Functional Description - B03B0033
EditFormGBRErrors Function process the GBR Error space for all set errors and passes back a character
value of what type of errors found. Also can pass back a character value of what type of error has
been set on grid row if grid roww passed in.
Function will pass back:
" "- No errors found in GBR Error
"1"- Hard errors only found in GBR Error
"2"- Warning only errors found in GBR Error
"3"- Warning and Hard errors found in GBR Error
Setup Notes and Prerequisites
Special Logic
Technical Specification
Item DescriptionI/OReq?Notes
EV01 cErrorFlagI/OYesReturns value of what type of errors found
EV02 cRowErrorFlagI/OOptReturn value of what type of error found for grid row
EV03 cHeaderErrorFlagI/OOptReturn value of what type of error found for form
MATH01 mnRowNumberIOptGrid row number to check error for
Related Tables
Related Functions
Reset GBR Error to starting position jdeResetGBRError.
Get first error structure JDEGetNextErrorDDItemNameInfo.
Set While loop until lpErrorStruct not true.
IF lpErrorStruct->iErrLevel EQ ERROR_LEVEL_ERROR set variable cHardError to "1".
lpErrorStruct->iErrLevel contains the data dictionary error level value for the error message
1-Hard error or 2- warning error.
IF lpErrorStruct->iGridRow EQ to 0 set HeaderError
IF lpErrorStruct->iErrLevel EQ ERROR_LEVEL_WARNING
Check lpErrorStruct->iGridRow IF EQ to lpDS->mnRowNumber set RowError
IF lpErrorStruct->iGridRow EQ to 0 set HeaderError
Get next error structure JDEGetNextErrorDDItemNameInfo.
After all GBR Error structures processed setup return variable lpDS->cErrorFlag.
IF cHardError EQ "1" and cWarnError EQ " " set lpDS->cErrorFlag to "1" Hard Errors Only.
IF cWarnError EQ "1" and cHardError EQ " " set lpDS->cErrorFlag to "2" Warning Errors Only.
IF cHardError EQ "1" and cWarnError EQ "1" set lpDS->cErrorFlag to "3" Both Hard and Warning.
After all GBR Error structures processed setup return variable lpDS->cRowErrorFlag and
IF cHardError EQ "1" and cWarnError EQ " " set lpDS->cErrorFlag to "1" Hard Errors Only.
IF cWarnError EQ "1" and cHardError EQ " " set lpDS->cErrorFlag to "2" Warning Errors Only.
IF cHardError EQ "1" and cWarnError EQ "1" set lpDS->cErrorFlag to "3" Both Hard and Warning.
D03B0033 - Return Error Flag If Any GBR Errors Set for Form
Item DescriptionI/OReq?Notes
EV01 cErrorFlagI/OYesReturns value of what type of errors found
EV02 cRowErrorFlagI/OOptReturn value of what type of error found for grid row
EV03 cHeaderErrorFlagI/OOptReturn value of what type of error found for form
MATH01 mnRowNumberIOptGrid row number to check error for
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
cErrorFlag | EV01 | char | NONE | NONE |
Itemab Descriptionab ab ab I/Oab Req?ab Notes
| ||||
cRowErrorFlag | EV02 | char | OPT | NONE |
Itemab Descriptionab ab ab I/Oab Req?ab Notes
| ||||
mnRowNumber | MATH01 | MATH_NUMERIC | OPT | NONE |
Itemab Descriptionab ab ab I/Oab Req?ab Notes
| ||||
cHeaderErrorFlag | EV03 | char | OPT | NONE |
Itemab Descriptionab ab ab I/Oab Req?ab Notes
None |
None |