Functional Description
This cache contains records from a gap analysis snapshot. It is then used by the Performance
Appraisal Review application to display a competency based performance appraisal. It also holds the values
entered by the user until the OK button is pressed. At that point, the values stored in the cache are
updated to the database. This cache is also used to auto calculate the employee competency levels
based on the job competency level entered.
Setup Notes and Prerequisites
Special Logic
Technical Specification
The 'Cache Cursor', Data Item 'GENLNG', must be passed the value '0' the first time the cache is
initialized. A value will be passed back that must be stored in a variable. Each time this BSFN is
called the value in that variable must be passed into the BSFN and a new value will be sent back to the
variable. This is the cache handle. If the calling program needs more than one handle on the database
at a time, then more than one GENLNG can be used.
'6' = Get Next Cache Record (using a partial key)
'7' = (Do Not Use)
'8' = End Cache (Cache is deleted and closed)
'9' = Close Cache Cursor
'4' for the Next Number Index.
distinguish between a full or a partial fetch. JobNumberAKey1 must always be part of the key.
The following Indexes are defined:
Index 1: Job Number, Job Competency Code, Rule Number
Index 2: Job Number, Job Competency Code, Option Number, Sort Number, Required Level, Rule Number
Index 3: Job Number, Job Competency Code, Option Number, Competency Type, Competency Code
Index 4: Job Number, Competency Segment ID
Index 5: Job Number, Competency Changed Flag
Index 6: Job Number, Competency Type, Competency Code, Job Competency Code, Rule Number
Index 7: Job Number, Rule Number, Job Competency Code
When adding a record always attempt to get the record first. If no error is returned then the
record already exists and it cannot be added.
D0800213 - Cache Gap Analysis
Job Number - A unique ID for this cache. Ususally retrieved from Get Internal Next Number function or API.
Cache Action Code -
1 = Cache Get
2 = Cahce Add
3 = Cahce Update
4 = Cache Delete
5 = Cache Delete All
6 = Cache Get Next
8 = Cache End
9 = Cache Close Cursor
Cache Cursor - The cursor ID of the current cache record. Used by Get Next to identify the location of the last record
Index ID - The index being used for the current cache action. To add or update a record, Index 1 must be used since
that is the only unique ID.
1 - Job Number, Job Competency Code, Rule Number
2 - Job Number, Job Competency Code, Option Number, Sort Number, Required Level, Rule Number
3 - Job Number, Job Competency Code, Option Number, Competency Type, Competency Code
4 - Job Number, Competency Segment ID
5 - Job Number, Competency Changed Flag
6 - Job Number, Competency Type, Competency Code, Job Competency Code, Rule Number
7 - Job Number, Rule Number, Job Competency Code
Number of Keys - The number of keys in the selected index being used for the current operation. If the value is 1, then
only the first key of the index is being used, if the value is 2, then the first and the second key are being used, and so on.
Suppress Error Message - Enter a 1 if you wish to suppress the cache error messages, otherwise they will be set.
Error Message ID - Returns the error, if any, encountered during processing. If an error is reached during Get Next,
then the end of the selected records has been reached.
Job Competency Code - The JCC for the current gap analysis record.
Option Number - The option number for this record in the gap analysis
Rule Number - the rule within the option for this record in the Gap Analysis.
Summarization Level - The level that the current record is on.
0 = Job Competency Level
1 = Employee Competency Level
Competency Type - The employee competency type being evaluated.
Competency Code - The employee competency code being evaluated.
Required Competency Level - The level expected by the company for the current competency in this job
Competency Level Rule Weight - the weighted value of the current competency.
Competency Level - the evaluated employee competency level at the time the gap analysis snapshot was taken
Employee Self Appraisal Level - the level the employee feels he/she has achieved at the time of the self appraisal
Employee Self Appraisal Level Description - the description, as defined in the levels table, for the employee self
appraisal level.
New Competency Level - Currently, a generic competency level field that can be used for any purpose.
New Competency Level Description - The description, as defined in the level table, of the new competency level.
