1.Functional Description
The business function may be called by the Work Order Routings Master Business Function (B3101250) to
write add, update and delete transactions to the Outbound Work Order tables F4801Z1and mainly
The business function may also be called by the Work Order Parts List Master Business Function
(B3101260) to write add, update and delete transactions to the Outbound Work Order tables F4801Z1and mainly
The business function determines where it is being called from through the Input Parameter
CallSource. If CallSource is '2' then it is B3101250 that is calling it. Else If CallSource is '1' then it is
B3101260 that is calling it.
When all transactions(i.e. all routings or all part lists) are written to the master tables and the
ENDDOC function of the calling MBF is about to start cleaning up, the calling MBF must make another
call to this function using ActionCode = 'D' to tell this function to clean up and invoke the Outbound
Processor UBE in the Subsystem which processes work order exports.
1.2Setup Notes and Prerequisites
This function will only be used by B3101250 or B3101260 to write transactions for Interoperability.
1.3Special Logic
2.Technical Specifications
1. Open F4801Z1.
2. If Input CallSource = '1' then
3. Open F3112Z1
4. Else
5. If Input CallSource = '2'
6. Open F3111Z1
7. End If
8. End If
9. Wk DB IO Failure = '0'
10. Output Error Code = '0'
11. Output Error Message ID = " "
13. // Call B0000176 when All Transactions Are Completed and destroy memory allocated.
14. If Input Action Code = 'D'
15. Destroy Data Ptr for Input IdControlData and retrieve Control DS.
16. If szEDIAddTransactionID <> "0" then
17. Call B0000176 to invoke subsystem UBE to process this transaction.
18. "R4801Z1O"'e0 OBNM
19. "ZJDE0002" 'e0 VERS
20. SzEDUSForAdd'e0 EDUS
21. 0 'e0 EDBT
22. szEDIAddTransactionID'e0 EDTN
23. '1' 'e0 SUPPS
24. End If
25. If szEDIUpdTransactionID <> "0" then
26. Call B0000176 to invoke subsystem UBE to process this transaction.
27. "R4801Z1O"'e0 OBNM
28. "ZJDE0002" 'e0 VERS
29. SzEDUSForUpd'e0 EDUS
30. 0 'e0 EDBT
31. szEDIUpdTransactionID'e0 EDTN
32. '1' 'e0 SUPPS
33. End If
34. If szEDIDelTransactionID <> "0" then
35. Call B0000176 to invoke subsystem UBE to process this transaction.
36. "R4801Z1O"'e0 OBNM
37. "ZJDE0002" 'e0 VERS
38. SzEDUSForDel'e0 EDUS
39. 0 'e0 EDBT
40. szEDIDelTransactionID'e0 EDTN
41. '1' 'e0 SUPPS
42. End If
43. End If
45. // Process Transactions for Add, Update or Delete.
46. If Input Action Code = '1' Or = '2' Or = '3'
47. If Input IdF4801Record <> 0 And Input IdNewRecord <> 0
48. If (Input Action Code = '2' And Input IdOldRecord <> 0) OR Input Action Code <> '2'
49. // Set up Control DS if this business function was called the first time
50. If Input IdControlData = 0
51. Allocate Memory for Control DS
52. Initialize szEDIAddTransactionID, szEDIUpdTransactionID, szEDIDelTransactionID to
53. Store Pointer to Control DS in Input IdControlData.
54. End If
55. Retrieve Control DS from Pointer Input IdControlData.
56. Get Audit Info (B9800100)to retrieve Audit Info.
57. // Get Transaction Numbers for Each Action Code.
58. If ControlDS.szEDIAddTransactionID = "0" And Input Action Code = '1'
59. Get EDI Transaction Number(B0000175) and save in ControlDS.szEDIAddTransactionID
60. SzEDUSForAdd = Wk User ID
61. // Next write a WO Header transaction record into F4801Z1.
62. Retrieve F4801 Data Structure from Input IdF4801Record.
63. Copy Data into the F4801Z1 Data Structure:
64. Copy F4801 Fields into the F4801Z1 DS
65. In Addition Copy the Following Fields from F4801 to F4801Z1:
68. End If
69. If ControlDS.szEDIUpdTransactionID = "0" And Input Action Code = '2'
70. Get EDI Transaction Number(B0000175) and save in ControlDS.szEDIUpdTransactionID
71. SzEDUSForUpd = Wk User ID
72. // Next write a WO Header transaction record into F4801Z1.
