Functional Description
This will create an 'RE' record in the F0311 when voiding an invoice.
Setup Notes and Prerequisites
Call this function when voiding a posted invoice to create the necessary 'RE' record. Therefore,
the invoice specified by the key values Document Number, Document Type, Key Company, Pay Item and
Matching Document Number should exist in the F0311 and it should be posted.
Special Logic
Technical Specification
DOCmnDocumentNumberIYesInvoice Document Number
DCTszDocumentTypeIYesInvoice Document Type
KCOszDocumentCompanyIYesInvoice Document Company
SFXszPayItemIYesInvoice Pay Item Number
DGJjdGLDateIYesGL Date
EV01cUpdateInvoiceFlagI/OYesUpdate invoice transaction flag. 1 =
update the transaction line as
being voided. (TRTC = V) 0 = Do not update the original
transaction line.
DOCMmnMatchingDocNoIYesMatching Document Number
DCTMszMatchingDocTypeIYesMatching Document Type
TRTCcReceiptTranCodeIYesReceipt Transaction Code (voids).
Related Tables
F0311 A/R Account Ledger
F0010Company Master
Related Functions
X0903F0008 Get Fiscal Year Period Number
B9800100Get Audit Info
Fetch F0311 record based on key values.
Fetch company information for Company 00000.
Get period number, fiscal year and century based upon company field in F0311 and G/L Date passed to
Set the following fields in the F0311 data structure:
G/L Date = G/L Date Parameter
Period Number = returned period number
Fiscal Year = retured fiscal year
Century = returned century
Post Code = blank
Matching Doc Type = "RE"
Pay Status Code = "P"
Remark Field = "Change in Gross Amount"
Units = Units * (-1)
Get Audit Information to return workstation id, update time, etc.
If currency is off, invoice is domestic or Mode 3 processing used
Reverse domestic amount fields
Reverse foreign amount fields
End if
If Gross Amount, Foreign Amount, Taxable Amount or Tax Amount are not equal to 0
Insert new record into database based upon F0311 data structure values
End if
If cUpdateFlag equals 1
Update originally fetched F0311 record with the following values:
Pay Status Code = "P"
Cash Receipt Transaction Code = "V"
Closed Item - As of Processing = blank
End if
D0300004 - Create 'RE' Record - Void
Parameter Name | Data Item | Data Type | Req/Opt | I/O/Both |
mnDocumentNumber | DOC | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
A number that identifies the original document, such as a voucher, invoice, or journal entry. On entry forms, you can assign the document
| ||||
szDocumentType | DCT | char | NONE | NONE |
A user defined code (00/DT) that identifies the origin and purpose of the transaction. PeopleSoft reserves several prefixes for document
| ||||
szDocumentCompany | KCO | char | NONE | NONE |
A number that, with the document number, document type and G/L date, uniquely identifies an original document, such as invoice, voucher,
| ||||
szPayItem | SFX | char | NONE | NONE |
A number that identifies the pay item for a voucher or an invoice. The system assigns the pay item number. If the voucher or invoice has
| ||||
A date that identifies the financial period to which the transaction will be posted. You define financial periods for a date pattern code that you
| ||||
cUpdateInvoiceFlag | EV01 | char | NONE | NONE |
An option that specifies the type of processing for an event. | ||||
mnMatchingDocNo | DOCM | MATH_NUMERIC | NONE | NONE |
The number of the matching document, such as a receipt, payment, adjustment,or credit. You apply a matching document (DOCM) against
| ||||
szMatchingDocType | DCTM | char | NONE | NONE |
Within Auto Bank Statement process, a document type is needed for the following:
1) Document Type is needed for creating Variance
| ||||
cReceiptTranCode | TRTC | char | NONE | NONE |
A code for specific transaction processing in Cash Receipts. A blank TI code will cause the transaction to be bypassed. The following is a
B9800100 Get Audit Information | ||||
X0903 Fiscal Date Edits + |
F0010 Company Constants | ||||
F0311 Accounts Receivable Ledger |