Business Function Specification
1.Functional Description
This business function should be used when updates to the employee master are performed in batches (i.e. payroll final update). The main focus is to
improve performance by caching information from tables that are accessed several times for each employee, such as constants. Also the handle to the
history table is cached so that buffered inserts can be performed for all history data across the batch.
1.2Setup Notes and Prerequisites
There are three sub functions for this business function. One is used to start and load the cache, one is for fetching the cache record and the last is for
destroying the cache after it is not needed any more. The cache name must be unique. The onus is on the calling application, UBE or function to
assure that the cache name sent in will be unique across users and batches.
1.3Special Logic
2.Technical Specifications
2.1Parameters: D0800410A
Data Item Data Structure DescriptionI/ORequiredNotes
USRszCacheNameIYesThis is the name of the cache needed for all caching functions.
EV01cErrorFlagONoA 1 will be returned if any errors are encountered during processing.
Parameters: D0800410B
Data Item Data Structure DescriptionI/ORequiredNotes
USRszCacheNameIYesThis is the name of the cache needed for all caching functions.
EV01cErrorFlagONoA 1 will be returned if any errors are encountered during processing.
GENLNGhRequestF08042ONoStores the Handle for the F08042 this table is opened when the cache is created
and closed when cache is destroyed, all using this handle.
XCODcSGItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
XCODcADPNItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
XCODcLCDTItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
XCODcPPNBItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
XCODcPCCDItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
XCODcPYCBItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
XCODcBCBItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
XCODcNRDTItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
XCODcSALNItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
XCODcSALItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
XCODcHRTNItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
XCODcJBCDItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
XCODcJBSTItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
XCODcPHRTItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
XCODcNBDTItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
XCODcBRTNItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
XCODcPBRTItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
XCODcNPDTItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
XCODcPWRNItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
XCODcPPRTItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
XCODcSHFTItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
XCODcUPMJItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
XCODcUSERItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
XCODcPIDItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
XCODcJOBNItemHistoryONoF08041 Value of Y/N If tracked or not
MEOWcUCRCommonSettingONoF05004 Value of 1/0 if yes or no
MEOWcCMPSYNCCommonSettingONoF05004 Value of 1/0 if yes or no
EMPHcEmployeeHistoryONoF08040 Value from table
EH02cEmpHistoryPrompt002ONoF08040 Value from table
EH03cEmpHistoryPrompt003ONoF08040 Value from table
2.2Related Tables
Table Table Description
F08040HR History Constants
F08041Select Data Items for History Tracking
F08042HR History
F05004Common Settings for HR Employee Self Service Programms
2.3Related Business Functions
Source NameFunction Name
'a7Init control structure
'a7Initialize the Cache
'b7Put values in cache data structure
'b7Close F8040 Table
'b7Close F08041 Table
oInitialize the Cache
'a7Init control structure
'a7Initialize the Cache
'a7Close Cursor
D0800410A - Batch Employee Master History Cache
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
szCacheName | USR | char | REQ | INPUT |
This code is a combination of the IBM user ID and the batch number assigned to a prepayroll selection. It is used to prohibit one employee
| ||||
cErrorFlag | EV01 | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. |
N0800146 Get a Specific Employee Self Service Common Setting |
F05004 Common Settings for HR Employee Self Service Programs | ||||
F08040 HR History Constants | ||||
F08041 Select Data Items for History Tracking | ||||
F08042 HR History |