Functional Description
The purpose of this Named ER is to calculate flat payroll burden.
Setup Notes
Technical Specifications
Data Item Data Structure DescriptionI/ORequiredTableNotes
EV01 PO 1 Value I
UN Union Code I
AN8 Address Book Number I
MCU Cost Center I
DPA Distributed Pay O
Related Tables
Table Table Description
F069126Union Rates Table
F060116Employee Master
Flat Burden is derived hierarchically as follows:
1. Look first in Unions Rates table (F069126) if the processing option is "U". *** in B73.3
2. Next look in the business unit record that is associated with the labor distribution.
3. Last look in employee master record (F060116).
This edit should be bypassed if any errors have been found previous to this point.
This edit should be bypassed if HSGPA equals zero or if RCCD is not equal to '1' or '2' or if the pay type multiplier was zero ($ZPYM = '1').
An absolute employee override may be specified. An absolute override at the employee level is indicated when the Labor Loading field,
"YALMTH" in the employee master file has a value of "1". If it is, subtract 1 from the Labor Distribution Multiplier (LF) from the Employee Master and place the
result in HSLF. Multiply HSGPA by HSLF and place the result in HSDPA (Distributed Gross Pay).
Skip to the next edit (#37).
If the rate was retrieved from the Union Rates table (SEC$ = 'U' should work), get the associated LMTH from the cache for F069126. If LMTH is '1',
subtract 1 from the associated LF and place the result in HSLF.
If the rate wasn't from the Union Table, check the Business Unit master (F0006). (Note: Since we need to check the LMTH associated with the Labor
Business Unit (MCU), let's store it as well as LF when editing the Business Unit in the Account edit(this could be a cache too) for use here so we
don't have to find it again). If LMTH is '1', subtract 1 from LF and place the result in HSLF.
Multiply HSGPA by HSLF and place the result in HSDPA (Distributed Gross Pay).
For B73.2 only concerned about 2 and 3 above
DPA needs to be written to detail'85F06116
First fetch against F060116 using AN8'85
Return LMTH, LF
If LMTH = 1 stop here
Fetch against F0006 using MCU return LMTH, LF
1. Fetch F060116
D0800011 - Get Tax Area Description
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
idBhvrErrorId | BHVRERRID | ID | NONE | NONE |
A long integer representing an error that has occurred in a behavior. | ||||
szBehaviorEditString | BHVREDTST | char | NONE | NONE |
Character representation of the data in a control on a form. | ||||
szDescription001 | DL01 | char | NONE | NONE |
A user defined name or remark. | ||||
szTaxAreaWork | TARA | char | NONE | NONE |
A code that identifies a geographical location and the tax authorities for an employee work site, including employee and employer statutory
None |
F069016 Payroll Tax Area Profile |