Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
szCode1 | RCS1 | char | OPT | INPUT |
This field specifies the characters that the system selects from the cost code of an account to create category code 1 for that account. The
system automatically creates the category codes when the account is added to the Account Master table (F0901). A cost code can be up to
eight characters, therefore, valid characters are 1-8. Use a + to specify an imbedded blank in a category code.
For example, add accounts
with the cost codes 03100, 05120, and 12100.
o If you specify 123 in this field, the system selects positions one, two, and three from the cost
codes. It creates the codes 031, 051, and 121 and assigns them to the respective accounts as category code 1.
o If you specify 2+4, the
system selects positions two and four from the cost codes and separates them with a blank. It creates the codes 3 0, 5 2, and 2 0 and assigns
them to the respective accounts.
o If you specify 678, the system selects positions six, seven, and eight from the cost codes. Because those
positions do not exist for the cost codes that were added, category code 1 is blank for those accounts.
If you do not want to use the automatic
selection feature for any category code 1, leave this field blank.
Note: This feature is also available in the processing options for Global
Update Category Codes program (R51807).
szCode2 | RCS2 | char | OPT | INPUT |
This field specifies the characters that the system selects from the cost code of an account to create category code 2 for that account. The
system automatically creates the category codes when the account is added to the Account Master table (F0901). A cost code can be up to
eight characters, therefore, valid characters are 1-8. Use a + to specify an imbedded blank in a category code.
For example, add accounts
with the cost codes 03100, 05120, and 12100:
o If you specify 123 in this field, the system selects positions one, two, and three from the cost
codes. It creates the codes 031, 051, and 121 and assigns them to the respective accounts as category code 2.
o If you specify 2+4, the
system selects positions two and four from the cost codes and separates them with a blank. It creates the codes 3 0, 5 2, and 2 0 and assigns
them to the respective accounts.
o If you specify 678, the system selects positions six, seven, and eight from the cost codes. Because those
positions do not exist for the cost codes that were added, category code 2 is blank for those accounts.
If you do not want to use the automatic
selection feature for any category code 2, leave this field blank.
Note: This feature is also available in the processing options for Global
Update Category Codes program (R51807).
szCode3 | RCS3 | char | OPT | INPUT |
This field specifies the characters that the system selects from the cost code of an account to create category code 3 for that account. The
system automatically creates the category code when the account is added to the Account Master table (F0901). A cost code can be up to
eight characters, therefore, valid characters are 1-8. Use a + to specify an imbedded blank in a category code.
For example, add accounts with
the cost codes 03100, 05120, and 12100:
o If you specify 123 in this field, the system selects positions one, two, and three from the cost
codes. It creates the codes 031, 051, and 121 and assigns them to the respective accounts as category code 3.
o If you specify 2+4, the system
selects positions two and four from the cost codes and separates them with a blank. It creates the codes 3 0, 5 2, and 2 0 and assigns them
to the respective accounts.
o If you specify 678, the system selects positions six, seven, and eight from the cost codes. Becsause those
positions do not exist for the cost codes that were added, category code 3 is blank for those accounts.
If you do not want to use the automatic
selection feature for any category code 3, leave this field blank.
Note: This feature is also available in the processing options for Global Update
Category Codes program (R51807).
szCostCode | SUB | char | OPT | INPUT |
A subset of an object account. Subsidiary accounts include detailed records of the accounting activity for an object account.
szCategory1 | R001 | char | REQ | BOTH |
Category code 1 associated with the Account Master table (F0901). This is a user defined code (09/01) for use in flex account mapping and
in printing selected information on reports. |
szCategory2 | R002 | char | REQ | BOTH |
Category code 2 associated with the Account Master table (F0901). This is a user defined code (09/02) for use in flex account mapping and
in printing selected account information on reports. |
szCategory3 | R003 | char | REQ | BOTH |
Category code 3 associated with the Account Master table (F0901). The system uses this user defined code (09/03) in mapping flexible
account numbers and printing selected account information on reports. |
cValidateUDC | EV01 | char | OPT | INPUT |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event.