Performance Appraisal Level - the level the supervisor feels the employee has achieved at the time of the appraisal
Performance Appraisal Level Description - the description, as defined in the levels table, for the performance
appraisal level.
Job Competency Percent Achieved - the percentage of the required level achieved by the employee at the time the
gap analysis snapshot was taken.
Auto Calculate Competency - A flag that signifies if this employee competency value can be automatically calculated
by the software based on a job competency value.
0 - No, auto. calc. is not allowed
1 - Yes, auto. calc. is allowed
Locked flag - a flag that denotes whether an employee competency is locked from automatic calculation or not. The
flag is a 1 if either the competency cannot be updated by the current event based on the competency update event table, or
if the auto. calc. is not allowed.
Sort Number - This number, when part of an index key, will sort the records in the cache in ascending order. You can
set this to any value if you want the records to be sorted in a particular order.
Scale - The scale used by the current employee competency or defaulted for the job competency based on the
performance appraisal scale. This is a return parameter if N0800212 is called.
Competency Segment ID: The segment ID on the text block control for this competency. Leave blank if not using a text
block control to display this information.
Level Segment ID: The segment ID on the text block control where the level is displayed. This is necessary so the level
can be updated on the text block control. If not using a text block to display this information, then leave this parameter
Unique ID 1-6: The unique ID for the Job Competency User Defined Description.
Option Segment ID - The segment on the text block control where the option number for this competency is displayed.
If not using a text control to display this information, leave blank.
Cache Name: Convert the Job number to a string and pass it in this parameter. This is a unique name for the cache in
string form.
Required Level Description: The description associated with the required level for this record.
Current Employee Competency Description: The description associated with the current employee competency level.
Low Level: The acceptable low level for this employee competency.
Low Level Description: The associated description for the low level.
High Level: The acceptable high level for this employee competency.
High Level Description: The associated description for the high level.
Competency Type Description: The associated description for this competency type.
Competency Code Description: The associated description for this competency code.
Competency Changed Flag - Enter a 1 if this record, or the associated media object, has changed. This flag will allow
the cache to be read quickly through only the changed records and save them.
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
mnJobnumberA | JOBS | MATH_NUMERIC | REQ | INPUT |
Job Number - A unique ID for this cache. Ususally retrieved from Get Internal Next Number function or API.
| ||||
szCacheActionCode | CACTN | char | REQ | INPUT |
Cache Action Code -
| ||||
idCacheCursor | GENLNG | ID | REQ | BOTH |
Cache Cursor - The cursor ID of the current cache record. Used by Get Next to
| ||||
Index ID - The index being used for the current cache action. To add or update a record, Index 1 must be used since
| ||||
Number of Keys - The number of keys in the selected index being used for the
| ||||
cSuppressErrorMessage | SUPPS | char | OPT | INPUT |
Suppress Error Message - Enter a 1 if you wish to suppress the cache error messages, otherwise they will be set.
| ||||
szErrorMessageID | DTAI | char | OPT | OUTPUT |
Error Message ID - Returns the error, if any, encountered during processing. If
| ||||
szJobCompetencyCode | JCC | char | OPT | NONE |
Job Competency Code - The JCC for the current gap analysis record.
| ||||
szOptionNumber | COPTN | char | OPT | NONE |
Option Number - The option number for this record in the gap analysis
| ||||
mnRuleNumber | RULEN | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Rule Number - the rule within the option for this record in the Gap Analysis.
| ||||
mnSummarizationLevel | SUMLVL | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Summarization Level - The level that the current record is on.
| ||||
szCompentencyType | CMPE | char | OPT | NONE |
Competency Type - The employee competency type being evaluated.
| ||||
szCompentencyCode | CMPC | char | OPT | NONE |
Competency Code - The employee competency code being evaluated.
| ||||
mnRequiredCompetencyLevel | REQL | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Required Competency Level - The level expected by the company for the current competency in this job
| ||||
mnCompetencyLevelRuleWeight | LVWT | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Competency Level Rule Weight - the weighted value of the current competency.
