D76B0020 - Nota Fiscal Taxes Detail - Brazil - Procurement - 43B
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
mnNotaFiscalNumber | BNNF | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | NONE |
A six-character number that identifies a nota fiscal. The number consists of the nota fiscal number and the nota fiscal series. | ||||
szNotaFiscalSeries | BSER | char | REQ | NONE |
A two-character number that along with the nota fiscal number, identifies a nota fiscal. The Nota Fiscal Series field is the second key that the
| ||||
mnNextNumber001 | N001 | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | NONE |
The number that the system will assign next. The system can use next numbers for voucher numbers, invoice numbers, journal entry
| ||||
cErrorCode | ERRC | char | OPT | NONE |
This error code indicates if any errors occurred during the creation of the Trip Document Detail (F4914) records by the Delivery Document
| ||||
szDocumentType | DCT | char | REQ | NONE |
A user defined code (00/DT) that identifies the origin and purpose of the transaction. PeopleSoft reserves several prefixes for document
| ||||
szBrazilTaxType | BRTX | char | REQ | NONE |
A code that represents the type of Brazil Tax. | ||||
mnBrazilTaxBasis | BRTXB | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
The amount on which Brazil taxes are assessed. | ||||
mnBrazilTaxAmount | BRTXA | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
The amount of Brazil tax assessed. | ||||
mnFutureUseMathNumeric1 | N1FU | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Future use math numeric field | ||||
mnFutureUseMathNumeric8 | N8FU | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Future use math numeric field. | ||||
mnFutureUseMathNumeric9 | N9FU | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Future use math numeric field. | ||||
mnFutureUseMathNumeric10 | N10FU | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Future use math numeric field. | ||||
mnFutureUseMathNumeric4 | N4FU | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Future Use | ||||
szFutureUseString1 | S1FU | char | OPT | NONE |
Future use string field. | ||||
szFutureUseString3 | S3FU | char | OPT | NONE |
Future Use | ||||
idGenericLong | GENLNG | ID | OPT | NONE |
General purpose ID variable. | ||||
szTransactionOriginator | TORG | char | OPT | NONE |
The person who originally entered the transaction. | ||||
cFutureUse_Character1 | C1FU | char | OPT | NONE |
Future use character field. | ||||
cFutureUse_Character2 | C2FU | char | OPT | NONE |
Future use character field. | ||||
jdFutureUse_Date1 | D1FU | JDEDATE | OPT | NONE |
Future use date field. | ||||
jdFutureUse_Date2 | D2FU | JDEDATE | OPT | NONE |
Future use date field. | ||||
mnUpdateNotaFiscalNumber | BNNF | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
A six-character number that identifies a nota fiscal. The number consists of the nota fiscal number and the nota fiscal series. | ||||
szUpdateNotaFiscalSeries | BSER | char | OPT | NONE |
A two-character number that along with the nota fiscal number, identifies a nota fiscal. The Nota Fiscal Series field is the second key that the
| ||||
mnUpdateNextNumber001 | N001 | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
The number that the system will assign next. The system can use next numbers for voucher numbers, invoice numbers, journal entry
| ||||
szUpdateDocumentType | DCT | char | OPT | NONE |
A user defined code (00/DT) that identifies the origin and purpose of the transaction. PeopleSoft reserves several prefixes for document
| ||||
szUpdateBrazilTaxType | BRTX | char | OPT | NONE |
A code that represents the type of Brazil Tax. | ||||
szTransactionCode | TCOD | char | REQ | NONE |
A code used to distinguish various types of bank accounts, for example,checking, savings, or credit union. Currently the following codes
| ||||
mnUniqueKeyIDInternal | UKID | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | NONE |
This field is a unique number used to identify a record in a file. | ||||
szBrazilTaxInformation | BRTX2 | char | OPT | NONE |
A name that identifies the formula to be used to calculate a Brazilian tax. | ||||
mnBrazilTaxRate | BRTXR | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
A number that identifies a Brazil tax rate. Tax rates must be expressed as a percentage and not as the decimal equivalent. For example,
| ||||
cBrazilProcessedFlag | BRPF | char | OPT | NONE |
A code that indicates whether a Nota Fiscal Tax record has been processed or not. Values are: 0 Not Processed 1 Processed | ||||
mnFutureUseRate1 | R1FU | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
For future use. A value used in the math numeric rate field. | ||||
mnUpdateUniqueKeyIDInternal | UKID | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
This field is a unique number used to identify a record in a file. | ||||
szProgramId | PID | char | OPT | NONE |
The number that identifies the batch or interactive program (batch or interactive object). For example, the number of the Sales Order Entry
| ||||
szUserId | USER | char | OPT | NONE |
The code that identifies a user profile. | ||||
szWorkStationId | JOBN | char | OPT | NONE |
The code that identifies the work station ID that executed a particular job. | ||||
jdDateUpdated | UPMJ | JDEDATE | OPT | NONE |
The date that specifies the last update to the file record. | ||||
mnTimeLastUpdated | UPMT | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
The time that specifies when the program executed the last update to this record. | ||||
mnBatchNumberArray001 | BN01 | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
A number that identifies a group of transactions that are processed and balanced as a unit. You can let the system assign this number
| ||||
szBatchType | ICUT | char | OPT | NONE |
A code that specifies the system and type of transactions entered in a batch. The system assigns the value when you enter a transaction.
None |
None |