D90CA166A - Industry Grouping Industry Add Remove
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
mnCustomerIndustryGroup | CIG | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
The industry grouping field is based upon the customer's SIC Code, and is used to classify their business at a higher level than the SIC
| ||||
szIndustryDrky | INDTRY | char | OPT | NONE |
You can narrow your calculations to include only those opportunities from accounts in a particular Industry. | ||||
nActionCode | INT01 | integer | OPT | NONE |
Number of Days in Future to Query for Responses Due. | ||||
nIsDeleteSuccessful | INT01 | integer | OPT | NONE |
Number of Days in Future to Query for Responses Due. |
B90CB035 Retrieve Audit Information |
F90CA12A Industry Grouping Industry |