Functional Description
This business funtion is passed in lot information to trace, and "returns" a cache loaded with the results. The user then call the cache handler to
output the results.
The business function has 2 main functions. The first is to load the cache with Cardex information of transactions that put into inventory for tracing,
and pull from inventory for tracking. The second is to trace or track information on processes where a change in lot information may occur, such as work
orders, transfers, and reclassifications. The definition here of a change in lot information is that a different Lot Master (F4108) record describes the
"FROM" record and the "TO" record. Each of these process types uses a different method of determining where the lot came from or went to, so each type is
handled differently. If another process is created that can change lot information, a new section needs to be created (probably using an existing type as a
template), and the "trigger value" entered in UDC ??/DC (default = 40/DC), and the new process should work.
The following is a description of what information is needed for each process type where lot changes may occur:
Work Order Completions tracing:
For a work order completion to be traced, there must be work order issues where the Cardex document number ILDOC is the same for both
issues and completions. The program finds Cardex records with the document number equal to the completion document number AND the document type
NOT equal to the completion document type (no need to process completions again.) For each record processed in the result set, it is verified the record
type is a work order issue type.
Work Order Issues tracking:
For a work order issue to be tracked, there must be work order completions where the Cardex document number ILDOC is the same for both
issues and completions. The program finds Cardex records with the document number equal to the issue document number AND the document type NOT
equal to the issue document type (no need to process issues again.) For each record processed in the result set, it is verified the record type is a work
order completion type.
Reclassifications tracing:
The reclassification program writes a transaction's "FROM" records to the Cardex before writing the "TO" records for that transaction. If
there are multiple reclassifications on a document, the "FROM" records of the first transaction are followed by the "TO" records of the first transaction,
followed by the "FROM" records of the second transaction, followed by the "TO" records of the second transaction, and so forth. At the time of coding this,
there was a discrepancy in the number of "FROM" records written to the Cardex. For the purposes of this exercise, all that needs to be done is to sum the
quantities for each "set" of "FROM" records, write the summation record to the cache, then trace the information on the summation record.
Reclassifications tracking:
Tracking reclassifications consists of consolidating "FROM" records (see Reclassifications tracing), then storing and tracking the "TO"
Transfers tracing:
To determine the Cardex record to get for a transfer, look for the same document number and document type, and the line ID equal to the
whole number portion of the "TO" record's line ID. In a transfer, the "FROM" record has a whole number line ID, and the "TO" record has the whole number
plus a fraction amount.
Transfers tracking:
To determine the Cardex record to get for a transfer, look for the same document number and document type, and the line ID greater than
current line ID, but less than the current line ID + 1.
Assumptions (cont'd)
Consolidations in its simple form is the combination of records sharing the same characteristics. For example, if there is a receipt with duplicate
lines, adding the quantities into one record and displaying it might be desirable. The difficulty comes in consolidating types where a lot change may occur.
For instance, if work orders (tracing) were to be consolidated, the duplicate completions would be summed correctly. However, each completion would
trace the same group of issues, thereby causing the consolidated issue totals to be a multiple of what they really should be.
The solution is to not trace or track (in a lot change situation) if the original record has been consolidated. Also, the consolidations must be
performed in the right grouping of records. In other words, a unique F4111 record must never be consolidated with itself. This is accomplished by only
allowing a consolidation to occur within a specific trigger. For instance, say there are 2 identical completions to be traced, and the completions are not to be
consolidated, but the issues are. The consolidations for the issues of the second completion record must not be mixed with the consolidations for the issues
of the first completion. The unique key ID of the F4111 record is used as part of the consolidation criteria to ensure consolidations only occur within that
Currently, work orders and reclassifications are covered by this scenario. Transfers are not allowed to be consolidated. A successful transfer
consolidation would have to make sure BOTH the "TO" AND "FROM" records were consolidated correctly. This is not currently programmed.
Intermediate Levels
A particular node being traced/tracked is defined as an intermediate level if that node can be traced/tracked and that action causes additional
records to be written to the cache. If a node cannot be traced/tracked further, it is not an intermediate level. If a node can be traced further, but no more
records are written to the cache, that node is not an intermediate level.
