Business Function Specification
Source NameB4302020DesignerJ. Haley
Data Structure D4302020aProgrammerJ. Haley
Function NameF4311AccumulateAmountForBudgetSystem Code43
Function Category
Function Use
1.Functional Description
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this function is to accumulate line amounts in a cache to determine if the order has exceeded the budget.
1.2Setup Notes and Prerequisites
1.3Special Logic
2.Technical Specifications
Data Item Data Structure DescriptionI/ORequiredNotes
SBLTSubleder TypeIY
FYFiscalYear 1IY
2.3Related Business Functions
Source NameFunction Name
#define b4302020_c
* Source File: b4302020
* Description: F4311 Accumulate Amount for Budget Check Source File
* History:
* Date Programmer SAR# - Description
* ---------- ---------- -------------------------------------------
* Author 11/6/98 J. Haley 1765152 - Created
*01/05/1999J. Pasha2724846 - Remove VC 6.0 Warnings
* Copyright (c) J.D. Edwards World Source Company, 1996
* This unpublished material is proprietary to J.D. Edwards World Source Company.
* All rights reserved. The methods and techniques described herein are
* considered trade secrets and/or confidential. Reproduction or
* distribution, in whole or in part, is forbidden except by express
* written permission of J.D. Edwards World Source Company.
* Notes:
* Business Function: F4311AccumulateAmountForBudget
* Description: F4311 Accumulate Amount for Budget Check
* Parameters:
* LPBHVRCOM lpBhvrCom Business Function Communications
* LPVOID lpVoid Void Parameter - DO NOT USE!
* LPDSD4302020A lpDS Parameter Data Structure Pointer
JDEBFRTN (ID) JDEBFWINAPI F4311AccumulateAmountForBudget (LPBHVRCOM lpBhvrCom,
LPVOID lpVoid,
LPDSD4302020A lpDS)
D4302020A - F4311 Accumulate Amounts for Budget Check
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
mnJobnumberA | JOBS | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
The job number (work station ID) which executed the particular job. | ||||
szComputerID | CTID | char | OPT | NONE |
szAccountId | AID | char | OPT | NONE |
A number that the system assigns to each general ledger account in the Account Master table (F0901) to uniquely identify it. | ||||
szSubledger | SBL | char | OPT | NONE |
A code that identifies a detailed, auxiliary account within a general ledger account. A subledger can be an equipment item number or an
| ||||
cSubledgerType | SBLT | char | OPT | NONE |
A user defined code (00/ST) that is used with the Subledger field to identify the subledger type and how the system performs subledger
| ||||
mnCentury | CTRY | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
The calendar century associated with the year. Enter is the first two digits of
the year. For example, 19 indicates any year beginning with 19
| ||||
mnFiscalYear1 | FY | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
A number that identifies the fiscal year. Generally, you can either enter a number in this field or leave it blank to indicate the current fiscal
| ||||
mnAccumulatedAmount | AA | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
A number that identifies the amount that the system will add to the account balance of the associated account number. Enter credits with a
| ||||
cMode | EV01 | char | OPT | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. |
None |
None |