Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
mnDocumentOrderInvoiceE | DOCO | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
A number that identifies an original document. This document can be a voucher, a sales order, an invoice, unapplied cash, a journal entry,
and so on. |
szOrderType | DCTO | char | NONE | NONE |
A user defined code (00/DT) that identifies the type of document. This code also indicates the origin of the transaction. J.D. Edwards has
reserved document type codes for vouchers, invoices, receipts, and time sheets, which create automatic offset entries during the post
program. (These entries are not self-balancing when you originally enter them.)
The following document types are defined by J.D. Edwards and
should not be changed:
Accounts Payable documents
Accounts Receivable documents
Payroll documents
Inventory documents
Purchase Order Processing documents
General Accounting/Joint Interest Billing documents
Sales Order Processing documents
szCompanyKeyOrderNo | KCOO | char | NONE | NONE |
A number that, along with order number and order type, uniquely identifies an order document (such as a purchase order, a contract, a
sales order, and so on).
If you use the Next Numbers by Company/Fiscal Year facility, the Automatic Next Numbers program (X0010) uses the
order company to retrieve the correct next number for that company. If two or more order documents have the same order number and order
type, the order company lets you locate the desired document.
If you use the regular Next Numbers facility, the order company is not used to
assign a next number. In this case, you probably would not use the order company to locate the document. |
szOrderSuffix | SFXO | char | NONE | NONE |
In the A/R and A/P systems, a code that corresponds to the pay item. In the Sales Order and Procurement systems, this code identifies
multiple transactions for an original order.
For purchase orders, the code is always 000.
For sales orders with multiple partial receipts against an
order, the first receiver used to record receipt has a suffix of 000, the next has a suffix of 001, the next 002, and so on. |
mnLineNumber | LNID | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
A number that identifies multiple occurrences, such as line numbers on a purchase order or other document. Generally, the system assigns
this number,but in some cases you can override it. |
szComputerID | CTID | char | NONE | NONE |
mnJobnumberA | JOBS | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
The job number (work station ID) which executed the particular job. |
szErrorMessageID | DTAI | char | NONE | NONE |
A code that identifies and defines a unit of information. It is an alphanumeric code up to 8 characters long that does not allow blanks or
special characters such as %, &, or +. You create new data items using system codes 55-59. You cannot change the alias.
cCacheActionCode | EV01 | char | NONE | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event.
mnCodeTransactionNature | BNOP | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
A three-character code that for tax purposes, identifies a type of transaction. To enter valid values for the Transaction Nature code, use the
following convention: X.YY X defines the origin of the transaction (inbound or outbound). Valid values for X are:
Inbound, inside the
Inbound, other states.
Inbound, import.
Outbound, inside state.
Outbound, other states.
Outbound, export.
YY defines the transaction as a
whole, such as a sales transaction.
Examples of Transaction Nature codes:
511 In-state sale
611 Out-of-state sale |
szSuffixTransactionNature | BSOP | char | NONE | NONE |
Complete this two-character field in conjunction with the Transaction Nature code to identify the complementary implications of a type of
transaction. For example, the suffix might indicate that a certain type of transaction represents a inventory change, or that a transaction is eligible
for a certain type of tax.
Valid values might include:
Return merchandise
Back order
Examples of
Transaction Nature codes with suffixes:
511 01
In-state sale, bonus
511 05
In-state sale, back order |
szcodeICMSIPITaxSummary | BCTF | char | NONE | NONE |
An auxiliary code that you use to combine ICMS and IPI tax characteristics. Valid values might include:
01 Taxed domestic goods (IPI and
02 Taxed domestic goods (ICMS taxed, IPI tax rate Zero)
03 Exempt products
04 Export
05 ICMS deferred, IPI suspended
exempt, IPI taxed |
szFiscalClassification | BCLF | char | NONE | NONE |
A code that specifies groups of products, as defined by the local tax authorities. The product groups are based on taxing conventions and
other national statistics. The system uses this code to determine the applicable tax rate for a product. |
cFlagICMSTaxSubstitutionMarkUp | BIST | char | NONE | NONE |
A code that specifies whether a client or product is subject to tax substitution. Valid values are:
Use list price.
Use net price.
cItemOrigin | BORI | char | NONE | NONE |
A code that specifies the origin of a product. You must choose a hard-coded value from the Item Origin UDC (76/IO). |
szCodePurchaseUse | BCFC | char | NONE | NONE |
A code that identifies the purpose for which the merchandise was purchased. You define purchase use codes in the Purchase Use UDC
table (76/PU). When you define purchase use codes, use the special handling code to specify the following tax information:
ICMS tax is nonrecoverable
ICMS tax is 100 percent recoverable
For IPI tax:
IPI tax is nonrecoverable
IPI tax is 50 or 100 percent recoverable,
depending on the status of the ship-to and ship-from taxpayer |
szPrintMessageFiscalPurpos | BINM | char | NONE | NONE |
A user defined code (40/PM) that you assign to each fiscal print message that appears on the nota fiscal. |
szUserId | USER | char | NONE | NONE |
The code that identifies a user profile.
szProgramId | PID | char | NONE | NONE |
The number that identifies the batch or interactive program (batch or interactive object). For example, the number of the Sales Order Entry
interactive program is P4210, and the number of the Print Invoices batch process report is R42565.
The program ID is a variable length value.
It is assigned according to a structured syntax in the form TSSXXX, where:
The first character of the number is alphabetic and identifies the
type, such as P for Program, R for Report, and so on. For example, the value P in the number P4210 indicates that the object is a
The second and third characters of the number are numeric and identify the system code. For example, the value 42 in the number P4210
indicates that this program belongs to system 42, which is the Sales Order Processing system.
The remaining characters of the numer are
numeric and identify a unique program or report. For example, the value 10 in the number P4210 indicates that this is the Sales Order Entry
szWorkStationId | JOBN | char | NONE | NONE |
The code that identifies the work station ID that executed a particular job.
jdDateUpdated | UPMJ | JDEDATE | NONE | NONE |
The date that specifies the last update to the file record. |
The computer clock in hours:minutes:seconds. |
cProcessingMode | EV01 | char | NONE | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event.
szVersion | VERS | char | OPT | NONE |
A user-defined set of specifications that control how applications and reports run. You use versions to group and save a set of user-defined
processing option values and data selection and sequencing options. Interactive versions are associated with applications (usually as a
menu selection). Batch versions are associated with batch jobs or reports. To run a batch process, you must choose a version. |