D48S0530 - Copy F4812 Media Objects
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
mnOrigianlBillingControlId_BCI | BCI | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | INPUT |
A unique number that the system assigns to each billing record. The system assigns the number from the Next Numbers - Automatic table
| ||||
jdOriginalGLDate_DGL | DGL | JDEDATE | REQ | INPUT |
A date that identifies the financial period to which the transaction is to be posted.
The company constants specify the date range for each
| ||||
mnOriginalSeqNumber_SBSQ | SBSQ | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | INPUT |
A number that provides an audit trail for the billing detail transactions related to the same billing control ID. The system initially assigns 001
| ||||
mnOrigianlParentSeqNbr_PRSQ | PRSQ | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | INPUT |
A number that provides an audit trail to the original transaction of a billing detail transaction. The system initially assigns 000 as the parent
| ||||
mnOriginalSecondarySeqNbr_SCSQ | SCSQ | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | INPUT |
A number you can use to track the changes applied to a billing detail transaction. The system initially assigns 001 as the secondary
| ||||
mnOriginalSplitLink_SLNK | SLNK | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | INPUT |
The split link field ties component records to their base record when a transaction split occurs. | ||||
mnOriginallComponentLink_CLNK | CLNK | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | INPUT |
A code that attaches the component record to its base work file record. | ||||
szOriginalComponentCode_CCOD | CCOD | char | REQ | INPUT |
A component code identifies a provisional burden that is accounted for at the billing detail transaction level. | ||||
mnNewBillingControlId_BCI | BCI | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | INPUT |
A unique number that the system assigns to each billing record. The system assigns the number from the Next Numbers - Automatic table
| ||||
A date that identifies the financial period to which the transaction is to be posted.
The company constants specify the date range for each
| ||||
A number that provides an audit trail for the billing detail transactions related to the same billing control ID. The system initially assigns 001
| ||||
A number that provides an audit trail to the original transaction of a billing detail transaction. The system initially assigns 000 as the parent
| ||||
mnNewSecondarySeqNbr_SCSQ | SCSQ | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | INPUT |
A number you can use to track the changes applied to a billing detail transaction. The system initially assigns 001 as the secondary
| ||||
The split link field ties component records to their base record when a transaction split occurs. | ||||
mnNewComponentLink_CLNK | CLNK | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | INPUT |
A code that attaches the component record to its base work file record. | ||||
szNewComponentCode_CCOD | CCOD | char | REQ | INPUT |
A component code identifies a provisional burden that is accounted for at the billing detail transaction level. | ||||
cDeleteOriginalMediaObj_EV01 | EV01 | char | OPT | INPUT |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. | ||||
cErrorFlag_EV01 | EV01 | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. |
None |
None |