Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
cFlagICMSTaxSubstitutionMarkUp | BIST | char | OPT | NONE |
A code that specifies whether a client or product is subject to tax substitution. Valid values are:
Use list price.
Use net price.
cCodeICMSReportingColumn | BFII | char | OPT | NONE |
A code that indicates how ICMS tax is applied. You set up the codes that you need in the ICMS Code - Fiscal Value UDC (76/II). The system
uses the code when it calculates ICMS tax, and when printing fiscal books. |
mnAmountICMSReducedTaxable | BBIR | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
The amount on which ICMS taxes are assessed. In this case, the ICMS taxable amount is reduced due to the sale of given products. |
cItemOrigin | BORI | char | OPT | NONE |
A code that specifies the origin of a product. You must choose a hard-coded value from the Item Origin UDC (76/IO). |
szCodeICMSTaxStatus | BSTT | char | OPT | NONE |
Enter a two-character code to indicate the ICMS tax eligibility of a product. The value you enter for the first character of the code indicates
the origin of the product, based on the BORI edit rules.
The value you enter for the second character of the code indicates how the product will
be taxed by ICMS.
Valid values to indicate the origin of the product are:
0 Domestic goods
1 Foreign product, direct import
2 Foreign product,
purchased in local market
Valid values to indicate the ICMS tax condition of a product are:
0 - Totally taxed
1 - Taxed, with ICMS collection by
tax substitution
2 - Taxed, with taxable amount reduction
3 - Exempt or non-taxable, with ICMS collection by tax substitution
4 - Exempt or
5 - Suspended and deferred
6 - ICMS previously charged by tax substitution
7 - Reduced taxable amount, with ICMS collection by tax
9 - Other
(Codigo de Situacao Tributaria) |
mnCodeTransactionNature | BNOP | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
A three-character code that for tax purposes, identifies a type of transaction. To enter valid values for the Transaction Nature code, use the
following convention: X.YY X defines the origin of the transaction (inbound or outbound). Valid values for X are:
Inbound, inside the
Inbound, other states.
Inbound, import.
Outbound, inside state.
Outbound, other states.
Outbound, export.
YY defines the transaction as a
whole, such as a sales transaction.
Examples of Transaction Nature codes:
511 In-state sale
611 Out-of-state sale |
szSuffixTransactionNature | BSOP | char | OPT | NONE |
Complete this two-character field in conjunction with the Transaction Nature code to identify the complementary implications of a type of
transaction. For example, the suffix might indicate that a certain type of transaction represents a inventory change, or that a transaction is eligible
for a certain type of tax.
Valid values might include:
Return merchandise
Back order
Examples of
Transaction Nature codes with suffixes:
511 01
In-state sale, bonus
511 05
In-state sale, back order |
szCodeICMSTaxStatus_BST1 | BST1 | char | OPT | NONE |
Enter a three-character code to indicate the ICMS tax eligibility of a product. The value you enter for the first character of the code indicates
of origin of the product, based on the BORI edit rules.
The value you enter for the second character and the third character of the code
indicates how the product will be taxed by ICMS.
Valid values to indicate the origin of the product are:
0 Domestic Goods
1 Foreign product, direct
2 Foreign product, purchased in local market
Valid values to indicate the ICMS tax condition of a product are:
00 - Pay full Tax
10 - Pay
ICMS and ICMS Sub. Mark up
20 - Reduced Base for Tax Calculation
30 - Exempt/Not ICMS; Pay ICMS Substitution
40 - Exempt
50 -
51 - Deferred
70 - With reduction of Base of Calculation and ICMS charged previously for substitution tax
90 - Others
(Codigo de Situacao
Tributaria) |