This function calculates the correct Quantity Backordered and Quantity Cancelled that should appear on the invoice^
D4200440 - Calculate Back Order and Cancelled Quantities
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
mnQuantityBackordered | SOBK | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
The number of units backordered in Sales Order Management or in Work Order Processing, using either the entered or the primary unit of
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mnQuantityCancelled | SOCN | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
The number of units canceled in Sales Order or Work Order Processing, using either the entered or the primary unit of measure defined for
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cInvoicePrintedFlag | RESL | char | NONE | NONE |
Indicates what should happen in the event the available quantity of an ordered item is less than the quantity ordered. A B indicates that the
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cPrintBackorderOrCancelQty | EV01 | char | NONE | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. | ||||
cPrintOnceBackorderOrCancel | EV02 | char | NONE | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. | ||||
mnOutputQuantityBackordered | PQ01 | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
An array comprised of 14 amount fields, each of which represents the quantity in primary units which were on hand at the end of a specific
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mnOutputQuantityCancelled | PQ02 | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
An array comprised of 14 amount fields, each of which represents the quantity in primary units which were on hand at the end of a specific
None |
None |