D0900220A - Journal Entry Post RTE Notification
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
szEventName | VC10A | char | OPT | INPUT |
This is a generic field used as a work field in Everest. | ||||
szCallingFunctionName | VC30A | char | OPT | INPUT |
This is a generic field used as a work field in Everest. | ||||
szEventScope | VC30A | char | OPT | INPUT |
This is a generic field used as a work field in Everest. | ||||
cSuppressError | EV01 | char | OPT | INPUT |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. | ||||
szErrorID | DTAI | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
A code that identifies and defines a unit of information. It is an alphanumeric code up to 8 characters long that does not allow blanks or
| ||||
cActionCode | ACTN | char | OPT | INPUT |
A code that specifies the action that is performed. Valid values are: A Add C Change | ||||
cEventCode | EV01 | char | OPT | INPUT |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. | ||||
idEventID | GENLNG | ID | OPT | BOTH |
General purpose ID variable. | ||||
mnBatchNumber | ICU | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | INPUT |
A number that identifies a group of transactions that the system processes and balances as a unit. When you enter a batch, you can either
| ||||
szBatchType | ICUT | char | OPT | INPUT |
A code that specifies the system and type of transactions entered in a batch. The system assigns the value when you enter a transaction.
| ||||
szEnterpriseAccountIDBatchID | DL01 | char | OPT | INPUT |
A user defined name or remark. | ||||
cStatus | EV01 | char | OPT | INPUT |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. |
None |
None |