The algorithm is then to write a cache record for work order completions in tracing or work order issues in tracking. If while tracing/tracking the
work order, if records were added to the cache, the initial cache record is removed. The same method is applied inside the tracecompletions / trackissues
functions, as well as in the reclassifications functions and transfer functions. Cache is not updated in trace/trackmain for reclassifications or transfers
because there must be "FROM" record(s) for each "TO" record(s). We know there will always be a cache record added, so there's no point in adding it just to
delete it.
Document Type Processing
Currently, UDC table 40/DC is used to determine what type of processing is to be done with a specific document type. This program attempts to
allow for future flexibility by assigning multiple flags to a document type within function GetUDC40/DCInfo. Processing flag values specific to a
document type should be retrieved or hard coded here. At this time, many of these values are hard coded, but when a method of allowing users to decide the
processing is implemented, GetUDC40/DCInfo is the only place that will need to be modified.
Setup Notes and Prerequisites
UDC table ??/DC (default = 40/DC) must have its second description field filled in as follows for each document type function:
Work order completion: M - Completion
Work order issue:I - Issue
Reclassification:R - Reclassification
Transfer:T - Transfer
Bottom level (sales orders)B - Bottom Level
Top level (purchase orders)C - Top Level
Technical Specification
1.B3003610 Trace/Track is called. This loads the cache.
2.B3003600 Cache is called to read the first record.
3.While there are cache records:
3a.Read data from the cache structure.
3b.Read the next cache record using B3003600.
4.Destroy the cache (B3003600)
Parameters (B3003610 Trace/Track)
szLotLot Number to be Traced/Tracked
szBranchBranch Number to be Traced/Tracked
mnItemNumItem Number to be Traced/Tracked
cUniqueLotsFlag1 = Lot#, 2 = Lot#, Branch, and Item, 3 = Lot# and Branch
cTraceTrack'1' for Track, anything else for Trace
mnCurrentLevelThe starting level assigned to the input data to be traced/tracked.
mnStoppingLevelIf greater than zero, the highest level to be traced/tracked through
cShowBottomTopLevelIf 1, show bottom/top level transactions, else do not show
cShowIntermediateLevelsIf 1, show intermediate levels, else do not show
mnJobnumberJob Number for cache
szComputerIDComputer ID for cache
szUDCSystemCodeOverrides UDC table 40/DC. I.e. entering 37 will use UDC 37/DC.
mnRecordCounttotal # of records added by this iteration and subsequent calls
D3003610A - Trace/Track
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
szLot | LOTN | char | OPT | NONE |
A number that identifies a lot or a serial number. A lot is a group of items with similar characteristics. | ||||
szBranch | MCU | char | OPT | NONE |
An alphanumeric code that identifies a separate entity within a business for which you want to track costs. For example, a business unit
| ||||
An inventory item number. The system provides three separate item numbers plus an extensive cross-reference capability to other item
| ||||
cUniqueLotsFlag | ULOT | char | OPT | NONE |
A code that determines whether the system can assign the same lot to multiple items. Valid values are:
1 Do not allow duplicate lots. The
| ||||
cTraceTrack | EV01 | char | OPT | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. | ||||
mnCurrentLevel | RLLV | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Used in FASTR Organizational Structure reports to indicate how many levels will be printed. Up to 99 levels below the selected Bus. Unit
| ||||
mnStoppingLevel | LTOT | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
A level break, not to be confused with Account Master or Business Unit Master level of detail concept (see LDA and LDM respectively).
| ||||
cShowBottomTopLevel | EV01 | char | OPT | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. | ||||
cShowIntermediateLevels | EV01 | char | OPT | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. | ||||
mnJobnumber | JOBS | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
The job number (work station ID) which executed the particular job. | ||||
szComputerID | CTID | char | OPT | NONE |
mnRecordCount | REC# | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Count of records read, process, so forth. | ||||
szUDCSystemCode | SY | char | OPT | NONE |
A user defined code (98/SY) that identifies a system. Valid values include:
Address Book
Accounts Receivable
None |
None |