D0800760 - eRecruit Login Operations
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
szApplicantUserID | APLUSER | char | OPT | NONE |
The user id used to sign on to eRecruit. | ||||
szPassword | APLUSER | char | OPT | NONE |
The user id used to sign on to eRecruit. | ||||
szEmailAddressow | EMAL | char | OPT | NONE |
The e-mail address or Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for either an individual or an entity. | ||||
jdLastLoginDate | LASTLOGIN | JDEDATE | OPT | NONE |
The date on which the user last logged in. | ||||
mnRecruitmentNumber | NURC | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
A number that identifies an individual in the Recruitment system. | ||||
szApplicationID | EAP | char | OPT | NONE |
The ID that the system uses to call an application. | ||||
szMachine | MACH | char | OPT | NONE |
A code that identifies the workstation ID that added or updated a database record. This field is typically used for tracking audit information. | ||||
jdDateUpdated | UPMJ | JDEDATE | OPT | NONE |
The date that specifies the last update to the file record. | ||||
mnTimeLastUpdated | UPMT | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
The time that specifies when the program executed the last update to this record. | ||||
cErrorFlag | EV01 | char | OPT | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. |
None |
None |