Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
szProcessName | PROCNAME | char | OPT | NONE |
The unique identifier for a process. If no value is entered, a next number is assigned. Once assigned, the value cannot be changed.
mnProcessVersion | PROCVER | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
A number from 1 to 99999 that identifies a unique version of a workflow process. |
szActivityName | ACTNAME | char | OPT | NONE |
The type of task that is used within a workflow process. The task determines what kind of object is executed when the task is started. Types
of tasks are:
Business Function
Launches a business function for special logic processing.
Interactive Application
Starts an
Generates a message that is based on system functions within the software. You can attach one of the generic workflow approval forms
or any other form. You can also attach text substitution messages. You can mark a message task to be monitored for escalation. Escalation
enables the system to forward, or escalate, unread messages after a certain period of time to the next user within a distribution list. You add
escalation to a message so that, when the original recipient of the message is not available to respond to the message, the next recipient
within a distribution list receives the message.
Windows Executable
Starts an executable program, such as a word processing program or
Batch Application
Starts a batch process or report.
Local Subprocess
Starts another process, also referred to as a subprocess, which
includes its own set of tasks. The subprocess appears in PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne software.
Suspends the process and waits for a
certain period of time before continuing the process.
Starts the workflow process. This task is first in every workflow process.
Starts an external process.
When used in the context of process rules, the following values apply:
Transition Condition
which task executes and what happens when that task executes.
Recipient Condition
Determines to whom or to which distribution list a workflow
message is sent.
szActivityType | ACTTYPE | char | OPT | NONE |
A user defined code that indicates the task that is executed within a workflow process. Valid values are:
Start - The task that starts the
End - The last task in the workflow
Batch Application (UBE)
Local Sub Process
Transition Condition
Recipient Condition
Escalation Rule
Halt Process
Remote Sub Process
SourceEnvironment | LL | char | OPT | NONE |
The name associated with a specific list of libraries. The J98INITA initial program uses these library list names to control environments that
a user can sign on to. These configurations of library lists are maintained in the Library List Master File table (F0094).
This field represents a
valid environment that can be used to run in PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne. The environment encompasses both a path code (objects), and a
data source (data). When put together, users have a valid workplace within the system.
LoginEnvironment | LL | char | OPT | NONE |
The name associated with a specific list of libraries. The J98INITA initial program uses these library list names to control environments that
a user can sign on to. These configurations of library lists are maintained in the Library List Master File table (F0094).
This field represents a
valid environment that can be used to run in PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne. The environment encompasses both a path code (objects), and a
data source (data). When put together, users have a valid workplace within the system.
cChangeFlag | CHGF | char | OPT | NONE |
szFromRelease | FRMREL | char | OPT | NONE |
A number that indicates the release from which the software task becomes active. A task may be setup to only be active for a range of
releases by using the From release with the Thru release. A task may be setup to become active in the future by using a future release in the
From field or it may be set to expire by assigning a Thru release. |
szThruRelease | THRREL | char | OPT | NONE |
A number that indicates the release in which the software task becomes inactive. A task may be set up to only be active for a range of
releases by using the From release with the Thru release. A task may be setup to become active in the future by using a future release in the From
field or it may be set to expire by assigning a Thru release. The Thru release may be left blank to indicate that the Task does not expire. |
ChangeorDelete | CHGF | char | OPT | NONE |
F0092 Library Lists - User
F98800 Process Master
F98800D Process Master Alternate Description
F98800DN Process Master Alternate Description - Net Change
F98800N Process Master - Net Change
F98800T Process Master Supplemental Information
F98800TN Process Master Supplemental Information - Net Change
F98810 Task Master
F98810D Task Master Alternate Description
F98810DN Task Master Alternate Description - Net Change
F98810N Task Master - Net Change
F98811 Task Specifications
F98811N Task Specifications - Net Change
F98830 Process Task Associations
F98830N Process Task Associations - Net Change
F98840 Organizational Structure Master
F98840N Organizational Structure Master - Net Change
F98845 Organizational Structure Rule
F98845N Organizational Structure Rule - Net Change