| ||||
mnCompetencyLevel | CMPV | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Competency Level - the evaluated employee competency level at the time the gap analysis snapshot was taken
| ||||
mnEmployeeSelfAppraisalLevel | SAPL | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Employee Self Appraisal Level - the level the employee feels he/she has achieved at the time of the self appraisal
| ||||
szEmployeeSelfAppraisalLevel | SAPLDS | char | OPT | NONE |
Employee Self Appraisal Level Description - the description, as defined in the levels table, for the employee self
| ||||
mnNewCompetencyLevel | NCMPV | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
New Competency Level - Currently, a generic competency level field that can be used for any purpose.
| ||||
szNewCompetencyLevelDescri | NCMPDS | char | OPT | NONE |
New Competency Level Description - The description, as defined in the level table, of the new competency level.
| ||||
mnPerformanceAppraisalLevel | PAPL | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Performance Appraisal Level - the level the supervisor feels the employee has achieved at the time of the appraisal
| ||||
szPerformanceAppraisalLeve | PAPLDS | char | OPT | NONE |
Performance Appraisal Level Description - the description, as defined in the levels table, for the performance
| ||||
mnJobCompetencyPercentAchi | JCPCTRQD | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Job Competency Percent Achieved - the percentage of the required level achieved by the employee at the time the
| ||||
cAutoCalculateCompetency | ACCOMP | char | OPT | NONE |
Auto Calculate Competency - A flag that signifies if this employee competency value can be automatically calculated
| ||||
cLockedFlag | EV01 | char | OPT | NONE |
Locked flag - a flag that denotes whether an employee competency is locked from automatic calculation or not. The
| ||||
mnSortNumber | MATH01 | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Sort Number - This number, when part of an index key, will sort the records in the cache in ascending order. You can
| ||||
szScale | SCLE | char | OPT | NONE |
Scale - The scale used by the current employee competency or defaulted for the job competency based on the
| ||||
iCompetencySegmentID | INT01 | integer | OPT | NONE |
Competency Segment ID: The segment ID on the text block control for this competency. Leave blank if not using a text
| ||||
iLevelSegmentID | INT01 | integer | OPT | NONE |
Level Segment ID: The segment ID on the text block control where the level is displayed. This is necessary so the level
| ||||
Unique ID 1-6: The unique ID for the Job Competency User Defined Description.
| ||||
Unique ID 1-6: The unique ID for the Job Competency User Defined Description.
| ||||
Unique ID 1-6: The unique ID for the Job Competency User Defined Description.
| ||||
Unique ID 1-6: The unique ID for the Job Competency User Defined Description.
| ||||
Unique ID 1-6: The unique ID for the Job Competency User Defined Description.
| ||||
Unique ID 1-6: The unique ID for the Job Competency User Defined Description.
| ||||
iOptionSegmentID | INT01 | integer | OPT | NONE |
Option Segment ID - The segment on the text block control where the option number for this competency is displayed.
| ||||
szCacheName | PID | char | REQ | INPUT |
Cache Name: Convert the Job number to a string and pass it in this parameter. This is a unique name for the cache in
| ||||
szRequiredCompetencyLevelD | RQDS | char | OPT | NONE |
Required Level Description: The description associated with the required level for this record.
| ||||
szCurrentEmployeeCompetenc_2 | CCMPDS | char | OPT | NONE |
Current Employee Competency Description: The description associated with the current employee competency level.
| ||||
Low Level: The acceptable low level for this employee competency.
| ||||
szLowLevelDescription | LODS | char | OPT | NONE |
Low Level Description: The associated description for the low level.
| ||||
High Level: The acceptable high level for this employee competency.
| ||||
szHighLevelDescription | HIDS | char | OPT | NONE |
High Level Description: The associated description for the high level.
| ||||
szCompetencyTypeDescription | CTDS | char | OPT | NONE |
Competency Type Description: The associated description for this competency type.
| ||||
szCompetencyCodeDescription | CCDS | char | OPT | NONE |
Competency Code Description: The associated description for this competency code.
| ||||
cCompetencyChangedFlag | EV01 | char | OPT | NONE |
Competency Changed Flag - Enter a 1 if this record, or the associated media object, has changed. This flag will allow
None |
None |