Functional Description
This business function is used by the post program to do dynamic account creation.
Setup Notes and Prerequisites
In order to do dynamic account creation you must set the general accounting costant to allow invalid
accounts to be entered. The invalid account which you wish to have dynamically created must have a
vaild business unit. You will also need to set up a model business unit with model accounts. The
business unit type of the model business unit must match the business unit type of the business unit of the
invalid account. There can only be one model business unit for each business unit type. If there is
an account in the model business unit which matches the the invalid account then the invalid account
will be created in the account master (F0901). This function will return the account segments, account
id, company, account mode, posting edit code, currency code, unit of measure and the model account
flag if the account is created.
Special Logic
This fuction will also create a cost code header account if one has not already been created for the
newly added account and if one exists in the model business unit.
Technical Specification
Call validate account number (XX0901) to see if the account already exists and separate the account
into business unit, object account, and subsidiary. If the account does exist then just return the
Validate the business unit of the invalid account. If it doesn't exist then return an error.
Retrieve the model business unit for the business unit type of the invalid account. If one is not
found then return in error.
Read the model account which matches the invalid account. If one is not found then return in error.
Retrieve a new account id fromnext n umbers and move all the information needed from the model
account into the F0901 record to be written for the invalid.
Write the new account master record.
If there is a cost code header record created in the model that doen't exist in the business unit of
the invalid account then create a new cost code header record in the account master.
D0900073 - Dynamic Account Creation
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
szAccountNumber | ANI | char | NONE | NONE |
Special Input Expected
| ||||
szAccountId | AID | char | NONE | NONE |
Special Output Returned
| ||||
szBusinessUnit | MCU | char | NONE | NONE |
Special Output Returned
| ||||
szObject | OBJ | char | NONE | NONE |
Special Output Returned
| ||||
szSubsidiary | SUB | char | NONE | NONE |
Special Output Returned
| ||||
szCompany | CO | char | NONE | NONE |
Special Output Returned
| ||||
cAccountMode | AM | char | NONE | NONE |
Special Output Returned
| ||||
szProgramId | PID | char | NONE | NONE |
Special Input Expected
| ||||
cPostingEdit | PEC | char | NONE | NONE |
Special Output Returned
| ||||
szCurrencyCode | CRCD | char | NONE | NONE |
Special Output Returned
| ||||
szUnitOfMeasure | UM | char | NONE | NONE |
Special Output Returned
| ||||
cModelAccountFlag | FMOD | char | NONE | NONE |
Special Output Returned
XX0901 Validate Account Number |
F0006 Business Unit Master | ||||
F0901 Account Master |