1.Functional Description
Determine all of the transactions in the next level of lot tracing. These transaction will be stored
in a link list for each level. Another link list, TracingLinkList, will keep track the number of
level link lists that have been built.
1.2Setup Notes and Prerequisites
Required Work Fields
EV01 - EndofTracing
EV01 - RecordsFound
EV01 - RecordsRetrieved
INT01 - Level (Integer)
INDL - Level
MODE - ModeofProcessing'1' = Single Level, '2'= ..., '3'=Multi-level, '4'=Multi-Level Indented
EV01 - LotTracking '1' = Lot Tracking, '0' = Lot Tracing
1.3Special Logic
Required ER
FC Level = 0
FC EndofTracing = '0'
FC RecordsFound = '1'
FC Level (Integer) = '0'
If FC Mode is equal to '1'
BF F4111GetNextLevelTracing
FC RecordsRetrieved = '1'
While FC RecordsFound = '1' and FC RecordsRetrieved = '1'
BF F4111GetNextRowTracing
If FC RecordsRetrieved = '1'
Do While FC EndofTracing = '0'
Do While FC RecordsFound = '1'
BF GetNextRecordTracing
If FC RecordRetrieved = '1'
Write Custom Grid Line
FC RecordRetrieved = '0'
Do While FC RecordRetrieved = '0' and FC Level > 0
BF GetNextRecordTracing
If FC RecordRetrieved = '1'
Write Custom Grid Line
If FC Level <= 0
FC EndofTracing = '1'
FC RecordsFound = '1'
2.Technical Specifications
Work Fields
WK Level
WK Prev Trans Unique Key Id
WK Prev Trans TrackTraceClassification
WK Prev Trans Parent Lot
WK Prev Trans Parent Item
WK Prev Trans Parent Branch
WK Prev Trans Item Number
WK Prev Trans Lot Number
WK Prev Trans Branch
WK Prev Trans Reference
WK Prev Trans Document
WK Prev Trans Doc Type
WK Prev Is WO Issue
WK Prev Is WO Completion
WK Prev Trans Date
WK Prev Trans Time
1.0. Initialize DS RecordsFound = '0', WK Level = DS Level +1.
2.0. If DS Level is greater than 1, retrieve first record from the F30UI006 Work file where F30UI006
Level = DS Level.
WK Prev Trans TrackTraceClassification
WK Prev Trans Parent Lot
WK Prev Trans Parent Item
WK Prev Trans Parent Branch
WK Prev Trans Item Number
WK Prev Trans Lot Number
WK Prev Trans Branch
WK Prev Trans Reference
WK Prev Trans Document
WK Prev Trans Doc Type
WK Prev Is WO Issue
WK Prev Is WO Completion
WK Prev Trans Date
WK Prev Trans Time
the transaction has a parent lot or the transaction is a WO issue.
If the WK PrevTransTrackTraceClassification = 'B', WK PrevTransParentLot is equal to blank,
and WK PrevIsWOIssue = '0', exit program.
3.0. If WK PrevTransLotNumber is equal to blank, exit program.
3.0. If DS LastLevel > DS Level,
Add 1 to DS Level
If records at this level exist (fetch F30UI006 where F30UI006 Level = DS Level), assign DS
RecordsFound = '1'
EXIT this function.
4.0 Building the next Level.
(first level search for stranded Issues)
If the issue transactions do not contain the lot number of the product to which it is being issued,
lot tracing cannot find the issue transactions. This section will find those issue transactions by
locating the completion transaction and tracing to the issue transaction.
MCU=DS ParentBranch
found in the Lot Track & Trace Inclusion rules UDC Table, read next record.
'0'. Issue Transactions
Where DOC=F4111 Document Number
Document Type is not found in the Lot Track & Trace Inclusion rules UDC Table, read
next record. Assign TrackTraceClassification = 1st char of the F0005
Description (40 DC).
'1' else '0'. TrackTraceClassification is equal to C,
IsCurrTransWOCompletion = '1' else '0'. F4111 Lot Number (LOTN) is equal to blanks, read next record. TrackTraceClassification not= 'I', read next record. the F4111 Prarent Lot (PLOT) is not equal to blank, read next
record the record in the work file (leve = WK Level). Set DS
Records Found = 1.
(If prev trans is a WO Completion, Search for WO Issue Transactions)
Issue transactions are located by using the document number of the WO Completion transaction. The
issue transaction and completion transaction will contain the same document number.
document number.
FRTO not = 'T'.
found in the Lot Track & Trace Inclusion rules UDC Table, read next record. Assign TrackTraceClassification = 1st char of the F0005 Description (40 DC).
is not equal to WK PrevTransLotNumber (LOTN), read next record. If the WK PrevTransDocumentNumber is not equal to F4111 DocumentNumber, read next
record. If the WK PrevTranCreateDate and Time is less than F4111 Create Date and Time,
read next record. Save the record in the work file (level = WK Level). Set DS RecordsFound = '1'.
(Completion transactions)
This search will locate WO Completion transactions when the previous transaction is a WO issue. This
will link multi-level completion transactions.
(normal next level)
This search will locate WO Issues, Transfers, and Reclassification transactions which all contain a
parent lot numbers. This can be the starting point of lot tracing.
PrevTransLotNumber not= blanks) , search for next level by ParentLot, Parent Item, and Parent Branch.
wherePLOT=DS ParentLot
KIT= DS ParentItem
MMCU=DS ParentBranch
FRTO not='T'
select from the Item Ledger Table (F4111)
where PLOT =PrevTransLotNumber
KIT = PrevTransItemNumber
Trans Time, read next record. Determine if the document is included in Lot Tracking. If Document Type is not
found in the Lot Track & Trace Inclusion rules UDC Table, read next record.
D3001600A - F4111GetNextLevelTracing
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
szLevel | INDL | char | NONE | NONE |
A number indicating the level of a child in the relationship to its parent in a hierarchy. | ||||
cSuppressErrorMessage | EV01 | char | NONE | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. | ||||
idTracingLinkList | GENLNG | ID | NONE | NONE |
General purpose ID variable. | ||||
cRecordsFound | EV01 | char | NONE | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. | ||||
szErrorMessageID | DTAI | char | NONE | NONE |
A code that identifies and defines a unit of information. It is an alphanumeric code up to 8 characters long that does not allow blanks or
| ||||
szLastLevel | INDL | char | NONE | NONE |
A number indicating the level of a child in the relationship to its parent in a hierarchy. | ||||
szComputerId | CTID | char | NONE | NONE |
The job number (work station ID) which executed the particular job. | ||||
szParentLot | PLOT | char | NONE | NONE |
An inventory separation device that allows tracking of the inventory by date received or similar convention to control lots or layers. | ||||
mnParentItem | KIT | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
The system provides for three separate item numbers.
1. Item Number (short) - An eight-digit, computer assigned, completely
| ||||
szParentBranch | MMCU | char | NONE | NONE |
A code that represents a high-level business unit. Use this code to refer to a branch or plant that might have departments or jobs, which
X0005 Get User Defined Codes |
F4111 Item Ledger File |