73. Retrieve F4801 Data Structure from Input IdF4801Record.
74. Copy Data into the F4801Z1 Data Structure:
75. Copy F4801 Fields into the F4801Z1 DS
76. In Addition Copy the Following Fields from F4801 to F4801Z1:
79. End If
80. If ControlDS.szEDIDelTransactionID = "0" And Input Action Code = '3'
81. Get EDI Transaction Number(B0000175) and save in ControlDS.szEDIDelTransactionID
82. SzEDUSForDel = Wk User ID
83. // Next write a WO Header transaction record into F4801Z1.
84. Retrieve F4801 Data Structure from Input IdF4801Record.
85. Copy Data into the F4801Z1 Data Structure:
86. Copy F4801 Fields into the F4801Z1 DS
87. In Addition Copy the Following Fields from F4801 to F4801Z1:
90. End If
92. // Write transactions to the F3112Z1 or F3111Z1 Table.
93. Assign common fields to F311xZ1 DS:
95. Case Input Action Code = '1'
96. // Add
97. Wk Action Code = "02"
100. Case Input Action Code = '2'
101. // Update
102. Retrieve DS for F3112 or F3111 from Input IdOldRecord.
103. Copy BeforeImage-related data to appropriate columns in F3112Z1 or F3111Z1.
104. Copy the following data into F3112Z1 or F3111Z1:
107. Perform Insert to F3112Z1 or F3111Z1.
108. If Failed then
109. Wk DB IO Failure = '1'
110. End If
111. If Wk DB IO Failure = '0'
112. Wk Action Code = "UA"
113. End If
115. Case Input Action Code = '3'
116. // Delete
117. Wk Action Code = "03"
120. End Case
122. If Wk DB IO Failure = '0'
123. Retrieve DS for F3112 or F3111 from Input IdNewRecord.
124. Copy BeforeImage-related data to appropriate columns in F3112Z1 or F3111Z1.
125. Copy the following also to the F3112Z1 or F3111Z1columns.
128. //
129. Perform Insert to F3112Z1 or F3111Z1.
130. If Failed then
131. Wk DB IO Failure = '1'
132. End If
133. End If
134. Else
135. Wk DB IO Failure = '1'
136. End If
137. Else
138. Wk DB IO Failure = '1'
139. End If
140. Else
141. If Input Action Code <> 'D'
142. Wk DB IO Failure = '1'
143. End If
144. End If
145. If Wk DB IO Failure = '1'
146. Output Error Code = '1'
147. Output Error Message ID = "0002"
148. End If
149. Close all opened tables.
D3101430 - F4801Z1, Write WO Parts List or Routing Transactions
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
cCallSource | EV01 | char | NONE | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. | ||||
idF4801Record | GENLNG | ID | NONE | NONE |
General purpose ID variable. | ||||
idNewRecord | GENLN2 | ID | NONE | NONE |
General purpose ID variable. | ||||
idOldRecord | GENLN2 | ID | NONE | NONE |
General purpose ID variable. | ||||
idControlData | GENLN3 | ID | NONE | NONE |
General purpose ID variable. | ||||
cActionCode | ACTN | char | NONE | NONE |
A code that specifies the action that is performed. Valid values are: A Add C Change | ||||
szTransactionType | TYTN | char | NONE | NONE |
The qualifier used to identify a specific type of transaction. | ||||
szProgramID | PID | char | NONE | NONE |
The number that identifies the batch or interactive program (batch or interactive object). For example, the number of the Sales Order Entry
| ||||
cErrorCode | ERRC | char | NONE | NONE |
This error code indicates if any errors occurred during the creation of the Trip Document Detail (F4914) records by the Delivery Document
| ||||
szErrorMessageID | DTAI | char | NONE | NONE |
A code that identifies and defines a unit of information. It is an alphanumeric code up to 8 characters long that does not allow blanks or
| ||||
idNewTagRecord | GENLN2 | ID | OPT | NONE |
General purpose ID variable. | ||||
idOldTagRecord | GENLN2 | ID | OPT | NONE |
General purpose ID variable. |
B0000175 Get Next Transaction Number | ||||
B0000176 Add Transaction To Subsystem Queue | ||||
B9800100 Get Audit Information |
F3111 Work Order Parts List | ||||
F3111Z1 Outbound Work Order Parts List | ||||
F3112 Work Order Routing | ||||
F3112Z1 Outbound Work Order Routings | ||||
F4801 Work Order Master File | ||||
F4801Z1 Outbound Work Order Header |