Functional Description
This function is used to load all open invoices that match the specified criteria to an invoice
selection cache.
Setup Notes and Prerequisites
The Invoice Selection Create Cache (B03B0172) function must be called first to create the temporary
cache used to hold any invoice pay items found. Call the Receipts Entry Read Cache (B03B0142) function
in a loop to retrieve each pay item from the temporary cache. Once completed, call the Invoice
Selection Destroy Cache (B03B0172) function to free the memory used by the cache. Other functions in the
B03B0172 family may be used to add, delete, and check for records in the cache.
Special Logic
Technical Specification
Item DescriptionI/OReq?Notes
PYRmnPayorNumberIYAll open invoices for the given payor number will be
loaded to the cache.
ALKYszPayorNumberEditIYIf there is an error on mnPayorNumber, this field
will be set with that error.
CRRMcCurrencyModeIYRequired if currency is on.
CRCDszTransactionCurrencyIYRequired if currency is on and the mode is foreign.
BCRCszBaseCurrencyIYRequired if currency is on.
EV01cEditPayApprovedInvoicesIYIf this parameter is a '1', only invoices at a pay
status of 'A' will be added to the cache.
MATH01mnRecordsSelectedO Total number of invoices that were added to the
Related Tables
F03B11Customer Ledger File
Related Functions
B03B0158Maintain Receipts Entry Cache
Retrieve currency constant.
Validate required parameters.
Open F03B11 table.
Set F03B11 selection using specified criteria.
While a record is found,
Call the Receipts Entry Check Cache (B03B0158) function.
If the invoice is already in the Receipts Entry cache,
Skip record.
Add record to the Invoice Selection cache.
Increment mnRecordsSelected by one.
Repeat until no more records are found.
Close F03B11 table.
D03B0143 - F03B11 Receipts Entry Load Invoices
Item DescriptionI/OReq?Notes
PYRmnPayorNumberIYAll open invoices for the given payor number will be
loaded to the cache.
ALKYszPayorNumberEditIYIf there is an error on mnPayorNumber, this field
will be set with that error.
CRRMcCurrencyModeIYRequired if currency is on.
CRCDszTransactionCurrencyIYRequired if currency is on and the mode is foreign.
BCRCszBaseCurrencyIYRequired if currency is on.
EV01cEditPayApprovedInvoicesIYIf this parameter is a '1', only invoices at a pay
status of 'A' will be added to the cache.
MATH01mnRecordsSelectedO Total number of invoices that were added to the
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
mnPayorNumber | PYR | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
Item ab Descriptionab I/Oab Req?ab Notes
| ||||
szPayorNumberEdit | ALKY | char | NONE | NONE |
Item ab Descriptionab I/Oab Req?ab Notes
| ||||
szCompany | CO | char | NONE | NONE |
Item ab Descriptionab I/Oab Req?ab Notes
| ||||
cCurrencyMode | CRRM | char | NONE | NONE |
Item ab Descriptionab I/Oab Req?ab Notes
| ||||
szTransactionCurrency | CRCD | char | NONE | NONE |
Item ab Descriptionab I/Oab Req?ab Notes
| ||||
szBaseCurrency | BCRC | char | NONE | NONE |
Item ab Descriptionab I/Oab Req?ab Notes
| ||||
cEditPayApprovedInvoices | EV01 | char | NONE | NONE |
Item ab Descriptionab I/Oab Req?ab Notes
| ||||
mnRecordsSelected | MATH01 | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
Item ab Descriptionab I/Oab Req?ab Notes
B03B0158 Maintain Receipts Entry Cache |
F03B11 Customer Ledger |