the portion of a full-time worker that an employee represents within the business unit.
| ||||
szAftLocality | SLOC | char | OPT | NONE |
A user defined code (07/SL) that defines the different salary localities within an organization. For example, you can compare salaries for
| ||||
cAftSalaryFrequency | SFQOW | char | OPT | NONE |
A code which indicates the period upon which the entered salary is based. | ||||
mnPayPeriodSalary | SAL | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
The amount that an employee is paid in one year, assuming that the employee is paid every pay period of the year.
For WorldSoftware:
| ||||
mnBefSalary | SAL | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
The amount that an employee is paid in one year, assuming that the employee is paid every pay period of the year.
For WorldSoftware:
| ||||
mnBefHourlyRate | PHRT | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
The employee's hourly rate, which is retrieved during time entry. If you enter a rate in this field on any other form, that rate can override the
| ||||
mnBefHoursPerYear | IH | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
The number of work hours in the year. When you do not set your payroll company constants to use the Pay Grade Step table as the
| ||||
cBefPayType | SALY | char | OPT | NONE |
A code that specifies how an employee is paid. Valid codes are: H Hourly S Salaried P Piecework | ||||
szBefLocality | SLOC | char | OPT | NONE |
A user defined code (07/SL) that defines the different salary localities within an organization. For example, you can compare salaries for
| ||||
szBefUnionCode | UN | char | OPT | NONE |
A user defined code (06/UN) that represents the union or plan in which the employee or group of employees work or participate. | ||||
mnBefFullTimeEquivalents | FTE | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
The full-time equivalent (FTE) amount. This figure is the portion of a full-time worker that an employee represents within the business unit.
| ||||
cRecFoundInPRTable | EV01 | char | OPT | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. | ||||
jdDateEffectivePayGrade | EFT | JDEDATE | OPT | NONE |
The date that identifies when a date is first valid. The effective date is used generically. It can be a lease effective date, a price or cost
None |
None |